Theses from 1992
Market Efficiency Test Of Australian Options Market Using Put Call Parity Analysis, Eng Kiang Peter Lee
The educational aspirations of upper primary non english speaking background students in a mainstream government school, Shirley Lienert
Remote area nursing in Western Australia: An examination of a conceptual model for practice, Anne Magee
Teachers' concerns about implementing environmental education through their classroom programmes, Karen Malone
Fitness levels of children from seven to twelve years at a government primary school in Western Australia, Susan McCarrey
Student perceptions of the transition from year 10 to year 11, Tim McDonald
Strategies used by beginning class III and IV rural school principals in dealing with problems encountered in the initial stages of their appointments, Gail Marguerite McLay
Robbery under arms and power relations in Rolf Boldrewood's colonial Australia, Kevin James McLean
How do Aboriginal students account for their lack of academic success in W.A. secondary schools, Jeffrey Jon McQuade
Consumer attitudes toward the advertising of professional services by accountants, lawyers, and physicians, in Perth, Western Australia: An exploratory study, Damien W. Millen
Secondary non-art teachers' perceptions of characteristics of an effective art teacher, Christine M. Morton-Lo
The Role and the Experiences of the Sports Team Captain, Michelle Nelson
The Effect of Word Processing on the Revising/Editing Strategies of Primary ESL Writers, L. John Oliver
Costing Employee Absenteeism at Three Local Organisations, Justin Ponton
Tied to tradition: The silenced rage of the African woman in selected novels of Buchi Emechata, Marie Giselle Martine Raphael
Spelling in the secondary school: A review of the current situation, Joan Rodrigues
The systematic interest rate risk of the returns on Australian bank shares, Michael Shanahan
Postmodernist writings, realist readings: Peter Carey's Bliss and The Tax Inspector, Antonio Jose dos Santos Simoes da Silva
Leveraged Buyouts, Kurt J. Smith
The marketing orientation of the West Australian wine industry, Michael J. Stansby
Determinants of a firm's approach to accounting for goodwill, Christine E. Taylor
The impact of dramatic improvisational strategies on the oral comprehension skills of children with a low socio-economic background, Heather A. Timms
The use of self blood glucose monitoring and its relationship to effective management for people with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, Maureen Unsworth
A gender analysis of teacher feedback in coeducational secondary physical education lessons, Paul R. Watson
Prose fiction preferences of lower secondary urban Aboriginal boys, Stephen James White
Application of expert system techniques for award implementation, Seng-Choon Yeoh
Theses from 1991
The improvement of the teaching of informational writing: A study of six teachers, Lisbeth Berridge
A case study to investigate the use of computers across a school population, Janine Bersan
Do nurses write nursing diagnoses correctly?, Graeme Neil Boardley
What do primary students know about light?: An investigation into misconceptions held by year 7 students in Western Australia, Christine Ann Coulstock
Prophylatic cord care: Is it necessary?, Karen Coyle
Student perceptions in a Social Studies classroom, Maria Darby
The effect of expository writing as a pre-reading activity on comprehension of expository text, W. B. Day
The effectiveness of salt baths in post partum perineal healing, Patricia Dey
Characteristics that determine the holding power of computer-based exhibits at Scitech Discovery Centre, Victoria Dodds
The perceived effects of a performance management programme on the professional knowledge attitudes and behaviour of temporary teachers at a metropolitan high school, Shiralee Jayne Donaldson
Deconstructing Alice's 'Wonderlands': The non-sense of nonsense?, Beverley Farr
Parents' understanding of discharge advice, Susan Howard
Nursing health assessment: A meta-analysis, J. E. Jarvis
The effect of outlines, headings and summaries on the recall of informational text, John S. Latham
Doubling, splitting and fragmentation in Bleak House, Mary Cleopatra Lloyd Da Silva
New graduates' self-perceived preparedness to begin practice as registered nurses, Vicci Lodge
The effect of prolonged cycling at the conconi-predicted anaerobic threshold on blood lactate concentrations, Michael John Newton
Current practices and continuity of programmes in recorder tuition in selected north east metropolitan schools, B. J. Pascoe
Victorian ideology and the discourse of gender in Thomas Hardy's The Woodlanders and the Return Of The Native, Juliana Payne
An examination and analysis of the Boltzmann machine, its mean field theory approximation, and learning algorithm, Vincent Clive Phillips
