Theses from 2018
“Second only to the Pharoah”: The role of the poet in H.D.’s Trilogy, Emily Alice Smith
A Survey to Investigate the Participation of Female Jazz-Trained Instrumentalists at WAAPA and in Perth’s Professional Music Scene, Talya Valenti
Using physiological measures to measure changes in cognitive load associated with automaticity and transfer, Joanna Verden
Performance practice in Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsodies: A comparison of the Liszt-Pupil recordings of Hungarian Rhapsody No.12, Nicholas Williams
Theses from 2017
Resources, race and rights: A case study of Native Title and the Adani Carmichael coal mine, Kate Arnautovic
Investigating the relationship between preferences for therapists’ sex and seeking mental health support among a sample of Australian respondents, Stephanie C. Black
Modelling financial risk: Essays in asset pricing and stress testing, Sarah Hirst
Impact of aquaporin (AQP1 and AQP4) genetic variation on the relationship between sleep quality and Alzheimer’s disease pathological hallmarks, Gavin Noel Mazzucchelli
‘Invisible women’: German migrant women’s cultural identity in Western Australia, 1945-1973, Sonja Porter
Shanghainese parklife: Cultivating the Taoist body and exploring the traces of the absent figure and creature in the landscape, Brenton Mark Rossow
Freshwater future: The influence of exposure to extreme summer rainfall events on the resistance and recovery patterns of an estuarine seagrass, Chanelle Webster
The classification of the finger frames method in violin playing, Brittany Williams
Theses from 2016
An exploratory investigation into the impact of downsizing on occupational stress and organisational commitment, Bridget Girak
Physical and moral forces: An analysis of World War II’s 1944-1945 Ardennes offensive using Clausewitzian Theory, Rebecca Griffin
The corporate security stratum of work: Identifying levels of work in the domain, Codee Roy Ludbey
The Concert Pianist Myth: Diversifying undergraduate piano education in Australia, Helen Mather
A brief exploration of variances in Larry Grenadier’s approach to soloing in piano trio and duo contexts on selected recordings of All the Things You Are and Long Ago and Far Away, Alistair Campbell Peel
Knocking on the door: Examining the practice of classical singers at a performing arts institution, Laura Pitts
Choreographing intimacy: The making of ‘[they] slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered’ – a dance film, Antonio Rinaldi
Penetration Testing Frameworks and methodologies: A comparison and evaluation, Aleatha Shanley
Embracing the abject: Explored through Kristeva’s theory of the maternal and the abject in the creative work “Listening”, Michelle Symes
Theses from 2015
Zeena Parkins’ contribution to experimental music and the development of the harp in the late twentieth century, Catherine Ashley
Red dirt writing: Journalism, Foucault and the transformation of Onslow, Karma Louise Barndon
The Adventurous Monk: A discussion of Eric Reed’s improvisational techniques and the influence of Thelonious Monk, Vaughn Beaver
A comparative acoustic examination of infant cries: Children at high risk versus low risk for autism spectrum disorder development, Ildiko Eva Bruz
Accidental opioid overdose fatalities in Western Australia, 2008-2012: A case for more targeted intervention, Natalie J. Castalanelli
Construct validity of the Developmental Test of Visual-Perception Third Edition (DTVP-3) in Western Australian primary school children, Kirsten Clarke
Eye movement patterns as an indicator of task automaticity, Olga Clarke
Reframed : A Collection of Photographs, and, Capturing the Real : Reframing Visual Pleasure in the Photographed Female Nude, an Exegesis, Larry Defelippi
A stylistic analysis of Recess performed by Charlie Hunter from the DVD Right Now Live, Joshua De Silva
Early maladaptive schemas in an Australian adult alcohol dependent clinical sample: Differences between men and women, Diana Lanie Janson
Public perceptions of the Perth Drug Court as a mechanism for dealing with drug related crime, Dominic Jordan
Investigating insurgency and counter insurgency and attaining a monopoly on violence, Bryn Lacey
The feasibility of implementing a novel electrical stimulation device in the self-management of hand burn pain, Katrina Liddiard
From Artefact Design to Service Design Thinking Innovations, Erica Ormsby
Early intervention of parent-infant interactions in preterm infants: A systematic review, Stacey Osborne
Identifying the enablers and barriers to community participation amongst older adults, Nicole Papageorgiou
Indirect approaches: A systematic review of paediatric dysphagia interventions, Bianca Piano
The lived experience of mothering for women with multiple sclerosis, Astrid Marilene Plumb-Parlevliet
Development of an in-field voltammetric method for the determination of barium, Samantha N. Ridgway
