
Submissions from 2022


Marketing suburban tourism destinations on social media: The case of the City of Joondalup, Western Australia, Oscar Vorobjovas-Pinta and Violetta Wilk


Deformation and stress theory of surrounding rock of shallow circular tunnel based on complex variable function method, Guizhen Wang, Linglong Zhou, Reem Alotaibi, and Roaya Hdeib


How does artificial intelligence create business agility? Evidence from chatbots, Xuequn Wang, Xiaolin Lin, and Bin Shao


Too generous to be fair? Experiments on the interplay of what, when, and how in data breach recovery of the hotel industry, Xuhui Wang, Xuequn (Alex) Wang, Zilong Liu, Wen Chang, Yuansi Hou, and Zhihe Zhao


Chinese outbound tourist behaviour: An international perspective, Jun Wen and Metin Kozak


Beyond sightseeing: How can tourism affect public/global health in modern society?, Jun Wen, Metin Kozak, and Yangyang Jiang


Traditional Chinese medicine as a tourism recovery drawcard to boost China's inbound tourism after COVID-19, Jun Wen, Carol C. Wang, Edmund Goh, Zhaohui Su, and Tianyu Ying


Tourism as a dementia treatment based on positive psychology, Jun Wen, Danni Zheng, Haifeng Hou, Ian Phau, and Wei Wang


Understanding and treating suboptimal health status through tourism engagement: An exploratory study of Chinese domestic tourists, Jun Wen, Danni Zheng, and Ian Phau


Why online groups are parents’ best friends in getting ready for the school year, Violetta Wilk


Online brand detraction in an online opinion platform, Violetta Wilk, Claire Lambert, and Stephanie Meek


Tourism e-commerce live streaming: Identifying and testing a value-based marketing framework from the live streamer perspective, Chaowu Xie, Jun Yu, Songshan (Sam) Huang, and Jiangchi Zhang


The dark side of remote working during pandemics: Examining its effects on work-family conflict and workplace wellbeing, Guang Xu, Xuequn Wang, Xiangyu Han, Songshan (Sam) Huang, and Dou Huang


Narrative information on secondhand products in e-commerce, Jian Xu, Zhe Li, Xuequn Wang, and Chunyu Xia


Explaining customer satisfaction via hotel reviews: A comparison between pre- and post-COVID-19 reviews, Jian Xu, Xuequn Wang, Jing Zhang, Songshan (Sam) Huang, and Xingchen Lu


Developing an extended model of self-congruity to predict Chinese tourists' revisit intentions to New Zealand: The moderating role of gender, Shaohua Yang, Salmi Mohd Mohd Isa, T. Ramayah, Jun Wen, and Edmund Goh


Does government efficiency mitigate the effect of natural disasters on tourist arrivals, Yang Yang, Songshan (Sam) Huang, Wei Li, Fangyu Zhong, and Tian Lan


The competitiveness of Qatari tourism: A comparative and SWOT analysis, Ghialy Yap, Shrabani Saha, and Saif S. Alsowaidi


Perceived constraints to sex tourism overseas: Scale development and validation, Tianyu Ying, Jun Wen, Edmund Goh, and Shaohua Yang


The intersection of the rule in Yerkey v Jones and contemporary anti-discrimination law in Australia – Can the ‘Special Wives’ equity survive?, Kenneth Yin and Mostafa M. Naser


Contagion risk: Cases of Islamic and emerging market banks, Da-Eun Yoon, Tonmoy Choudhury, Anup K. Saha, and Mamunur Rashid


Effect of perceived job risk on organizational conflict in tourism organizations: Examining the roles of employee responsible behavior and employee silence, Jun Yu, Chaowu Xie, and Songshan (Sam) Huang


Do liquid assets lure managers? Evidence from corporate misconduct, Rashid Zaman, Nader Atawnah, Muhammad Nadeem, Stephen Bahadar, and Irfan H. Shakri


