Submissions from 2018
Halal risk mitigation in the Australian–Indonesian red meat supply chain, Maman Ujang, Akhmad Mahbubi, and Ferry Jie
Redefining workers in the platform economy: lessons from the Foodora bunfight, Alex Veen, Caleb Goods, and Tom Barratt
Efficiency and risk in sustaining China’s food production and security: Evidence from micro-level panel data analysis of Japonica rice production, Chengjun Wang, Zhaoyong Zhang, and Ximin Fei
Improving logistics performance for one belt one road: a conceptual framework for supply chain risk management in Chinese third-party logistics providers, Michael Wang, Ferry Jie, and Ahmad Abareshi
Logistics capability, supply chain uncertainty and risk, and logistics performance: An Empirical analysis of Australian courier industry, Michael Wang, Ferry Jie, and Ahmad Abareshi
Examining Chinese adult children's motivations for traveling with their parents, Wangfei Wang, Liusu Yi, Mao-Ying Wu, Philip L. Pearce, and Songshan (Sam) Huang
The experiences of human service managers in contexts of change and uncertainty, Lynelle Watts, Michelle Schoder, and David Hodgson
Workforce localization in the UAE: Recruitment and selection challenges and practices in private and public organizations, Marie-France Waxin, Valerie Lindsay, Omar Belkhodja, and Fang Zhao
The influence of national holiday structure on domestic tourism expenditure: Evidence from China, Xiang Wei, Songshan (Sam) Huang, Ghialy Yap, Xinfang Wu, and Ariuna Taivan
Image analysis of periapical radiograph for bone mineral density prediction, Rini Widyaningrum, Sri Lestari, and Ferry Jie
Social interactions among Asian backpackers: Scale development and validation, Hugh C. Wilkins
Terminal illness and tourism: a review of current literature and directions for future research, Gregory B. Willson, Alison McIntosh, Adrian K. Morgan Dr, and Dale L. Sanders
The role of incubators in limiting small business failure, Dianne Wingham and Robyn Morris
Modelling and forecasting stock price movements with serially dependent determinants, Rasika Yatigammana, Shelton Peiris, Richard Gerlach, and David Edmund Allen
Damages for breaches of discrimination law – The contemporary Australian jurisprudence and practice, Kenneth Yin
Neuroplasticity, belief bias and IRAC — Old pedagogy but brand-new tools for first-year legal education?, Kenneth Yin and Jennifer M. Moore
A conceptual model of green HRM adoption towards sustainability in hospitality industry, Yusmani Mohd Yusoff and Mehran Nejati
Determinants of corporate environmental and social disclosures in China: A comparative study within high-profile industries, Junru Zhang, Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta, and Terri Trireksani
Does sustainability engagement affect stock return volatility? Evidence from the Chinese financial market, Junru Zhang, Harian G. Djajadikerta, and Zhaoyong Zhang Prof
A case study of collaborative management approach to common-pool resources management, Fang Zhao, David Mapuru, and Marie-France Waxin
Social networks, cultural orientations and e-government adoption behavior: A Fijian study, Fang Zhao, Suwastika Naidu, Anand Chand, Gurmeet Singh, Aarti Sewak, and Maureen Karan
Institutional forces on Australian halal meat supply chain (AHMSC) operations, Mohd H. Zulfakar, Caroline Chan, and Ferry Jie
Revisiting the tourism-led economic growth hypothesis: The case of China, Bing Zuo and Songshan (Sam) Huang
Submissions from 2017
In defence of Weinrib's and Beever's interpretive theories of negligence, Martin Allcock
Volatility spillover and multivariate volatility impulse response analysis of GFC news events, David E. Allen, Michael McAleer, Robert J. Powell, and Abhay Kumar Singh
Volatility spillovers from Australia's major trading partners across the GFC, David E. Allen, Michael McAleer, Robert J. Powell, and Abhay Kumar Singh
Risk measurement and risk modelling using applications of Vine copulas, David E. Allen, Michael McAleer, and Abhay K. Singh
An entropy-based analysis of the relationship between the DOW JONES Index and the TRNA Sentiment series, David Allen, Michael McAleer, and Abhay Kumar Singh
Importance of acquiring knowledge through feedback in an emerging industry, Abel D. Alonso
Socioeconomic development in the context of Uruguay: a knowledge-based approach, Abel D. Alonso Dr
