Submissions from 2022
Barriers and facilitators to exercise among adult cancer survivors in Singapore, Alexandre Chan, Kayleen Ports, Patricia Neo, Mothi Babu Ramalingam, Ang Tee Lim, Benedict Tan, Nicolas H. Hart, Raymond J. Chan, and Kiley Loh
Outcomes of cancer survivorship education and training for primary care providers: A systematic review, Raymond J. Chan, Oluwaseyifunmi Andi Agbejule, Patsy M. Yates, Jon Emery, Michael Jefford, Bogda Koczwara, Nicolas H. Hart, Megan Crichton, and Larissa Nekhlyudov
Communication surrounding initiation and withdrawal of non-invasive ventilation in adults with motor neurone disease, Charlotte Chapman, Sara Bayes, and Moira Sim
A roadmap of strategies to support cardiovascular researchers: From policy to practice, Niamh Chapman, Emma E. Thomas, Joanne T.M. Tan, Sally C. Inglis, Jason H.Y. Wu, Rachel E. Climie, Dean S. Picone, Lauren C. Blekkenhorst, Steven G. Wise, Katrina M. Mirabito Colafella, Anna C. Calkin, and Francine Z. Marques
Association between dietary niacin and retinal nerve fibre layer thickness in healthy eyes of different ages, Jason Charng, Abdus Samad Ansari, Nicola P. Bondonno, Michael L. Hunter, Therese A. O'Sullivan, Panayiotis Louca, Chris J. Hammond, and David A. Mackey
Diagnostic and prognostic plasma biomarkers for preclinical Alzheimer's disease, Pratishtha Chatterjee, Steve Pedrini, Nicholas J. Ashton, Michelle Tegg, Kathryn Goozee, Abhay K. Singh, Thomas K. Karikari, Joel Simrén, Eugeen Vanmechelen, Nicola J. Armstrong, Eugene Hone, Prita R. Asih, Kevin Taddei, Vincent Doré, Victor L. Villemagne, Hamid R. Sohrabi, Henrik Zetterberg, Colin L. Masters, Kaj Blennow, and Ralph N. Martins
Baseline indices of iron load predict severity of arthropathy in C282Y homozygous HFE haemochromatosis, James J. Chen, Graeme J. Carroll, William Breidahl, and John K. Olynyk
Changes in insulin sensitivity and lipid profile markers following initial and secondary bouts of multiple eccentric exercises, Trevor C. Chen, Min Jyue Huang, Leonardo C. R. Lima, Tai Ying Chou, Hung Hao Wang, Jui Hung Tu, Shi Che Lin, and Kazunori Nosaka
Bloodmeal analysis of urban Western Australian mosquito species for improved public health outcomes, Cameron Chisholm
The types of physical activities children with visual impairment participate in and the reasons why, Talitha Clements, Jodie Cochrane Wilkie, and Janet Richmond
Should I take a gift? As borders open, how to prepare for reuniting with your grandkids, David Coall and Shantha Karthigesu
Linkage study of surveillance and hospital admission data to investigate Clostridium difficile infection in hospital patients in Perth, Western Australia, Deirdre A. Collins, Stephen Marcella, Michael Campbell, and Thomas V. Riley
Ridinilazole: A novel, narrow-spectrum antimicrobial agent targeting Clostridium (Clostridioides) difficile, Deirdre A. Collins and Thomas V. Riley
Assessing the causal effects of adipokines on uric acid and gout: A two-sample mendelian randomization study, Ruyi Cong, Xiaoyu Zhang, Zihong Song, Shanshan Chen, Guanhua Liu, Yizhi Liu, Xiuyu Pang, Fang Dong, Weijia Xing, Youxin Wang, and Xizhu Xu
Within session exercise sequencing during programming for complex training: Historical perspectives, terminology, and training considerations, Patrick Cormier, Tomás T. Freitas, Irineu Loturco, Anthony Turner, Adam Virgile, G. Gregory Haff, Anthony J. Blazevich, Dana Agar-Newman, Molly Henneberry, Daniel G. Baker, Michael McGuigan, Pedro E. Alcaraz, and Chris Bishop
Applying the 4Ps of social marketing to retain and engage participants in longitudinal cohort studies: Generation 2 Raine study participant perspectives, Leesa Costello, Julie Dare, Manon Dontje, Claire Lambert, and Leon Straker