Corporate governance meets corporate social responsibility: Mapping the interface, Rashid Zaman, Tanusree Jain, Georges Samara, and Dima Jamali


Corporate social responsibility and how the corporate sector should behave: A case study of New Zealand, Rashid Zaman and Jia Liu


Does corporate social responsibility affect risk spillovers between the carbon emissions trading market and the stock market?, Junru Zhang, Kamrul Hassan, Zhuochen Wu, and Dominic Gasbarro

Understanding new venture entry and continuance among Chinese entrepreneurs, Tenghao Zhang


Viral marketing: Influencer marketing pivots in tourism–a case study of meme influencer instigated travel interest surge, Tenghao (Nick) Zhang and Xinli Huang


An exploratory study of entrepreneurial social networks in the digital age, Fang Zhao, Llandis Barratt-Pugh, Peter Standen, Janice Redmond, and Yuliani Suseno


Why immigrant entrepreneurs are more prone to exit than non-immigrant entrepreneurs?, Fang Zhao, Tenghao Zhang, and Marie France Waxin

Theses from 2021


Enhancing solver motivation in crowdsourcing using work design: The mediating role of the satisfaction of basic psychological needs, Senyo Kwaku Agbeblewu


Accessing the effect of renewables on the wholesale power market, Mohammad Nure Alam


Fake heroism as a mechanism for Mafia Offer A critical realism perspective on the abuse of heroism, Layla Al-Hameed


Uncovering real earnings management: Pay attention to risk-taking behavior, Samar Alharbi, Md Al Mamun, and Nader Atawnah


The application of syllogism as a pedagogical tool in teaching duty of care, Martin Allcock and Ken Yin


A nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) analysis of the FTSE and S&P500 indexes, David E. Allen and Michael McAleer


Flattening the curve in risk management of COVID-19: Do lockdowns work?, David E. Allen and Michael McAleer


Predicting COVID-19 cases and deaths in the USA from tests and state populations?, David E. Allen and Michael McAleer


The dust settled - "Get a Jab", aged care workers!, Cecilia Anthony Das


Vaccination status at work in the context of COVID-19, Cecilia Anthony Das


Can my boss make me get a COVID vaccination? Yes, but it depends on the job, Cecilia Anthony Das and Kenneth Yin


There are 209 Australian kids stranded in India — they have special legal rights we must not ignore, Joshua Aston


Subjective knowledge, perceived risk, and information search when purchasing a franchise: A comparative exploration from Australia, Peter Balsarini, Claire Lambert, Maria M. Ryan, and Martin Maccarthy


Economic news and the cross-section of commodity futures returns, Deepa Bannigidadmath and Paresh K. Narayan


Commodity futures returns and policy uncertainty, Deepa Bannigidadmath and Paresh Kumar Narayan


Do asymmetries in the Indian equity market exist during the COVID-19?, Deepa Bannigidadmath and Philippus Albertus Truter


Hospitality and tourism education in China: An overview, Jigang Bao and Songshan (Sam) Huang


A photo-elicitation study of the meanings of a cultural heritage site experience: A means-end chain approach, Jafar Bapiri, Kourosh Esfandiar, and Siamak Seyfi


A new deal for Uber drivers in UK, but Australia’s ‘gig workers’ must wait, Tom Barratt, Alex Veen, and Caleb Goods


Did somebody say workers’ rights? Three big questions about Menulog’s employment plan, Tom Barratt, Alex Veen, and Caleb Goods


An enabling environment for asset management through public policy: The benefits of standardization and application to the water sector, Tiffany Batac, Kerry Brown, Rita Salgado Brito, Iain Cranston, and Tetsuya Mizutani


Psychosocial influences on psychological distress and turnover intentions in the workplace, Tim A. Bentley, Stephen T. T. Teo, Diep T. N. Nguyen, Kate Blackwood, Bevan Catley, Dianne Gardner, Darryl Forsyth, Kate Bone, David Tappin, Natalia D'Souza, and Zoe Port


