
Submissions from 2024


University evaluation toolkit: Navigating evaluative practices across all levels with RUFDATAE, Elizabeth J. Cook and Kena Cabral Morales


A maturity model for micro-credentialing and shorter forms of learning practice in Australasian universities, Ratna M. Selvaratnam, Steven Warburton, Dominique Parrish, and Suzanne Crew


Just in time, just for you: Growing a peer learning program, Miriam Sullivan, Genevieve Franulovich, Sharon Matthews, and Andrew Kelly

Improving students’ generative AI literacy: A single workshop can improve confidence and understanding, Miriam Sullivan, Michael McAuley, Danielle Degiorgio, and Paul McLaughlan


Improving students’ generative AI literacy: A single workshop can improve confidence and understanding, Miriam Sullivan, Michael McAuley, Danielle Degiorgio, and Paul McLaughlan

Submissions from 2023


Generative artificial intelligence: University student awareness, experience, and confidence in use across disciplines, Andrew Kelly, Miriam Sullivan, and Katrina Strampel


ChatGPT in higher education: Considerations for academic integrity and student learning, Miriam Sullivan, Andrew Kelly, and Paul Mclaughlan


The new normal: Student preferences for online advising before, during, and after the pandemic, Miriam Sullivan and Michael McAuley

Submissions from 2022


Exploring scientists’ perceptions of citizen science for public engagement with science, Stephanie A. Collins, Miriam Sullivan, and Heather J. Bray


Moving beyond self-reports to estimate the prevalence of commercial contract cheating: An Australian study, Guy J. Curtis, Margot McNeill, Christine Slade, Kell Tremayne, Rowena Harper, Kiata Rundle, and Ruth Greenaway


Challenging and confronting: The role of humanities in fostering critical thinking, cultural competency and an evolution of worldview in enabling education, Lydia Edwards and Brendan Ritchie


Traditional exams, 21st century employability skills and COVID-19: Disruptive opportunities for rethinking assessment design in higher education, Andrew Kelly, Catherine Moore, and Emma Lyons


Can you see me? An Australian university moves to emergency synchronous delivery, Ratna Selvaratnam and Kate Rodgers

Submissions from 2021


Application of mass spectrometry-based proteomics to barley research, Mahya Bahmani, Clare E. O'Lone, Angéla Juhász, Mitchell Nye-Wood, Hugh Dunn, Ian B. Edwards, and Michelle L. Colgrave


Curriculum frameworks, Angela Hill, Kylie Readman, and Katrina Strampel


Students pay the price: Doctoral candidates are targeted by contract cheating websites, Andrew Kelly and Kylie J. Stevenson


#REALTALK: Facebook confessions pages as a data resource for academic and student support services at universities, Benjamin Sacks, Catie Gressier, and Justine Maldon


An integrative literature review of the implementation of microcredentials in higher education: Implications for practice in Australasia, Ratna M. Selvaratnam and Michael D. Sankey


The state of micro-credentials implementation and practice in Australasian higher education, Ratna Selvaratnam and Michael Sankey

Submissions from 2020


Tensions for educational developers in the digital university: developing the person, developing the product, Claire Aitchison, Rowena Harper, Negin Mirriahi, and Cally Guerin


Tlabs: A teaching and learning community of practice – what is it, does it work and tips for doing one of your own, Shelley Beatty, Kim Clark, Jo Lines, and Sally-Anne Doherty


Being the adult you needed as a kid: Why the AITSL standards are not the best fit for drama teachers, Christina Gray and Kirsten Lambert


Introduction: Children and digital media, Lelia Green, Donell Holloway, Kylie J. Stevenson, Tama Leaver, and Leslie Haddon


The Routledge companion to digital media and children, Lelia Green, Donell Holloway, Kylie J. Stevenson, Tama Leaver, and Leslie Haddon


Rethinking the neoliberal university and its impact on students, Andrew Kelly


Staff accessibility and online engagement with first-year students: An autoethnographic reflection, Andrew Kelly


Young children's creativity in digital possibility spaces: What might posthumanism reveal?, Kylie J. Stevenson

Submissions from 2019


Parents' failure to plan for their children's digital futures, Lelia Green, Leslie Haddon, Sonia Livingstone, Donell J. Holloway, Kelly Jaunzems, Kylie J. Stevenson, and Brian O'Neill

Submissions from 2018


Deep or Surface? The learning approaches of enabling students in an Australian public university, Anibeth Desierto, Carmela De Maio, John O'Rourke, and Sue Sharp


ANZUS and the early cold war: strategy and diplomacy between Australia, New Zealand and the United States, 1945-1956, Andrew Kelly


Reducing the confusion and clicks and its impact on learning, Rebecca Scriven and Carol Crevacore

Submissions from 2017


Facilitating the transition to postgraduate studies: What can we learn from the First Year Experience?, Diane Bunney

Assessing distributed leadership for learning and teaching quality: a multi-institutional study, Angela Carbone, Julia Evans, Bella Ross, Steve Drew, Liam Phelan, Katherine Lindsay, Caroline Cottman, Susan Stoney, and Jing Ye


Executive functioning deficits among adults with Bipolar Disorder (types I and II): A systematic review and meta-analysis, Tania Dickinson, Rodrigo Becerra, and Jacqui Coombes


Formative observation of teaching: Focusing peer assistance on teachers’ developmental goals, Steve Drew, Liam Phelan, Katherine Lindsay, Angela Carbone, Bella Ross, Kayleen Wood, Susan Stoney, and Caroline Cottman


How to read a dress: A guide to changing fashion from the 16th to the 20th Century, Lydia Edwards


Understanding and overcoming barriers: Learning experiences of undergraduate Sudanese students at an Australian university, Natalie J. Gately, Suzanne Ellis, Katherine Britton, and Tina Fleming


A survey of scientists’ awareness of and attitudes to the use of human blood products and alternatives in human assisted reproductive technology, Kelli Peirce, Peter Roberts, Jaffar Ali, Jacqui Coombes, and Phillip Matson


Voicing a new life narrative: Communicating the dynamics of change in a welfare-dependent family, Kylie Stevenson and Lelia Green


Professional development to support the embedding of eportfolios in higher education programs, Katrina Strampel, Ruth Sibson, and Susan Main

Submissions from 2016


Let them see it: A project to build capacity by raising awareness of teaching-development pathways, Susan Bolt, Jody Fenn, and Christian Ohly


First year business students' perceptions of academic support through embedding. A practice report, Carmela De Maio and Anibeth Desierto


Natural language proficiency and computational thinking: two linked literacies of the 21st century, Ronald Monson

Submissions from 2015


Course evaluation matters: Improving students' learning experiences with a peer-assisted teaching programme, A Carbone, B Ross, L Phelan, K Lindsay, S Drew, S Stoney, and C Cottman


Using video of student-client interactions to engage students in reflection and peer review, Abigail V. Lewis, Catherine Moore, and Charn Nang

Submissions from 2014


Education for sustainability through a photography competition, Rowena Scott

Submissions from 2013


Editorial 23(2): Special issue: Teaching and learning in higher education: Western Australia's TL forum, Roger Atkinson, Clare McBeath, Anne Coffey, Sarah Etherington, Pamela Martin-Lynch, Catherine Moore, Angus Morrison-Saunders, Sid Nair, Megan Paull, and Rob Philips


Engaging students in peer review: Feedback as learning, Catherine Moore and Susan Teather

Submissions from 2007


Generating a Gender Balance: Making Introductory Information Systems Courses a Positive Experience, Rosemary Stockdale and Susan Stoney