
Submissions from 2018


Cathecting with your AR15: The transcendent experience, Martin MacCarthy and Stephanie Meek

Cash to cashless payment bandwagon: cultural influence (Cross-country study between Australia, China and Sri Lanka), Senali Madugoda Gunaratnege, Maria Ryan, Helen Cripps, and Susan Meek


Exchange rate economics is always and everywhere controversial, Meher Manzur


Employee retention in manufacturing SMEs in Indonesia: The applicability of job embeddedness theory, Fanny Martdianty


Muslim and non-muslim perceptions on Halal Meat Logistics (HML), I. Masudin, F. W. Fernanda, Ferry Jie, H. Djajadikerta, and Widayat


The effect of respond to request ability on quantity order for deterministic model of perishable item: case study of Indonesian sugarcane industry, Ilyas Masudin, Dina Noviana, and Ferry Jie


The role of relationships in start-up development, Jan Mattsson, Helge Helmersson, and Craig Standing


Residents’ perceptions towards cruise tourism development: the case of Esperance, Western Australia, Robyn McCaughey, Iris Mao, and Ross Kingston Dowling


Social capital: An influence on critical to success factors in online brand communities, Stephanie Meek, Claire Lambert, Maria M. Ryan, and Madeleine Ogilvie


Children’s perceptions of the importance and value of reading, Margaret K. Merga and Saiyidi Mat Roni


Parents as social influences encouraging book reading: Research directions for librarians’ literacy advocacy, Margaret K. Merga and Saiyidi Mat Roni


Characteristics, preferences and motivation of avid non-fiction readers, Margaret Kristin Merga and Saiyidi Mat Roni


Supply chain agility information systems with key factors for fashion industry competitiveness, Mustafid, Sarrah Ade Karimariza, and Ferry Jie

Building resilient communities in Bangladesh through migration as adaptation: Legal and policy perspectives in the context of environmental migration, Mostafa Nasar


The discord between international and Australian approaches to pesticide regulation and the precautionary principle, Mostafa Nasar, Toby Nesbit, and Tanzim Afroz


A hybrid approach to achieve organizational agility: An empirical study of a food company, Majid Nejatian, Mohammad H. Zarei, Mehran Nejati, and Seyed M. Zanjirchi


On the offensive: why Virgin Australia gets called a publicity hound, Mehran Nejati


Leading by example: the influence of ethical supervision on students’ prosocial behavior, Mehran Nejati and Azadeh Shafaei


Constitutional impediments to the cooperative framework for pesticide regulation in Western Australia, Toby Nesbit


Moving from confusion to cohesion: An analysis of the legislative framework of wetland conservation in Western Australia, Toby Nesbit, Vic Semeniuk, Chris Semeniuk, and Margaret Brocx


Conclusions: Thinking about the future, David Newsome and Ross Kingston Dowling


Geotourism and geoheritage, David Newsome and Ross Kingston Dowling


The impact of vocational education and training programs on recidivism : a systematic review of current experimental evidence, Danielle Newton, Andrew Day, Margaret Giles, Joanne Wodak, Joe Graffam, and Eileen Baldry


How do national employment policies influence Human Resource practices? A comparative study of the Integrated Resort and Hotel Industry in Macau and Singapore, Poh Chong Danny Ng


HR orientations and HR department effectiveness in Vietnam, Diep T. N. Nguyen and Stephen T. Teo


Cynicism about change, work engagement, and job satisfaction of Public Sector Nurses, Diep T. N. Nguyen, Stephen T. Teo, and David Pick


Respect, bullying, and public sector work outcomes in Vietnam, Diep T. N. Nguyen, Stephen T.T. Teo, Steven L. Grover, and Nguyen P. Nguyen


Population based estimate of road traffic injuries incidence in Yaounde, Cameroon using the capture-recapture methodology, R. Niditanchou, P. Palamara, and Janis Jansz


Impact of varying hydrocolloid proportions on encapsulation of ascorbic acid by spray drying, Addison Nizori, Lan T. T. Bui, Ferry Jie, and Darryl M. Small


Role modelling and its impact on the self-development of academics, Julie Nyanjom


Towards inclusive tourism? Stakeholder collaboration in the development of accessible tourism, Julie Nyanjom, Kathy Boxall, and Janine Slaven


Using traditional rituals in hospitality to gain value: A study on the impact of Feng Shui, Madeleine Ogilvie, Danny Ng, David Xiang, Maria M. Ryan, and Jaime L.P. Yong


Security and safety: An internal customer perspective, Alfred Ogle


Sensual Quasi-Q-Sort (SQQS): Enriching qualitative hospitality and tourism research via the human senses, Alfred Ogle


Are we China ready? A study of Western Australian hotels and Chinese tourists’ appetites, Alfred Ogle, David Lamb, and Stephen Fanning