Derivation of a prototype asthma attack risk scale centred on blood eosinophils and exhaled nitric oxide, Simon Couillard, Annette Laugerud, Maisha Jabeen, Sanjay Ramakrishnan, James Melhorn, Timothy Hinks, and Ian Pavord
A proposed framework to describe movement variability within sporting tasks: A scoping review, Jake Cowin, Sophia Nimphius, James Fell, Peter Culhane, and Matthew Schmidt
The current state of subjective training load monitoring: Follow-up and future directions, Joseph O. C. Coyne, Aaron J. Coutts, Robert U. Newton, and Gregory G. Haff
Non-pharmacological self-management strategies for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in people with advanced cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Megan Crichton, Patsy M. Yates, Oluwaseyifunmi Andi Agbejule, Amy Spooner, Raymond J. Chan, and Nicolas H. Hart
Exercise as an adjunct therapy in melanoma patients undergoing checkpoint inhibitor therapy, Brendan Crosby
Combination fixed-dose β agonist and steroid inhaler as required for adults or children with mild asthma: A Cochrane systematic review, Iain Crossingham, Sally Turner, Sanjay Ramakrishnan, Anastasia Fries, Matthew Gowell, Farhat Yasmin, Rebekah Richardson, Philip Webb, Emily O'Boyle, and Timothy S. C. Hinks
Creating a novel approach to discourse treatment through coproduction with people with aphasia and speech and language therapists, M. Cruice, S. Aujla, J. Bannister, N. Botting, M. Boyle, N. Charles, V. Dhaliwal, S. Grobler, Deborah Hersh, J. Marshall, S. Morris, M. Pritchard, L. Scarth, R. Talbot, and L. Dipper
Association of abdominal aortic calcification with peripheral quantitative computed tomography bone measures in older women: The Perth longitudinal study of ageing women, Jack Dalla Via, Marc Sim, John T. Schousboe, Douglas P. Kiel, Kun Zhu, Jonathan M. Hodgson, Abadi K. Gebre, Robin M. Daly, Richard L. Prince, and Joshua R. Lewis
Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 viral loads in stool samples and nasopharyngeal swabs from COVID-19 patients in the United Arab Emirates, Mariane Daou, Hussein Kannout, Mariam Khalili, Mohamed Almarei, Mohamed Alhashami, Zainab Alhalwachi, Fatima Alshamsi, Mohammad Tahseen Al Bataineh, Mohd Azzam Kayasseh, Abdulmajeed Al Khajeh, Shadi W. Hasan, Guan Kwang Tay, Samuel F. Feng, Dymitr Ruta, Ahmed F. Yousef, Habiba S. Alsafar, and UAE COVID-19 Collaborative Partnership
Understanding engagement in digital mental health and well-being programs for women in the perinatal period: Systematic review without meta-analysis, Jacqueline A. Davis, Jeneva L. Ohan, Lisa Y. Gibson, Susan L. Prescott, and Amy L. Finlay-Jones
Feasibility, psychosocial effects, influence, and perception of elastic band resistance balance training in older adults, Nichola M. Davis, Andy Pringle, Anthony D. Kay, Anthony J. Blazevich, Danielle Teskey, Mark A. Faghy, and Minas A. Mina
Is tissue still the issue? The promise of liquid biopsy in uveal melanoma, Daniël P. de Bruyn, Aaron B. Beasley, Robert M. Verdijk, Natasha M. van Poppelen, Dion Paridaens, Ronald O.B. de Keizer, Nicole C. Naus, Elin S. Gray, Annelies de Klein, Erwin Brosens, and Emine Kiliç
Exploring the influences of gender diversity in global healthcare organisations, Kylie de Klerk
Novel amylin analogues reduce amyloid-β cross-seeding aggregation and neurotoxicity, Gowdame Lakshmanan Dharmaraj, Fraulein Denise Arigo, Kimberly A. Young, Ralph Martins, Ricardo L. Mancera, and Prashant Bharadwaj
Cerebrospinal fluid neurofilament light predicts risk of dementia onset in cognitively healthy iIndividuals and rate of cognitive decline in mild cognitive impairment: A prospective longitudinal study, Kunal Dhiman, Victor L. Villemagne, Christopher Fowler, Pierrick Bourgeat, Qiao Xin Li, Steven Collins, Ashley I. Bush, Christopher C. Rowe, Colin L. Masters, David Ames, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Ralph N. Martins, and Veer Gupta