State of science: The future of work–ergonomics and human factors contributions to the field, Tim Bentley, Nicola Green, David Tappin, and Roger Haslam


Seeing is not believing: Leader humility, hypocrisy, and their impact on followers' behaviors, Darren K. Bharanitharan, Kevin B. Lowe, Somayeh Bahmannia, Zhen X. Chen, and Lin Cui


Current data protection regulations and case law in Greece: Cash as personal data, lengthy procedures and technologies subjected to courts' interpretations, Georgios Bouchagiar and Nikos Koutras


Geoparks – learnings from Australia, Alan Briggs, Ross Dowling, and David Newsome


The impact of management on NFP and FP social enterprises governed by government contracts and legislation, Yvonne Brunetto, Matthew Xerri, and Ben Farr-Wharton


Front-line management during radical organisational change: Social exchange and paradox interpretations, Bassam Buhusayen, Pi-Shen Seet, and Alan Coetzer


To dine in or not to dine in: A comparison of food selection and preparation behaviours in those with and without food security, Lucy M. Butcher, Therese A. O’Sullivan, Maria M. Ryan, Johnny Lo, Julie Nyanjom, Hugh C. Wilkins, and Amanda Devine


Being agile in market orientation to enhance firm performance: The role of green supply chain management, Pakeezah Butt, Muhammad Kamran, Farman Afzal, and Mohammad M. H. Mukit


Entrepreneurial orientation among arts managers in Western Australia, Alistair J. Campbell and Helen Rusak


Biodiversity disclosure, sustainable development and environmental initiatives: Does board gender diversity matter?, Mariela Carvajal, Muhammad Nadeem, and Rashid Zaman


Network and collaboration research futures, Dan Chamberlain and Ben Farr-Wharton


Examining tourist gaze in a highly controlled destination: A study of Chinese tourists to North Korea, Ganghua Chen, Huimin Shi, Zhenghuan Li, and Songshan (Sam) Huang


Military executives and corporate environmental information disclosure: Evidence from China, Hongtao Chen, Maolin An, Qunwei Wang, Wenjuan Ruan, and Erwei Xiang


Systemic risk contagion within US states, Tonmoy Choudhury and Kevin Daly


Non-traditional systemic risk contagion within the Chinese banking industry, Tonmoy Choudhury, Simone Scagnelli, Jaime L.P. Yong, and Zhaoyong Zhang Prof


Volunteer selection at a major sport event: A strategic human resource management approach, Graham Cuskelly, Liz Fredline, Eunjung Kim, Shane Barry, and Pam Kappelides


Editorial: COVID-19, corporate governance, sustainability, and the post-neoliberal world, Marie dela Rama and Julie Crews


Discrimination and exclusion on grounds of sexual and gender identity: Are LGBT people's voices heard at the workplace?, Donatella Di Marco, Helge Hoel, and Duncan Lewis


The moderating effect of Guanxi on supply chain competencies of logistics firms in China, Ming Juan Ding and Ferry Jie


Forecasting corporate financial distress in the Southeast Asian countries: A market-based approach, Dung V. Dinh, Robert J. Powell, and Duc H. Vo


Australian, Malaysian and Indonesian accounting academics' teaching experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, Hadrian G. Djajadikerta, Terri Trireksani, Tricia Ong, Saiyidi Mat Roni, Soheil Kazemian, Junru Zhang, Abd H. M. Noor, Shafinar Ismail, Mohamad A. N. Ahmad, Zubir Azhar, Amirul S. M. Shahbudin, Agus F. Maradona, Heri Yanto, and Indah F. S. Wahyuningrum


Combined assurance, firm reporting and market consequences: The mediating roles of Board monitoring intensity and integrated reporting quality, Augustine Donkor

Board gender diversity and integrated reporting quality: Evidence from South Africa, Augustine Donkor, Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta, and Saiyidi Mat Roni


Impacts of combined assurance on integrated, sustainability and financial reporting qualities: Evidence from listed companies in South Africa, Augustine Donkor, Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta, and Saiyidi Mat Roni


