
Submissions from 2022


The effect of technology and regulation on the co-evolution of product and industry architecture, Nicholas Burton and Peter Galvin


Regulatory capital, liquidity creation, bank characteristics and profitability: Evidence from developed and developing countries, Pakeezah Butt


Adoption of smart voice assistants technology among Airbnb guests: A revised self-efficacy-based value adoption model (SVAM), Dongmei Cao, Yan Sun, Edmund Goh, Rachel Wang, and Kate Kuiavska


Australian family businesses: Ready to thrive post COVID-19?, Donella Caspersz, Mare Stevanovski, and Pi-Shen Seet


Multiple volatility real options approach to investment decisions under uncertainty, Atul Chandra, Peter R. Hartley, and Gopalan Nair

Impact of macroeconomic and monetary policy uncertainty shocks on economic growth- an empirical study of Pakistan, Hina Chaudhry


Industry 4.0 applications for sustainable manufacturing: A systematic literature review and a roadmap to sustainable development, Ng Tan Ching, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Parisa Maroufkhani, and Shahla Asadi


Content from confrontation: how the attention economy helps stoke aggression towards retail workers, Nathalie Collins


Who's who: Setting a standard nomenclature using a fan folksonomy, Nathalie Collins, Jeff Volkheimer, and Jamie Murphy


A wolf in sheep’s clothing: Exploring the relationship between leader humility and unethical behavior, K. B. Darren, Kevin B. Lowe, Somayeh Bahmannia, Lin Cui, and Zhen Xiong Chen


The tragic choices during the global health emergency: Comparative economic law reflections, Pierre De Gioia Carabellese and Camilla Della Giustina


Benefits of business conference participation for Australian SME managers: A case study of a belt and road initiative conference, Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta, Tricia Ong, Danny Ng, and Terri Trireksani


COVID-19 announcements and investor reactions on the australian securities exchange, Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta, Terri Trireksani, and Kwadjo Appiagyei


Subjective wellbeing among university students and recent graduates: Evidence from the United Kingdom, William E. Donald and Denise Jackson


Integrated reporting quality and corporate tax avoidance practices in South Africa’s listed companies, Augustine Donkor, Hadrian G. Djajadikerta, Saiyidi Mat Roni, and Terri Trireksani


Information warfare: Methods to counter disinformation, Andrew Dowse and Sascha Dov Bachmann


An Australian approach to space warfare, Andrew Dowse, Duncan Blake, and Emmet O’Sullivan


The imbalance of food and biofuel markets amid Ukraine-Russia crisis: A systems thinking perspective, Zahra Shams Esfandabadi, Meisam Ranjbari, and Simone Domenico Scagnelli


Pro-environmental behaviours in protected areas: A systematic literature review and future research directions, Kourosh Esfandiar, Joanna Pearce, Ross Dowling, and Edmund Goh


How start-up accelerators work to facilitate successful commercialisation: A critical realist perspective, Farzaneh Eslamloo


Eddie Betts’ camp saga highlights a motivational industry rife with weird, harmful ideas, Ben Farr-Wharton


Emergency service workers: The role of policy and management in (re)shaping wellbeing for emergency service workers, Ben Farr-Wharton, Yvonne Brunetto, Aglae Hernandez-Grande, Kerry Brown, and Stephen Teo


The evolution of mining employment during the resource boom and bust cycle in Australia, Nam Foo and Ruhul Salim


Determinants of hotel guests’ pro-environmental behaviour: Past behaviour as moderator, Behzad Foroughi, Nanthini Arjuna, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Kavigtha Mohan Kumar, Ming Lang Tseng, and Nelson Leung


Associations between Instagram addiction, academic performance, social anxiety, depression, and life satisfaction among university students, Behzad Foroughi, Mark D. Griffiths, Mohammad Iranmanesh, and Yashar Salamzadeh


Growing and adapting during continuous change: Building employee resilience in the public sector, Esme Franken, Geoff Plimmer, Sanna Malinen, and Jane Bryson


Qantas, the trying kangaroo: why things won’t get better any time soon, Peter Galvin