Cerebrospinal fluid levels of fatty acid–binding protein 3 are associated with likelihood of amyloidopathy in cognitively healthy individuals, Kunal Dhiman, Victor L. Villemagne, Christopher Fowler, Pierrick Bourgeat, Qiao-Xin Li, Steven Collins, Christopher C. Rowe, Colin L. Masters, David Ames, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Ralph N. Martins, and Veer Gupta
A retrospective analysis of workplace incidents data among Environmental Health Officers (EHOS) collected from 73 local governments, Garry Dine, Sue Reed, and Jacques Oosthuizen
An umbrella review of aphasia intervention description in research: The AsPIRE project, L. T. Dipper, S. Franklin, V. de Aguiar, A. Baumgaertner, M. Brady, W. Best, S. Bruehl, G. Denes, E. Godecke, M. Gil, C. Kirmess, M. Markey, C. Meinzer, M. Mendez Orellana, M. Norvik, F. Nouwens, M. L. Rose, M. van de Sandt, A. Whitworth, and E. G. Visch-Brink
Characterising running economy and change of direction economy between soccer players of different playing positions, levels and sex, Filippo Dolci, Andrew Kilding, Tania Spiteri, Paola Chivers, Ben Piggott, Andrew Maiorana, and Nicolas H. Hart
Consecutive dosing of UVB irradiation induces loss of ABCB5 expression and activation of EMT and fibrosis proteins in limbal epithelial cells similar to pterygium epithelium, M. Domdey, M. A. Kluth, C. Maßlo, C. Ganss, Markus H. Frank, N. Y. Frank, M. T. Coroneo, C. Cursiefen, and M. Notara
Plasma p217+tau versus NAV4694 amyloid and MK6240 tau PET across the Alzheimer's continuum, Vincent Doré, James D. Doecke, Ziad S. Saad, Gallen Triana-Baltzer, Randy Slemmon, Natasha Krishnadas, Pierrick Bourgeat, Kun Huang, Samantha Burnham, Christopher Fowler, Stephanie R. Rainey-Smith, Ashley I. Bush, Larry Ward, Jo Robertson, Ralph N. Martins, Colin L. Masters, Victor L. Villemagne, Jurgen Fripp, Hartmuth C. Kolb, and Christopher C. Rowe
Biomechanical effects of a 6-week change of direction speed and technique modification intervention: Implications for change of direction side step performance, Thomas Dos'Santos, Christopher Thomas, Paul Comfort, and Paul A. Jones
Wellbeing and nature connectedness for emerging adult undergraduates after a short expedition: A small pilot study, Michael J.A. Down, Paola Chivers, Prudence Kirsch, and Duncan Picknoll
Proprioception and performance in surfing, Rebecca Dowse
Ankle proprioception in male and female surfers and the implications of motor experience and lower-body strength, Rebecca A. Dowse, Josh L. Secomb, Michaela Bruton, Joanna Parsonage, Brendon Ferrier, Gordon Waddington, and Sophia Nimphius
Resistant starch as a dietary intervention to limit the progression of diabetic kidney disease, Anna M. Drake, Melinda T. Coughlan, Claus T. Christophersen, and Matthew Snelson
Staff and volunteers' perceptions of a communication enhanced environment model in an acute/slow stream rehabilitation and a rehabilitation hospital ward: A qualitative description study within a before-and-after pilot study, Sarah D’Souza, Natalie Ciccone, Deborah J. Hersh, Heidi Janssen, Elizabeth Armstrong, and Erin Godecke
Investigation of the implementation of a communication enhanced environment model on an acute/slow stream rehabilitation and a rehabilitation ward: A before-and-after pilot study, Sarah D’Souza, Erin Godecke, Natalie Ciccone, Deborah J. Hersh, Elizabeth Armstrong, Claire Tucak, and Heidi Janssen
Patients’ experiences of a communication enhanced environment model on an acute/slow stream rehabilitation and a rehabilitation ward following stroke: A qualitative description approach, Sarah D'Souza, Deborah J. Hersh, Erin Godecke, Natalie Ciccone, Heidi Janssen, and Elizabeth Armstrong