Geotourism and cultural heritage, Kerran Olson and Ross Dowling


Regional or global shock? A global VAR analysis of Asian economic and financial integration, Sheue L. Ong and Kiyotaka Sato


Corporate social responsibility: Innovative reporting reflecting practice and performance, Tricia Ong and Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta


The dark side of high performance human resource practices in the visitor economy, Stephen J. Page, Tim Bentley, Stephen T. Teo, and Adele Ladkin


Investigating systematic review for multi-disciplinary research in the built environment, Subhadarsini Parida and Kerry Brown


Are we doing enough for visual research in tourism? The past, present, and future of tourism studies using photographic images, Eerang Park and Sangkyun (Sean) Kim


Examining the connection of wine tourism to wine export in china: The case of Margaret river, Joanna Pearce, Songshan (Sam) Huang, John Crotts, and Qiushi Gu


Western Australia July to December 2017, Harry C.J Phillips and Liz Kerr


Sexism and the city: how urban planning has failed women, Dorina Pojani, Dorothy Wardale, and Kerry Brown


Do nonparametric measures of extreme equity risk change the parametric ordinal ranking? Evidence from Asia, Robert J. Powell, Duc H. Vo., and Thach N. Pham


Economic cycles and downside commodities risk, Robert J. Powell, Duc H. Vo, and Thach N. Pham


Captured At The Scene: A proposal for the admissibility of visually recorded scene statements from domestic violence complainants in Western Australia, Benjamin Procopis


The continuance intention of user’s engagement in multiplayer video games based on uses and gratifications theory, Ira Puspitasari, Elzha Odie Syahputra, Indra Kharisma Raharjana, and Ferry Jie


Credit constraints and firm market entry decision: Firm-level evidence from internationalizing Chinese multinationals, Jianhong Qi, Zhaoyong Zhang, and Hui Liu


RMB exchange rates and volatility spillover across financial markets in China and Japan, Fengming Qin, Junru Zhang, and Zhaoyong Zhang


Hyperlink network analysis of a tourism destination, Hossein Raisi, Rodolfo Baggio, Llandis Barratt-Pugh, and Gregory Willson


Exploring systemic problems in IS adoption using critical systems heuristics, Syed Arshad Raza, Atiq W. Sidduqui, and Craig Standing


Entrepreneurial behaviour and startups: The case of Germany and the USA, Nancy Richter, Paul Jackson, and Thomas Schildhauer


Entrepreneurial innovation and leadership: Preparing for a digital future, Nancy Richter, Paul Jackson, and Thomas Schildhauer


Meeting the innovation challenge: Agile processes for established organisations, Nancy Richter, Paul Jackson, and Thomas Schildhauer


Outsourcing creativity: An abductive study of open innovation using corporate accelerators, Nancy Richter, Paul Jackson, and Thomas Schildhauer


Radical innovation using corporate accelerators: A program approach, Nancy Richter, Paul Jackson, and Thomas Schildhauer


Lending to private firms: Evidence from China on the role of firm openness and bribery, Wenjuan Ruan, David Xiang, and Shiguang Ma


Ready made garment industry: Comparative FDI attracting policy analysis for Bangladesh and Vietnam, M. Shibley Sadique, Cecilia Anthony Das, and Krishna Prasad


Social justice for sex trafficked females and sex workers in Jordan, Nora Tawfiq Samoudi (Dekaidek)


An investigation into competency requirements of operations managers in third-party logistics (3pl) firms: a case of Indonesia, Khresna Bayu Sangka, Shams Rahman, and Ferry Jie


International use of the renminbi for invoice currency and exchange risk management: Evidence from the Japanese firm-level data, Kiyotaka Sato and Junko Shimizu


Survival drivers of post-incubated start-ups: The effect of academic governance, Simone Scagnelli, Lorenzo Vasile, and Mico Apostolov


The fourth industrial revolution: the implications of technological disruption for Australian VET, Pi-Shen Seet, Janice Jones, John Spoehr, and Ann-Louise Hordacre


Beyond ‘know-what’ and ‘know-how’ to ‘know-who’: enhancing human capital with social capital in an Australian start-up accelerator, Pi-Shen Seet, Janice T. Jones, Lloyd Oppelaar, and Graciela Corral De Zubielqui


Bibliometric analysis of the term 'green manufacturing', Ira Setyaningsih, Nurul Indarti, and Ferry Jie


Sustaining benefits of higher education internationalisation through cross-cultural adaptation, Azadeh Shafaei, Nordin Abd Razak, and Hazri Jamil


Stuck in a bottleneck: the careers of female academics at Australian universities, Fleur Sharafizad, Kerry Brown, Uma Jogulu, and Maryam Omari