The significance of organisational learning in a global context: A stakeholder and knowledge-based approach, Abel D. Alonso and Ian P. Austin
The potential for craft brewing tourism development in the United States: A stakeholder view, Abel D. Alonso and Nikolaos Sakellarios
Stakeholders and craft beer tourism development, Abel D. Alonso, Nikolaos Sakellarios, and Alessandro Bressan
Craft beer tourism development “down under”: Perspectives of two stakeholder groups, Abel Duarte Alonso and Nevil Alexander
Relationships between job embeddedness and employees’ life satisfaction, Emmanuel T. Ampofo, Alan J. Coetzer, and Paul Poisat
Quality, determinants and consequences of integrated reporting in South Africa, Kwadjo Appiagyei
Building high caliber VET research capability through more effective higher degree by research supervision, Llandis Barratt-Pugh
Mansplaining Australian cities – we can do something about that, Kerry Brown and Dorothy Wardale
The first-line manager’s role as a facilitator of change and regular work activities during radical organisational change: A social exchange, Sam Buhusayen, Pi-Shen Seet, and Alan Coetzer
Young Asians’ imagination of social distinction, Huong T. Bui and Hugh C. Wilkins
Introduction: Applicant work-readiness and graduate employability challenges in the Asia Pacific, John Burgess, Roslyn Cameron, Subas P. Dhakal, and Kerry Brown
Innovative applications of technology in international transport & logistics, Ian L. Burns and Ferry Jie
Quest for quality: Logistics management in Vietnamese local SME, Vanessa Cao
A conceptual model of entrepreneurial competencies and business success in small and medium enterprises, Vanessa Cao, Pi-Shen Seet, Ferry Jie, and Julie Crews
Guludo beach lodge and the Nema Foundation, Mozambique, Amy Carter-James and Ross Dowling
Understanding Chinese vacationers’ perceived destination restorative qualities: cross-cultural validation of the perceived destination restorative qualities scale, Ganghua Chen, Songshan (Sam) Huang, and Dandan Zhang
Feeling positive and productive: Role of supervisor-worker relationship in predicting construction workers' performance in the Philippines, Ying-Yi Chih, Kohya Kiazad, David Cheng, and Jennifer Lajom
Distinctive characteristics of small businesses as sites for informal learning, Alan Coetzer
The job embeddedness-turnover relationship: Effects of organisation size and work group cohesion, Alan Coetzer, Chutarat Inma, and Paul Poisat
Challenges in addressing professional competence expectations in human resource management courses, Alan Coetzer, Maria M. Ryan, Pattanee Susomrith, and Yuliani Suseno
The Cambodian experience: exploring university students’ perspectives for online learning, Julie Crews and Jenni M. Parker
Grey Nomads’ caravanning use of social networking sites, Thomas Darley, Claire Lambert, and Maria M. Ryan
Distance to default, Viet Dung Dinh
Revitalizing Ban Kaset Puttana village through community-based tourism, Sairoong Dinkoksung and Mehran Nejati
Cross-equity linkages between China and the U.S.: An application of GARCH-M-GED, Ahn Do, Robert Powell, Abhay Singh, and Jaime Yong
A story of the red lantern, Anh Do
Using critical realism and reflexivity to explain broadband non-adoption in rural Australia, Philip Dobson and Paul Jackson
Geotourism destinations - Visitor impacts and site management considerations, Ross K. Dowling and David Newsome
Cruising in Asia, with a focus on China, Ross Dowling and Iris Mao
Geotourismus in Australien und Neuseeland, Ross Dowling and Christof Pforr
The world of cruising, Ross Dowling and Clare Weeden
An exploration of Cava wineries: a resource-based approach, Alonso Duarte
Innovation and entrepreneurial orientation: The case of a global family wine firm, Alonso Duarte
Exploring a developing tourism industry: A resource-based view approach, Alonso A. Duarte
Entrepreneurial intentions in an emerging industry: An exploratory study, Abel Duarte Alonso and Nevil Alexander
Stakeholders' perceived gains and obstacles of cruise ship tourism development: The case of La Palma Island, Abel Duarte Alonso and Nevil Alexander
'Every brew is a challenge and every glass of a good beer is an achievement': Home brewing and serious leisure, Abel Duarte Alonso, Nevil Alexander, and Seamus O'Brien