Athlete experiences of communication strategies in applied sports nutrition and future considerations for mobile app supportive solutions, David Mark Dunne, Carmen Lefevre-Lewis, Brian Cunniffe, Samuel George Impey, David Tod, Graeme Leonard Close, James P. Morton, and Rebecca Murphy
The effect of fatiguing lower-body exercise on punch forces in highly-trained boxers, Emily C. Dunn, Clare E. Humberstone, Emerson Franchini, Fiona K. Iredale, and Anthony J. Blazevich
Relationships between punch impact force and upper- and lower-body muscular strength and power in highly trained amateur boxers, Emily C. Dunn, Clare E. Humberstone, Emerson Franchini, K. Fiona Iredale, and Anthony Blazevich
Shorter CWR cycling tests as proxies for longer tests in highly trained cyclists [dataset], Chantelle du Plessis, Mark Andrews, Lachlan J.G. Mitchell, Jodie Cochrane Wilkie, Trish King, and Anthony J. Blazevich
Shorter constant work rate cycling tests as proxies for longer tests in highly trained cyclists, Chantelle du Plessis, Mark Andrews, Lachlan J. G. Mitchell, Jodie Cochrane Wilkie, Trish King, and Anthony J. Blazevich
Application of multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) and low pass whole genome sequencing (LP-WGS) to the classification / characterisation of low grade glioneuronal tumours, Jason Dyke, Leslie Calapre, Aaron Beasley, Elin Gray, Richard Allcock, and Jacqueline Bentel
Exercise in preventing falls for men with prostate cancer: A modelled cost-utility analysis, Kim Edmunds, Paul Scuffham, Robert U. Newton, Daniel A. Galvão, and Haitham Tuffaha
Walking improvement in chronic incomplete spinal cord injury with exoskeleton robotic training (WISE): A randomized controlled trial, Dylan J. Edwards, Gail Forrest, Mar Cortes, Margaret M. Weightman, Cristina Sadowsky, Shuo-Hsiu Chang, Kimberly Furman, Amy Bialek, Sara Prokup, John Carlow, Leslie VanHiel, Laura Kemp, Darrell Musick, Marc Campo, and Arun Jayaraman
Reliability and Minimal Detectable Change of Sprint Times and Force-Velocity-Power Characteristics, Toby Edwards, Harry G. Banyard, Benjamin Piggott, Gregory G. Haff, and Christopher Joyce
PIVOT-12: a phase III study of adjuvant bempegaldesleukin plus nivolumab in resected stage III/IV melanoma at high risk for recurrence, Alexander Mm Eggermont, Paolo A. Ascierto, Nikhil I. Khushalani, Dirk Schadendorf, Genevieve Boland, Jeffrey Weber, Karl D. Lewis, Daniel Johnson, Gareth Rivalland, Adnan Khattak, Margarita Majem, Helen Gogas, Georgina V. Long, Sue L. Currie, David Chien, Mary A. Tagliaferri, Matteo S. Carlino, and Adi Diab
Identification and evaluation of tools utilised for measuring food provision in childcare centres and primary schools: A systematic review, Audrey Elford, Cherice Gwee, Maliney Veal, Rati Jani, Ros Sambell, Shabnam Kashef, and Penelope Love
Developing person-centred goal setting resources with and for people with aphasia: A multi-phase qualitative study, Amanda Elston, Rebecca Barnden, Deborah Hersh, Erin Godecke, Dominique A. Cadilhac, Natasha A. Lannin, Ian Kneebone, and Nadine E. Andrew
Psychedelic forum member preferences for carer experience and consumption behavior: Can “Trip Sitters” help inform psychedelic harm reduction services?, Liam B. Engel, Sascha B. Thal, and Stephen J. Bright
Living clinical guidelines for stroke: Updates, challenges and opportunities, Coralie English, Kelvin Hill, Dominique A. Cadilhac, Maree L. Hackett, Natasha A. Lannin, Sandy Middleton, Annemarei Ranta, Nigel P. Stocks, Julie Davey, Steven G. Faux, Erin Godecke, and Bruce C. V. Campbell