Nurses' attitudes to the nursing process, Glenda M. Prideaux
Three Denerations of DBMS, Maria Skiba
Evaluation of a Patient Education Program for Patients with Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes (Type II), Helen M. Walker
An ethnohistorical study of the Swan-Canning Fishery in Western Australia, 1697-1837, Paul R. Weaver
The use and acceptability of lupin seed and sprout as a food ingredient, Pam Yates
Challenging Victorian ideologies of gender: The problems of contradiction in Oliver Schreiner's The story of an African farm, Chantal Nicolette Young
Theses from 1990
Umbilical cord separation time in infants, Helen Bailey
The effects of internalising a narrative text structure on the comprehension and recall of narrative texts, Julie M. Bayly
Computer-aided drafting/design in technical drawing in W.A. secondary schools, Edmund V. Beagley
Evaluating the effectiveness of the retelling with the aid of a story-map procedure with weaker readers, Madeleine Boekeman
The use and acceptability of lupin seed and sprout as a food ingredient, Suzanne Dagnia
The nonparticipation of year 10 female students in coeducational physical education in a metropolitan senior high school, Lisa Fardell
The role of the media in determining fashion in Perth: A study in cultural ambiguity, Kerry Giles
Creativity in Aboriginal students and the implications for language teaching, Raeme Goves-Jacka
The relationship between diet and exercise and the occurrence of headaches in adolescents aged 12 to 15 years, Paula Hahnel
Selecting content for an introductory training course in industrial relations, Helen Handmer
Base-line equivalence in three paired groups prior to the implementation of primary nursing, Julien Harris
The effect of a vee-mapping strategy on students' perceptions of laboratory activities, Sonia J. Hueppauff
Nurses' use of universal precautions, Robin G.S. Jackson
The influence of prior knowledge of expository text structure on comprehension in young children, Zenda Johnson
Optimal axillary thermometer placement time for recording neonatal temperature, Athalie Johnston
The role of computer algebra systems in mathematics teaching at upper secondary school, Wendy Johnstone
Effect of ice therapy on post partum perineal pain and wound condition, Sheila Klimczyk
Personal practice of and beliefs about breast self examination in students of nursing, Charles Lancaster
Adventure outdoor education and physical self-concept: The effects of adventure percieved activities, David Lawson
An investigation into some of the processes and strategies underlying the receptive behaviour of the interlanguage speaker, Kaye Malcolm
The process of smoking acquisition among girls and boys (year 8) at Balga Senior High School, Sharon McBride
The effect of shift length on the number of needlestick injuries in an acute private hospital, J. McMahon
Digital image processing using mathematical morphology, Andrew Mehnert
The post-discharge medication compliance of elderly medical patients: Incidence and influencing factors, Donna L. Mitchell
An investigation into the interaction of children using a computer-based adventure game, Jeffrey Mountjoy
Advocate or adversary: The declining membership of young people in unions, Dave Palmer
A study on the integration of existing community transport resources within the boundaries of the City of Stirling, Thremy Richard
An evaluation of the Kangaroo Creek Gang drug education package, Andrew Thompson
Clinically practising nurses' perceptions of professionalism, Diane E. Twigg
Who's speaking to whom?: The formation of the Multicultural Radio and Television Association of Western Australia, Natasha D. Vukelja
A pilot study to improve academic learning time in physical education, Robert Walker
Casualties of war and the politics of representation in Vietnam, Samantha Walsh
An investigation of the use of verbalization to improve representational drawing performance, Patricia Waters
Secondary students' difficulties with designing a controlled experiment, Bradley E. Watson
Measuring midwives accuracy of estimating blood loss, Christine J. White
Theses from 1989
Personal and professional practices of breast self-examination in nurses, Julia Agars
Occupational and life stress in nursing: Is there a relationship?, Christopher Billam
'Night duty' : A study of nurses' attitudes toward night duty, with implications for hospital and nursing management, Beth Louise Brown
A survey of computer usage in year 11 and 12 accounting in Western Australian secondary government schools, Grazyna Critch
The aesthetic perceptions and preferences of young children for visual artworks, Jacqueline Kik
An investigation of art teachers' and art students' perceptions of an art gallery visit, Eliza Leano
Human-environment process: Replication and refinement of a study of Rogers' principle of integrality, Virginia Susan Meggitt