The role of awareness of repetition during the development of automaticity, Emma Shadbolt
Being Trans: An interpretative phenomenological study of young adults, Gemma Lee Taylor
Harmonious, obsessive or altruistic? Why employees remain in the Not For Profit Sector, Ronelle Toop
An exploration of the relationships between the environmental values and indigenous tourism interests of Generation Y, Laura Vermeersch
The Missing Link: Filling the gap and achieving success in Australian contrabass auditions, Giovanni Vinci
Interactions between a Speech Pathologist and people with aphasia in the first 6 weeks post stroke: A qualitative study of assessment experiences, Penelope Judith Wood
Theses from 2014
Emotion coherence: Are there discrepancies between self-report and psychophysiological responses to emotional stimuli?, Clinton D. Barnes
In the name of national interest? Assessing the shift of Australian foreign policy regarding West Papua during 2006, Jaymin Beck
Parkinson's diagnosis from the caregiver's perspective, Helen Maree Bradley
Improving pre-hospital care at mass gathering events: Applying military intelligence methodology to the St John ambulance WA event health operations, Alan James Davies
Explorations in double-stops: Three new pieces for expanding the role of the double bass in the jazz ensemble, Ashley de Neef
Enablers and barriers experienced by grandparents who become primary caregivers of grandchildren: An occupational perspective, Janice du Preez
Investigating the role of Dachshund Homolog 1 (DACH1) and miR-200b in Group 4 medulloblastoma pathogenesis, Courtney George
Australia’s microtonal modernist: The life and works of Elsie Hamilton (1880-1965), Talisha Goh
Exploring family resilience through the experiences of mothers raising a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Esther Gribble
Cordy and the house with a view, Jemimah Rose Halbert
Examining the appeal and ascribed meanings of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) use by males: An interpretative phenomenological analysis, Kathryn V. Hogan
Human - animal interaction and the benefits to mental health: A phenomenological study, Jasmin Jau
Picturing the Swan: A photographic ethnography of the Swan River in Western Australia, Charles Kasprzak
Detection and control of small civilian UAVs, Matthew Peacock
Jean-Luc Godard's Breathless: The revelation of filmmaking as cinephilia, Alexandra Proud
A comparison of alexithymia levels of male intimate partner abuse perpetrators and men from the general community, James Strickland
Exploring the mediality of live and studio composition: The case of computer music, and its implications in “Ambivalence of Density”, Michael Terren
Perceptual expertise for other-race faces: So you think they all look alike?, Bianca Thorup
Eighteenth century techniques of classical improvisation on the violin: Pedagogy, practice and decline, Flavia Claudia Todea
Mother's experience of social media: Its impact on children and the home, Abe van Hatch
Construct validity of the Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration 6th Edition (Beery VMI-6) in Western Australian primary-school children, Christine van Vreeswijk
Whores and the law: A case study of the sexual double standard and the contagious diseases acts in mid-nineteenth century England, Alexandra Wallis
Theses from 2013
The effect of gamma radiation on fibre Bragg grating sensors when used as radiation dosimeters, Des Baccini
Innovating outcomes for adults attending alternative to employment programs : a role for occupational therapy, Carly Bloomfield
Young African women with refugee backgrounds living in Perth, Western Australia : acculturation and community connection, Rachael Brand
Analysing a new mobile bilateral audiology test for children, Luke J. Brook
A study on the effects of tertiary education on open source information gathering skills, Sara T.K. Cunow
Fathers at birth : women's experiences of their partner's presence during childbirth, Sarah Dlugosz
The effect of background music on emotional processing : evaluation using a dot probe paradigm, Haans Drieberg
The stigmatisation of alcohol and other drug services, Kim Eaton
The use of the Communication Checklist - Adult (CC-A) for assessing the communication abilities of individuals post traumatic brain injury, David B. Fitzgerald
How might specially-designed contemporary dance teaching positively affect adolescent health and well-being?, Katharina F. Geertsen
A murine model for examining the effects of ultraviolet radiation and vitamin D deficiency on the expression of obesity-related metabolic syndrome, Sian Geldenhuys
Arrighi on Sino-Sudanese relations : trade, investment and diplomacy in the twenty-first century, Benjamin A. Hale
Communication disorders and indigenous Australians : a synthesis and critique of the available literature, Jasmyn Hall