Cerebrospinal fluid neurofilament light chain differentiates primary psychiatric disorders from rapidly progressive, Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal disorders in clinical settings, Dhamidhu Eratne, Samantha M. Loi, Qiao-Xin Li, Christiane Stehmann, Charles B. Malpas, Alexander Santillo, Shorena Janelidze, Claire Cadwallader, Nirbaanjot Walia, Blair Ney, Victoria Lewis, Matteo Senesi, Christopher Fowler, Amelia McGlade, Shiji Varghese, Parsa Ravanfar, Wendy Kelso, Sarah Farrand, Michael Keem, Matthew Kang, Anita M. Y. Goh, Kunal Dhiman, Veer Gupta, Rosie Watson, Nawaf Yassi, Cath Kaylor-Hughes, Richard Kanaan, Piero Perucca, Hannah Dobson, Lucy Vivash, Rashida Ali, Terence J. O'Brien, Oskar Hansson, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Mark Walterfang, Colin L. Masters, Samuel F. Berkovic, Steven Collins, Dennis Velakoulis, and The MiND Study Group
Study protocol: Investigating the feasibility of a hybrid delivery of home-based cluster set resistance training for individuals previously treated for lung cancer, C. M. Fairman, O. L. Owens, Kristina L. Kendall, J. Steele, Christopher Latella, M. T. Jones, L. Marcotte, Carolyn M. J. Peddle-McIntyre, and K. K. McDonnell
When should corticosteroids be used for COVID-19 infection?, Charles Feldman and Grant Waterer
Effects of vest and sled resisted sprint training on sprint performance in young soccer players: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Luis Miguel Fernández-Galván, Arturo Casado, Amador García-Ramos, and Guy Gregory Haff
Prevalence of toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis in an Australian adult population: A community-based study, Lisia B. Ferreira, João M. Furtado, Jason Charng, Maria Franchina, Janet M. Matthews, Aus A. L. Molan, Michael Hunter, David A. Mackey, and Justine R. Smith
The association between an energy-adjusted dietary inflammatory index and inflammation in rural and urban Black South Africans, Maylene Ferreira, H. Toinét Cronjé, Tertia Van Zyl, Nicola P. Bondonno, and Marlien Pieters
The effect of acute intermittent hypoxia on human limb motoneurone output, Harrison T. Finn, Oliver Bogdanovski, Anna L. Hudson, Euan J. McCaughey, Matthew R. Crawford, Janet L. Taylor, Jane E. Butler, and Simon C. Gandevia
Ipsilateral and contralateral hemidiaphragm dynamics in symptomatic pleural effusion: The 2nd PLeural Effusion And Symptom Evaluation (PLEASE-2) Study, Deirdre B. Fitzgerald, Sanjeevan Muruganandan, Carolyn J. Peddle-McIntyre, Y. C. Gary Lee, and Bhajan Singh
Australasian Malignant PLeural Effusion (AMPLE)-3 trial: Study protocol for a multi-centre randomised study comparing indwelling pleural catheter (±talc pleurodesis) versus video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for management of malignant pleural effusion, Deirdre B. Fitzgerald, Calvin Sidhu, Charley Budgeon, Ai Ling Tan, Catherine A. Read, Benjamin C.H. Kwan, Nicola Ann Smith, Edward T. Fysh, Sanjeevan Muruganandan, Tajalli Saghaie, Ranjan Shrestha, Arash Badiei, Phan Nguyen, Andrew Burke, John Goddard, Morgan Windsor, Julie McDonald, Gavin Wright, Kasia Czarnecka, Parthipan Sivakumar, Kazuhiro Yasufuku, David J. Feller-Kopman, Nick A. Maskell, Kevin Murray, and Y. C. Gary Lee
Steroid therapy and outcome of parapneumonic pleural effusions (STOPPE): A pilot randomized clinical trial, Deirdre B. Fitzgerald, Grant W. Waterer, Charley Budgeon, Ranjan Shrestha, Edward T. Fysh, Sanjeevan Muruganandan, Christopher Stanley, Tajalli Saghaie, Arash Badiei, Calvin Sidhu, Hilman Harryanto, Victor Duong, Maree Azzopardi, David Manners, Norris S. H. Lan, Natalia D. Popowicz, Carolyn J. Peddle-McIntyre, Najib M. Rahman, Catherine A. Read, Ai Ling Tan, Seng Khee Gan, Kevin Murray, and Gary Y. C. Lee
Heat and sun related medical concerns in Australian led outdoor activities: A three-year prospective study, Lauren V. Fortington, Natassia Goode, Caroline F. Finch, and Paul M. Salmon