Cultural regulation of disruptive technologies: Lessons from orthodox religious communities, Tracey Dowdeswell and Nachshon (Sean) Goltz


Book review: Dictionary of geotourism, Ross K. Dowling


Geotourism–a sustainable development option for Namibia, Ross Dowling and Christof Pforr


What a load of rubbish! The efficacy of theory of planned behaviour and norm activation model in predicting visitors’ binning behaviour in national parks, Kourosh Esfandiar, Ross Dowling, Joanna Pearce, and Edmund Goh


AccountAbility’s AA1000AP standard: A framework for integrating sustainability into organisations, Muhammad Bilal Farooq, Rashid Zaman, and Muhammad Nadeem


Examining the extent of and drivers for materiality assessment disclosures in sustainability reports, Muhammad Bilal Farooq, Rashid Zaman, Dania Sarraj, and Fahad Khalid


Austerity, staff inadequacy, and contracting-out social services: How many government inquiries does it take to improve social policy outcomes in aged care?, Ben Farr-Wharton, Yvonne Brunetto, and Matthew Xerri


Comparing the impact of authentic leadership on Italian and UK police officers' discretionary power, well-being and commitment, Benjamin Farr-Wharton, Yvonne Brunetto, Paresh Wankhade, Chiara Saccon, and Matthew Xerri


Paid on par with cleaners: the broader issue affecting the quality of aged care, Ben Farr-Wharton, Matthew Xerri, and Yvonne Brunetto


Employers as educators: The role of work placement supervisors in facilitating the transfer of skills and knowledge, Jenny Fleming, Anna D. Rowe, and Denise Jackson


Forced flexibility and remote working: Opportunities and challenges in the new normal, Esme Franken, Tim Bentley, Azadeh Shafaei, Ben Farr-Wharton, Leigh Ann Onnis, and Maryam Omari


Taking proper sick leave has never been more crucial. So why are people still ‘soldiering on’ at work?, Esme Franken, Diep Nguyen, Stephen Teo, and Tim Bentley


Building people up: Growth-oriented leadership in the public sector, Esme Franken, Geoff Plimmer, Sanna K. Malinen, Jane Bryson, and Evan M. Berman


A bibliometric content analysis of do-it-yourself (DIY) science: Where to from here for management research?, Peter Galvin, Anton Klarin, Richard Nyuur, and Nicholas Burton


Collaboration and opportunism in megaproject alliance contracts: The interplay between governance, trust and culture, Peter Galvin, Stephane Tywoniak, and Janet Sutherland


Oriented to human autonomy Indian ethics, artificial intelligence, and driverless vehicles, Robert Geraci and Nachshon (Sean) Goltz


Industry 4.0 ten years on: A bibliometric and systematic review of concepts, sustainability value drivers, and success determinants, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Masood Fathi, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Parisa Maroufkhani, and Manuel E. Morales


Digital transformation success under Industry 4.0: A strategic guideline for manufacturing SMEs, Morteza Ghobakhloo and Mohammad Iranmanesh


Industry 4.0, innovation, and sustainable development: A systematic review and a roadmap to sustainable innovation, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Andrius Grybauskas, Mantas Vilkas, and Monika Petraitė


Job perceptions of generation z hotel employees towards working in Covid-19 quarantine hotels: The role of meaningful work, Edmund Goh and Tom Baum


Applying the technology acceptance model to understand hospitality management students’ intentions to use electronic discussion boards as a learning tool, Edmund Goh and Jun Wen


'The law of the dog' - emotion and motivation in teaching children about new media, Nachshon Goltz and Tracey Dowdeswell


Supervision in initial teacher education: A scoping review, Madlen Griffiths, Mandie Shean, and Denise Jackson


Tourists’ spatiotemporal behaviors in an emerging wine region: A time-geography perspective, Qiushi Gu, Haiping Zhang, Songshan (Sam) Huang, Fang Zheng, and Chongcheng Chen