Informal learning of women small business owners, Jalleh Sharafizad


A currency basket and future exchange rate arrangements in Asia, Junko Shimizu and Kiyotaka Sato


Sentiment analysis for financial news headlines using machine learning algorithm, Shuhaida M. Shuhidan, Saidatul R. Hamidi, Soheil Kazemian, Shamila M. Shuhidan, and Maizatul A. Ismail


‘I think it adds value, but I don’t use it’: use, perceptions and attitudes of outdoor exercise equipment in an urban public park, Ruth Sibson, Pascal Scherrer, and Maria M. Ryan


The use of social media in supporting the development of open organizations for innovation, Craig Standing, John Mingers, and Susan Standing


The implications of the sharing economy for transport, Craig Standing, Susan Standing, and Sharon Biermann


Coming to terms with knowledge management in telehealth, Craig Standing, Susan Standing, Raj Gururajan, Richard G. Fulford, and Denise E. Gengatharen PhD


The paradoxes of telehealth: A review of the literature 2000-2015, Craig Standing, Susan Standing, Marie-Louise McDermott, Raj Gururajan, and Reza Kiani Mavi


Sustainable long-distance trail management: International perspectives, Kerstin Stender, Dale L. Sanders, and Ross Kingston Dowling


Behavioural intention of taxi-hailing online app users, Usep Suhud, Setyo Ferry Wibowo, Afif Khairi, and Greg Willson


The image of India as a Travel Destination and the attitude of viewers towards Indian TV Dramas, Usep Suhud and Gregory B. Willson


How does destination social responsibility contribute to environmentally responsible behaviour? A destination resident perspective, Lujun Su, Songshan (Sam) Huang, and Joanna Pearce


Disruptive innovation and the creation of social capital in Indonesia’s urban communities, Yuliani Suseno


The role of human capital, psychological capital, social capital and leadership capital in building an athlete's global brand image, Yuliani Suseno and Denise E. Gengatharen PhD


Assessing value creation in digital innovation ecosystems: A Social Media Analytics approach, Yuliani Suseno, Christofer Laurell, and Nathalie Sick

The proximity triad model of shared social identity in the sharing economy, Yuliani Suseno and Doan T. Nguyen


Future orientation and foreign entry mode choice in the internationalization of professional service firms, Yuliani Suseno and Ashly H. Pinnington


The significance of human capital and social capital: professional–client relationships in the Asia Pacific, Yuliani Suseno and Ashly H. Pinnington

The war for talent: Human capital challenges for professional service firms [book chapter], Yuliani Suseno and Ashly H. Pinnington


Social capital in service-oriented firms: future directions, Yuliani Suseno and Chris Rowley


Taking stock of social capital research: its application in service-oriented firms, Yuliani Suseno and Chris Rowley


National innovation performance: The role of human capital and social capital, Yuliani Suseno, Craig Standing, Reza Kiani Mavi, and Paul Jackson


Stock split announcement and return volatility: Evidence from Malaysia, S. Amir Tabibian and Zhaoyong Zhang


The impact of total quality management and supply chain integration on firm performance of container shipping companies in Singapore, Vinh Thai and Ferry Jie


Factors hindering the intention of tourists to visit film tourism locations: the case of the Korean tv drama descendants of the sun (DOTS), Aaron Tham and Sangkyun Kim

Analysis of approaches to the relationship between risk and bank diversification, Tran Thuan Nguyen, Robert Powell, Anna Golab, and Deepa Bannigidadmath


Managing the re‐entry process of returnee government scholars in an emerging transition economy–an embeddedness perspective, Nga Thi Thuy Ho and Pi-Shen Seet


Conceptualising challenging experiences and post-travel culture involvement, Daria Tikhonova, Sangkyun (Sean) Kim, and Gareth Butler


Effects of uncertainty avoidance and high/low context cultural dimensions on online booking behaviour of international tourists: A cross-cultural study of Japanese and Australian tourists, Haruka Toki


State of leisure studies in Australia and New Zealand, John Trevor, Richard McGrath, Ruth Sibson, Daryl Adair, Nadia Bevan, Graham Brown, Carmel Foley, Simone Fullagar, Lyndal Gray, Clayton Hawkins, Ruth Jeanes, Roslyn Kerr, Kate Martin, Hazel Maxwell, Katie McDonald, Nicole Peel, Arianne Reis, Trisha Xing, Rachel Yerbury, and Jo Ann Zimmerman


Perceived importance of corporate sustainability disclosure: Evidence from China, Terri Trireksani, Hadrian Geri Djajadikerta, and Junru Zhang


Macroeconomic forecasting with mixed data sampling frequencies: Evidence from a small open economy, Albert K. Tsui, Cheng Y. Xu, and Zhaoyong Zhang Prof