Plasma p-tau181/Aβ1-42 ratio predicts Aβ-PET status and correlates with CSF-p-tau181/Aβ1-42 and future cognitive decline, Christopher J. Fowler, Erik Stoops, Stephanie R. Rainey-Smith, Eugeen Vanmechelen, Jeroen Vanbrabant, Nele Dewit, Kimberley Mauroo, Paul Maruff, Christopher C. Rowe, Jurgen Fripp, Qiao-Xin Li, Pierrick Bourgeat, Steven J. Collins, Ralph N. Martins, Colin L. Masters, and James D. Doecke
Reflections from the peer-supported writing and wellbeing program, write smarter feel better, Caitlin Fox-Harding, Melanie Carew, and Karra Harrington
Difficulties recruiting voluntary participation in exercise for mental health: A Western Australian perspective, Caitlin Fox-Harding, Tegan Richards, Eimear Quigley, and Joanne Dickson
Case analysis of sprint interval training for adolescents with severe mental illness, Caitlin Fox-Harding, Jean Starling, and Stephen Cobley
Cancer survivorship care and general practice: A qualitative study of roles of general practice team members in Australia, Jennifer Fox, Carla Thamm, Geoff Mitchell, Jon Emery, Joel Rhee, Nicolas H. Hart, Patsy Yates, Michael Jefford, Bogda Koczwara, Elizabeth Halcomb, Raylene Steinhardt, Roslyn O’Reilly, and Raymond J. Chan
The effect of self-paced exercise intensity and cardiorespiratory fitness on frontal grey matter volume in cognitively normal older adults: A randomised controlled trial, Natalie J. Frost, Michael Weinborn, Gilles E. Gignac, Ying Xia, Vincent Doré, Stephanie R. Rainey-Smith, Shaun Markovic, Nicole Gordon, Hamid R. Sohrabi, Simon M. Laws, Ralph N. Martins, Jeremiah J. Peiffer, and Belinda M. Brown
Feasibility and acceptability of a remotely delivered, home-based, pragmatic resistance ‘exercise snacking’ intervention in community-dwelling older adults: A pilot randomised controlled trial, Jackson J. Fyfe, Jack Dalla Via, Paul Jansons, David Scott, and Robin M. Daly
Is the precipitation of anxiety symptoms associated with bolus doses of flumazenil a barrier to its use at low continuous doses in benzodiazepine withdrawal?, Alexander Gallo, Tim MacDonald, Kellie Bennett, Gioiamia Basso-Hulse, and Gary Hulse
Long-term management of generalised anxiety disorder with low-dose continuous infusions of flumazenil: A case series, Alexander T. Gallo, Stephen Addis, Vlad Martyn, Hishani Ramanathan, Grace K. Wilkerson, Sean D. Hood, Hans Stampfer, and Gary K. Hulse
A theory of the anxiolytic action of flumazenil in anxiety disorders, Alexander T. Gallo and Gary K. Hulse
Exercise intervention and sexual function in advanced prostate cancer: A randomised controlled trial, Daniel A. Galvão, Dennis R. Taaffe, Suzanne K. Chambers, Ciaran M. Fairman, Nigel Spry, David Joseph, and Robert U. Newton
Weight loss for overweight and obese patients with prostate cancer: A study protocol of a randomised trial comparing clinic-based versus telehealth delivered exercise and nutrition intervention (the TelEX trial), Daniel A. Galvão, Dennis R. Taaffe, Dickon Hayne, Pedro Lopez, Philippa Lyons-Wall, Colin I. Tang, Suzanne K. Chambers, Amanda Devine, Nigel Spry, Emily Jeffery, Christine Kudiarasu, David Joseph, and Robert U. Newton
Pathogenic potential of respirable spodumene cleavage fragments following application of regulatory counting criteria for asbestiform fibres, Melinda Gardner, Martyn Cross, Sue Reed, Maggie Davidson, Rick Hughes, and Jacques Oosthuizen
Calcaneal quantitative ultrasound is associated with all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality independent of hip bone mineral density, Abadi K. Gebre, R.L. Prince, J.T. Schousboe, D.P. Kiel, P.L. Thompson, K. Zhu, W.H. Lim, Marc Sim, and Joshua R. Lewis
Medulloblastoma: New animal models, preclinical drug testing, and characterising immune infiltrates, Courtney M. George
Identifying key elements to assess patient’s acceptability of neurorehabilitation in stroke survivors–a Delphi method, Manonita Ghosh, Kaoru Nosaka, Lisa Whitehead, and Kazunori Nosaka