Identifying industry 5.0 contributions to sustainable development: A strategy roadmap for delivering sustainability values, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Muhammad Faraz Mubarak, Mobashar Mubarik, Abderahman Rejeb, and Mehrbakhsh Nilashi


Drivers and barriers of Industry 4.0 technology adoption among manufacturing SMEs: A systematic review and transformation roadmap, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Mantas Vilkas, Andrius Grybauskas, and Azlan Amran


A mixed-methods study to determine the impact of COVID-19 on food security, food access and supply in regional Australia for consumers and food supply stakeholders, Stephanie Louise Godrich, Johnny Lo, Katherine Kent, Flavio Macau, and Amanda Devine


Food supply impacts and solutions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic: A regional Australian case study, Stephanie Louise Godrich, Flavio Macau, Katherine Kent, Johnny Lo, and Amanda Devine


Please sort out your rubbish! An integrated structural model approach to examine antecedents of residential households’ waste separation behaviour, Edmund Goh, Kourosh Esfandiar, Ferry Jie, Kerry Brown, and Hadrian Djajadikerta


Thomas Cook(ed): Using Altman's z-score analysis to examine predictors of financial bankruptcy in tourism and hospitality businesses, Edmund Goh, Saiyidi Mat Roni, and Deepa Bannigidadmath


Managing food wastage in hotels: Discrepancies between injunctive and descriptive norms amongst hotel food and beverage managers, Edmund Goh, Bendegul Okumus, Ferry Jie, Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta, and Diena Mutiara Lemy


Lessons from the departed: A planned behavior approach to understand travelers’ actual physician-assisted suicide behavior, Edmund Goh, Jun Wen, and Chung-En Yu


Economic policy uncertainty and industry return predictability – Evidence from the UK, Anna Golab, Deepa Bannigidadmath, Thach Ngoc Pham, and Kannan Thuraisamy


Understanding family firm intentions to use private equity: A theory of planned behaviour perspective, Chris Graves, Pi-Shen Seet, and Anneleen Michiels


Translation and cross-cultural validation of a precision health tool, the Suboptimal Health Status Questionnaire-25, in Korean, Zheng Guo, Ruoyu Meng, Yulu Zheng, Xingang Li, Ziqi Zhou, Leilei Yu, Qian Tang, Ying Zhao, Monique Garcia, Yuxiang Yan, Song Manshu, Lois A. Balmer, Jun Wen, Haifeng Hou, Xuerui Tan, Wei Wang, Suboptimal Health Study Consortium (SHSC), and Global Health Epidemiology Research Group (GHERG)


Proposing an avenue for suboptimal health research through the lens of tourism, Zheng Guo, Jun Wen, Danni Zheng, Zheng Yulu, Haifeng Hou, Wei Wang, and Suboptimal Health Study Consortium (SHSC)

Delving into the diversification and performance relationship: Building a more nuanced understanding through the inclusion of new contextual variables, Kwaku A. Gyan


Related diversification, firm level resources, and firm performance in the context of Australian extractive industry, Kwaku Alex Gyan and Pieter Jan-Bezemer


Cognition, metacognition and attitude to tourism destinations: The impact of emotional arousal and source credibility, Arghavan Hadinejad, Sarah Gardiner, Anna Kralj, Noel Scott, and Brent D. Moyle


Measuring cruise passenger dispersal through technology, Anne Hardy, Oscar Vorobjovas-Pinta, Martha Wells, Louise Grimmer, and Martin Grimmer


Investment efficiency and environmental, social, and governance reporting: Perspective from corporate integration management, Iman Harymawan, Mohammad Nasih, Dian Agustia, Fajar Kristanto Gautama Putra, and Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta


Safe havens in Islamic financial markets: COVID-19 versus GFC, M. Kabir Hassan, Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta, Tonmoy Choudhury, and Muhammad Kamran


Search for safe havens and resilience to global financial volatility: Response of GCC equity indexes to GFC and Covid-19, M. Kabir Hassan, Muhammad Kamran, Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta, and Tonmoy Choudhury


Bullying and ill-treatment: Insights from an Irish public sector workplace, Margaret Hodgins, Duncan Lewis, Lisa Pursell, Victoria Hogan, Sarah MacCurtain, and Patricia Mannix-McNamara


