Theses from 2013
The masquerade of Mary Tudor : performance and power in sixteenth century England, Alicia Knaggs
An investigation of the benefits of improvisation for classical musicians, Rebecca S. Kossen
Scripting therapeutic screen stories : animating the healing potential of film narratives, Andrew Levett
Self-efficacy and nutrition knowledge of parents in Western Australia, Karen Lombardi
Associative stigma among families of alcohol and other drug users, Olivia Marshall
Searching for health information on the internet : the experiences of Western Australian adolescents, Lee-Anne Martins
Exploring wellbeing in older male farmers in Western Australia, Jessica L. McKee
Women who stutter : experiences of developing self-management and quality of life, Katherine Milton
Ben Wendel : the manipulation of sound and 'shapes' in the construction of an improvised solo, Luke Christopher Minness
The life individual resilience scale and cognitive reflection test : predictive utility in special forces selection, Anthony Moffitt
Singapore Malay migrants' concepts of "filial-piety" and its support for aged parents to age-in-place in Australia, Nur Y. Mohd Ali
The effect of depressive symptoms, mental distress and empathy on embodiment of the rubber hand illusion, David Parrick
A transcultural journey : integrating elements of Persian classical music with jazz, Kate Pass
Somewhat damaged and interrogating the incubus : sleep paralysis explored in the young adult novel, 'Somewhat Damaged', Lauren Payne
Using genetic algorithms to find cellular automata rule sets capable of generating maze-like game level layouts, Andrew Pech
Speech and language processes in children who stutter compared to those who do not within an oral narrative task, Sarah Pillar
Recruitment discrimination against Middle Eastern people in Western Australia : The case of accountants, Tiny Pinkerton
Uncovering a genre : the integration of suspended aerial apparatus and contemporary dance practice in Australia, Catherine Ryan
Utilizing classical saxophone articulation techniques in jazz performance, Jeremy Trezona
Developing audiation through internalisation : using the pivots system as an example, Steven Vacca
Joe Henderson's harmonic approach to improvisation within the duo setting in his 1992 quintet album, Lush Life: the music of Billy Strayhorn, Patrick van der Moezel
Experiences of African refugees who transition to university : a question of resilience, Mark Webb
Dynamically adjusting game-play in 2D platformers using procedural level generation, Daniel Wheat
Theses from 2012
Property bubble : test for suitability and reliability indicators : a comparative assessment of Western Australia and Provence-Alpes-Cote D'Azur, Romain A. Aureglia
Improving memory using N-back training, Paul Beavon
The marketing relevance of Australian cosmetic brand ambassadors, Jessica Boswarva
Retrospective time perception of a long task: using music to distinguish between attention-based and memory-based models, James Brooks
Bach on marimba : a case study using the violin sonata in A minor (BWV 1003), James Chong
The detection of abnormal events in activities of daily living using a Kinect sensor, Laurence Da Luz
Australian National School Chaplaincy Program : a critical discourse analysis of online newspaper portrayals, Ashley Donkin
Constraint induced aphasia therapy in the very early phase of recovery following stroke, Sarah D'Souza
An exploratory investigation into knowledge management in Western Australian knowledge-intensive small businesses, Shukrullah Fassehi
Aphasia incidence and intervention in the acute hospital setting, Dominique Lidia Ferreira
An exploratory investigation into voluntary employee turnover and retention practices in the small business sector [thesis], Olivia Gialuisi
Social Capital in Metropolitan Playgroups : A Qualitative Analysis of Early Parental Interactions, Hebba Gibson
Full-forward and, Macho homos : toward a masculist reframing of male homosexuality, Kristian Guagliardo
The experiences of people who have managed forensic patients within New South Wales prisons, Susan Horvat
Lola Ridge : poet and renegade modernist, Anna Hueppauff
Newborns with feeding issues: parental perceptions of the hospital discharge, transition home and the role of speech pathology, Katie Louise Ilich
Biochemical Markers as Evidence of the Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Physiological Processes in Huntington’s Disease Patients, Zarghona Ahmadzai Khan
Capturing dance: the art of documentation (An exploration of distilling the body in motion), Kasey J. Lack
Experiences of parenting among Burmese refugee mothers in a facilitated playgroup [thesis], Beth McLaughlin
Knowledge of the UV index within Western Australia, David Mercovich
African refugee mothers’ experiences of their children’s school readiness, and the role of supported playgroup, Rebecca New
The pink divide : commodified femininity, gender performativity and identity, DeeDee Noon
Visual memory improvement in recognition, Allison Prandl
The Effect of Working Memory (n-back) Training on Fluid Intelligence, David Preece
The companion animal in the context of a new interpersonal relationship, Steve Remic
Exploring the multi-generational influence of American ragtime music through the works of Charles Ives, William Walton and William Bolcom, Rebecca E. Smith
Identification requirements and policy in alternative remittance : a measure of legislative adherence, Timothy J. Smith
Theses from 2011
Aspects of rhythm in the music and improvisation in six pieces by bassist Avishai Cohen, Nicholas L. Abbey
Estimating pulse wave velocity using mobile phone sensors, Rohan Anchan
How short and long term interdependencies have changed due to the global financial crisis, Lungowe Andala
Enhancing automated red teaming with Monte Carlo Tree Search, Daniel Beard
Culturally and linguistically diverse carers’ experience of caring for a family member with dementia: An Italian Australian perspective, Renée Benedetti
The piano music of George Frederick Pinto, Aidan Boase
Minimalism and the guitar, Melissa Claire Branson
The experiences of Indigenous Australian psychologists and higher education, Shaun Cameron
All roads lead to common factors rather than turning points in couple and family therapy, Cathryn J. Cassisi
An analysis and comparison of predominant word sense disambiguation algorithms, David J. Craggs
Resilience: The role of optimism, perceived parental autonomy support and perceived social support, Michelle Dawson
A comparative study of selected saxophone quartet repertoire from the Mule, Rascher and Apollo Saxophone Quartets between 1928 and 1995, Jesse G. Deane
Risk-based intervention profiling in complex environments (impacted by time-restricted conditions), Joseph D. Ducie
Proposed methods for efficiently attaining the skills required for accurate time keeping in music, Ben Falle
Using Clare Fischer's solo piano approach in Yesterdays to reinterpret Jazz standard repertoire, Christopher N. Foster
The improvisation of structured keyboard accompaniments for the ballet class, Simon Frosi
These four walls : memory of the ghost of home, Elizabeth Groom
Predictive and adaptive game development a practical application of development models to the independent video game industry, Liam A. Hunt
An Exploratory Study to Develop a Geotourism Typology Model Based on the Experience and the Importance of Geotourism in the Decision to Visit a Destination, Hasoly P. Hurtado
The effects of urban habitat fragmentation on the population genetic structure of the scincid lizard Ctenotus fallens, Jösef Krawiec
Intimate encounters: A study of the interaction between dancer and observer, Caitlin MacKenzie
Violence towards remote area nurses: A Delphi study to develop a risk management approach, Kylie M. McCullough
Blood donor motivation: A phenomenological study of young male donors, Aleeza Morris
An Exploratory Study Into Stakeholder Perceptions of a Proposed Geotrail in the Perth Hills, Lauren M. Norrish
The experience of underemployment for Western Australian university graduates, Aaron Poole
A study of resilience in West Australian small business owners, Philip Roggio
Pre-adulthood developmental psycho-social influences behind women becoming engineers in contemporary Australia, Andrew Ruscoe