Location-specific cutaneous electrical stimulation of the footsole modulates corticospinal excitability to the plantarflexors and dorsiflexors during standing, Gagan Gill, Davis A. Forman, Joanna E. Reeves, Janet L. Taylor, and Leah R. Bent
Treatment fidelity monitoring, reporting and findings in a complex aphasia intervention trial: A substudy of the very early rehabilitation in SpEech (VERSE) trial, Erin Godecke, Emily Brogan, Natalie Ciccone, Miranda L. Rose, Elizabeth Armstrong, Anne Whitworth, Fiona Ellery, Audrey Holland, Sandy Middleton, Tapan Rai, Graeme J. Hankey, Dominique Cadilhac, and Julie Bernhardt
A mixed-methods study to determine the impact of COVID-19 on food security, food access and supply in regional Australia for consumers and food supply stakeholders, Stephanie Louise Godrich, Johnny Lo, Katherine Kent, Flavio Macau, and Amanda Devine
Food supply impacts and solutions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic: A regional Australian case study, Stephanie Louise Godrich, Flavio Macau, Katherine Kent, Johnny Lo, and Amanda Devine
Global positioning system activity profile in male para footballers with cerebral palsy: Does training meet the match-play intensity in a three-day national tournament?, Alvin M. Goh, Fadi Ma'Ayah, Craig A. Harms, Robert U. Newton, and Eric J. Drinkwater
A new portable device to reliably measure maximal strength and rate of force development of hip adduction and abduction, Basílio A. M. Gonçalves, Ricardo N. O. Mesquita, Francisco Tavares, João Brito, Paulo Correia, Paulo Santos, and Pedro Mil-Homens
The quality of life of regional and remote cancer caregivers in Australia, Belinda C. Goodwin, Fiona Crawford-Williams, Michael Ireland, Sonja March, Suzanne K. Chambers, Joanne F. Aitken, and Jeff Dunn
ICON 2020—international scientific tendinopathy symposium consensus: A systematic review of outcome measures reported in clinical trials of achilles tendinopathy, Karin Grävare Silbernagel, Peter Malliaras, Robert-Jan de Vos, Shawn Hanlon, Mitchel Molenaar, Håkan Alfredson, Inge van den Akker-Scheek, Jarrod Antflick, Mathijs van Ark, Kenneth Färnqvist, Zubair Haleem, Jean-Francois Kaux, Paul Kirwan, Bhavesh Kumar, Trevor Lewis, Adrian Mallows, Lorenzo Masci, Dylan Morrissey, Myles Murphy, Richard Newsham-West, Richard Norris, Seth O’Neill, Koen Peers, Igor Sancho, Kayla Seymore, Patrick Vallance, Arco van der Vlist, and Bill Vicenzino
Tox and detox: Are teens' smartphone use and non-use practices fully fungible?, Lelia Green, Debra Dudek, Lynne Cohen, Kjartan Ólafsson, Elisabeth Staksrud, Carmen Louise Jacques, and Kelly Jaunzems
Translation and cross-cultural validation of a precision health tool, the Suboptimal Health Status Questionnaire-25, in Korean, Zheng Guo, Ruoyu Meng, Yulu Zheng, Xingang Li, Ziqi Zhou, Leilei Yu, Qian Tang, Ying Zhao, Monique Garcia, Yuxiang Yan, Song Manshu, Lois A. Balmer, Jun Wen, Haifeng Hou, Xuerui Tan, Wei Wang, Suboptimal Health Study Consortium (SHSC), and Global Health Epidemiology Research Group (GHERG)
The reliability and magnitude of time-dependent force-time characteristics during the isometric midthigh pull are affected by both testing protocol and analysis choices, Stuart N. Guppy, Yosuke Kotani, Claire J. Brady, Shannon Connolly, Paul Comfort, and Gregory G. Haff
The agreement between a portable contact-mat and force-plates during bilateral vertical jumps, Stuart N. Guppy, Yosuke Kotani, Jason Lake, Christopher Latella, Jodie Cochrane Wilkie, Kristina Kendall, and G. Gregory Haff
Anti-Müllerian hormone concentration is associated with central adiposity and reproductive hormones in expectant fathers, Narelle C. Hadlow, Suzanne J. Brown, Ee Mun Lim, David Prentice, Simone Pettigrew, Sophie L. Cronin, Susan L. Prescott, Desiree Silva, and Bu B. Yeap
Periodization and programming for individual sports, G. Gregory Haff