Openness about sexual orientation and exposure to workplace bullying, Helge Hoel, Duncan Lewis, Anna Einarsdottir, and Guy Notelaers


Activating collective agency in disrupted contexts: The social-cognitive context of ad hoc organising in a small and medium-sized enterprise, Marcus Ho and Stephen T. T. Teo


Career satisfaction antecedents of professional accounting returnees in international workplaces: An employee experience perspective, Nga Thi Thuy Ho, Hung Trong Hoang, Pi-Shen Seet, Janice Jones, and Nhat Tan Pham


Social justice or social stigma? Hotel customers’ perception on branded hotel used as quarantine facility, Fu Chieh Hsu, Elizabeth Agyeiwaah, Jing Liu, and Noel Scott


Understanding tourists' perceived food consumption values: Do different cultures share similar food values?, Fu Chieh Hsu, Elizabeth Agyeiwaah, and Noel Scott


Opposite effects of bilateral media freedom on inbound tourism after natural disasters, Li Huang, Weijie Sun, Yang Yang, Songshan Huang, and Yiqi Qiu


Determinants of switching intention in the electricity markets - An integrated structural model approach, Shahid Hussain, Pi-Shen Seet, Maria Ryan, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Helen Cripps, and Abdul Salam


The effects of perceived destination restorative qualities on tourists’ self-identity: A tale of two destinations, Xianyang Hu, Songshan (Sam) Huang, Ganghua Chen, and Feifei Hua


Explaining student loyalty towards using WhatsApp in higher education: An extension of the IS success model, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Nagaletchimee Annamalai, Kavigtha M. Kumar, and Behzad Foroughi


Travellers’ loyalty toward Airbnb: The moderating effect of relative attractiveness of the reward program, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Behzad Foroughi, Robin Nunkoo, and Chan Lin Shan


Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on household food waste behaviour: A systematic review, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Mehrbakhsh Nilashi, Ming Lang Tseng, Madugoda Gunaratnege Senali, and Ghazanfar Ali Abbasi


Applications of disruptive digital technologies in hotel industry: A systematic review, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Mehrbakhsh Nilashi, Ming-Lang Tseng, Elaheh Yadegaridehkordi, and Nelson Leung


Determinants of switching intention from web-based stores to retail apps: Habit as a moderator, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Connie Low Min, Madugoda Gunaratnege Senali, Davoud Nikbin, and Behzad Foroughi


Customer behaviour towards halal food: A systematic review and agenda for future research, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Madugoda Gunaratnege Senali, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Davoud Nikbin, and Ghazanfar Ali Abbasi


Strategies for managing barriers to technology adoption, Denise Jackson, Christina Allen, Grant Michelson, and Rahat Munir


Employability-related activities beyond the curriculum: How participation and impact vary across diverse student cohorts, Denise Jackson and Bonnie Amelia Dean


Transition to work, mismatch and underemployment among graduates: An Australian longitudinal study, Denise Jackson and Ian Li


New technology and desired skills of early career accountants, Denise Jackson, Grant Michelson, and Rahat Munir


Attracting accounting and finance graduate talent – beyond the Big Four, Denise Jackson, Julia Richardson, Grant Michelson, and Rahat Munir


Determining factors in graduate recruitment and preparing students for success, Denise Jackson, Linda Riebe, and Flavio Macau


Employer development of professional capabilities among early career workers and implications for the design of work-based learning, Denise Jackson, Hairong Shan, and Stephanie Meek


Enhancing graduates’ enterprise capabilities through work-integrated learning in co-working spaces, Denise Jackson, Hairong Shan, and Stephanie Meek


Staging mediatized tourism places as imagined playscapes: The crucial role of a tour designer, Kyungjae Jang and Sangkyun Kim


Pandemic prevention via tourism: A conceptual framework, Yangyang Jiang, Jun Wen, Danni Zheng, Ian Phau, and Wei Wang


The career resilience of senior women managers: A cross-cultural perspective, Uma Jogulu and Esmé Franken

Corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and firm performance: The role of country characteristics, Muhammad Kamran


Is Bitcoin a safe haven? Application of FinTech to safeguard Australian stock markets, Muhammad Kamran, Pakeezah Butt, Assim Abdel-Razzaq, and Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta


Carbon management accounting (CMA) practices in Australia’s high carbon-emission industries, Soheil Kazemian, Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta, Terri Trireksani, Kazi Sohag, Zuraidah Mohd Sanusi, and Jamaliah Said


Corporate governance and business performance of hotels in Western Australia: Analysis of market orientation as a mediator, Soheil Kazemian, Hadrian G. Djajadikerta, Terri Trireksani, Zuraidah Mohd-Sanusi, and Md. Mahmudul Alam


“Viewed with suspicion, considered idle and mocked-working caregiving fathers and fatherhood forfeits”, Jasmine Kelland, Duncan Lewis, and Virginia Fisher


“All in one rhythm”: Measuring the national team identification of host residents and event sport tourists at the 2014 FIFA world cup, Anthony K. Kerr and Ashlee Morgan


Common weights analysis of renewable energy efficiency of OECD countries, Reza Kiani Mavi, Neda Kiani Mavi, Reza Farzipoor Saen, and Mark Goh


Innovations in freight transport: A systematic literature evaluation and COVID implications, Reza Kiani Mavi, Neda Kiani Mavi, Doina Olaru, Sharon Biermann, and Sae Chi


Eco-innovation analysis of OECD countries with common weight analysis in data envelopment analysis, Reza Kiani Mavi, Neda Kiani Mavi, Reza F. Saen, and Mark Goh


An integrated model of social impacts and resident’s perceptions: From a film tourism destination, Sangkyun (Sean) Kim and Eerang Park


The slow movements: Informetric mapping of the scholarship and implications for tourism and hospitality, Anton Klarin, Eerang Park, and Sangkyun Kim


Informal learning research in hospitality and tourism: A systematic literature review, Justice K. Kodom-Wiredu, Alan Coetzer, Janice Redmond, and Jalleh Sharafizad


A scientific analysis of the three-step test: Through the lenses of international and Australian laws, Nikos Koutras


The three-step test through the lenses of International and European laws: The Australian perspective, Nikos Koutras and Haydn Rigby


Exploring the implementation of sustainable development goals: A comparison between private and state-owned enterprises in Indonesia, Henry Kuswantoro, Mahfud Sholihin, and Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta


Exploring the selfie and distracted gaze of the tourist experience through the lens of online photo-sharing: Where to from here?, Cindy Lee, Scott Richardson, Edmund Goh, and Rajka Presbury


To what extent should academic freedom allow academics to criticise their universities?, Pnina Levine and Haydn Rigby


Rising to the challenge: Top executives with R&D background, risk-taking and corporate innovation, Huicong Li and Erwei Xiang


Employees' perceptions of chatbots in B2B marketing: Affordances vs. disaffordances, Xiaolin Lin, Bin Shao, and Xuequn (Alex) Wang


Towards a model of social commerce: Improving the effectiveness of e-commerce through leveraging social media tools based on consumers’ dual roles, Xiaolin Lin and Xuequn Wang


Users’ knowledge sharing on social networking sites, Xiaolin Lin, Xun Xu, and Xuequn Wang


How SERU production system improves manufacturing flexibility and firm performance: An empirical study in China, Chang Liu, Zhen Li, Jiafu Tang, Xuequn Wang, and Ming-Jong Yao


Succession: Logan Roy’s hand-picked directors cover up wrongdoing, just like in real life, Jia Liu, Nader Atawnah, and Rashid Zaman


Negotiating interdisciplinary practice under the COVID-19 crisis: Opportunities and challenges for tourism research, Xinyi Liu, Jun Wen, Metin Kozak, Yangyang Jiang, and Zhiyong Li


Protecting privacy on mobile apps: A principal-agent perspective, Zilong Liu, Xuequn (Alex) Wang, Xiaohan Li, and Jun Liu


Corporate social responsibility, green financial system guidelines, and cost of debt financing: Evidence from pollution-intensive industries in China, Yuanhui Li, Rongrong Chen, and Erwei Xiang


Australia’s shortage of diesel additive Adblue is serious, but we can stop it going critical, Flavio Macau


Battered but not broken: how global trade is responding to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Flavio Macau