Complexity, change and the restaurant business: A case study from Montevideo, Uruguay, Abel Duarte Alonso and Sebastian Mariani
Local stakeholders, role and tourism development, Abel Duarte Alonso and Julie Nyanjom
Family firms’ management decision to export/not to export: A resource-based view, Abel Duarte Alonso and Seamus O'Brien
Exploring innovation perceptions and practices among micro and small craft breweries: A three-country study, Alonso Duarte, Alessandro Bressan, and Nikolaos Sakellarios
Understanding pro-environmental behaviours of National Park visitors, Kourosh Esfandiar
How start-up accelerators facilitate innovation, Farzaneh Eslamloo
Organizational learning for innovation in an Australian hospital, Agung Fahrudi, Denise Gengatharen, and Yuli Suseno
Managing organisational learning ambidexterity in a resource-constrained environment: An exploratory study of Australian large service organisations, Agung N. Fahrudi, Denise E. Gengatharen PhD, and Yuliani Suseno
Workplace bullying, workplace relationships and job outcomes for police officers in Australia, Ben Farr-Wharton, Kate Shacklock, Yvonne Brunetto, Stephen T. Teo, and Rod Farr-Wharton
Crafting collaboration: Conflict resolution and community engagement in the hangzhou arts and crafts Museum cluster, Yi Fu, Sangkyun Kim, and Ruohan Mao
The influence of face on Chinese tourists’ gift purchase behaviour: The moderating role of the gift giver–receiver relationship, Hailian Gao, Songshan (Sam) Huang, and Graham Brown
Organisational strategies to manage workplace bullying, Dianne H. Gardner, Tim Bentley, Bevan Catley, Helena D. Cooper-Thomas, Michael P. O'Driscoll, Maree Roche, Stephen T. Teo, and Linda D. Trenberth
Millennials’ attitudes toward IT consumerization in the workplace, Heiko Gewald, Xuequn Wang, Andy Weeger, Mahesh R. Raisinghani, Gerald Grant, Otavio Sanchez, and Siddhi Pittayachawan
The generation Z workforce in hospitality, Edmund Goh and Cindy Lee
The nexus between sustainable practices in hotels and future gen Y hospitality students’ career path decisions, Edmund Goh, Birgit Muskat, and Adrian H. Tan
Marketing private hotel management schools in Australia, Edmund Goh, Sandy Nguyen, and Rob Law
Uncertainty and risk premium, Anna Golab and Anna Zamojska
Roaring Dragon Hotel: A second attempt at modernization, Stephen J. Grainger
Chapter 8 - Internationalization through investor, advisory board, and accountant networks: An exploratory study of Australian SMEs, C.R. Graves and Pi-Shen Seet
Mindfulness as a personal resource to reduce work stress in the job demands-resources model, Steven L. Grover, Stephen T. Teo, David Pick, and Maree Roche
Wine tourism involvement: A segmentation of Chinese tourists, Qiushi Gu, Hanqin Qiu Zhang, Brian King, and Songshan (Sam) Huang
E-service quality management of a hotel website: A scale and implications for management, Song-Ee Hahn, Beverley Sparks, Hugh Wilkins, and Xin Jin
Implementation of particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm for estimating parameter of arma model via maximum likelihood method, Samingun Handoyo, Achmad Efendi, Ferry Jie, and Agus Widodo
The perceived personal characteristics of entrepreneurial leaders [journal article], Ling He, Peter Standen, and Alan Coetzer
Design and construction of color sensor based optical sorting machine, Timothy M. Henry, Laurence ., Ishak ., and Ferry Jie
Modelling financial risk: Essays in asset pricing and stress testing, Sarah Hirst
Does news matter in China's foreign exchange market? Chinese RMB volatility and public information arrivals, Kin-Yip Ho, Yanlin Shi, and Zhaoyong Zhang
The development and validation of a two-staged adoption model of RFID technology in livestock businesses, Mohammad A. Hossain, Craig Standing, and Caroline Chan
Role of social media in handling a crisis situation: A case study of Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), Shahid Hussain, Marie Ryan, Helen Cripps, and Claire Lambert
Developing pre-professional identity in undergraduates through work-integrated learning, Denise Jackson
Exploring the challenges experienced by international students during work-integrated learning in Australia, Denise Jackson
The impact of work-integrated learning on career planning among business students, Denise Jackson