
Submissions from 2024


Cross-sectional survey of staff and family perspectives on the use of CCTV in Australian residential aged care, Davina Porock, Caroline Vafeas, Mandy Towell-Barnard, Laura Emery, Gemma Doleman, and Janine Alan


Activating rural infrastructures in regional communities: Cultural funding, silo art works and the challenge of local benefit, Emily Potter, Katya Johanson, and Molan D'Arcy


Hyperspectral retinal imaging as a non-invasive marker to determine brain amyloid status, Purna Poudel, Shaun M. Frost, Shaun Eslick, Hamid R. Sohrabi, Kevin Taddei, Ralph N. Martins, and Eugene Hone


The use of variable coil pitch of helical tube on the hydro-thermal performance improvement, Shayan Pourhemmati, Hussein A. Mohammed, and Abdellah Shafieian


Accounting-based variables as an early warning indicator of financial distress in crisis and non-crisis periods, Robert J. Powell, Dung V. Dinh, Nam T. Vu, and Duc H. Vo


Apolipoprotein ε4 is associated with increased risk of fall- and fracture-related hospitalization: The Perth longitudinal study of ageing women, Jedd Pratt, Jack Dalla Via, Craig Sale, Abadi K. Gebre, Blossom C.M. Stephan, Simon Laws, Kun Zhu, Wai H. Lim, Richard L. Prince, Joshua R. Lewis, and Marc Sim


Alexithymia profiles and depression, anxiety, and stress, David A. Preece, Ashish Mehta, Kate Petrova, Pilleriin Sikka, Ethan Pemberton, and James J. Gross


Supports desired by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males in fatherhood: Focussing on the social and cultural determinates of health and well-being, Jacob Prehn, Michael Andre Guerzoni, Huw Peacock, Mick Adams, Bhiamie Williamson, Len Collard, and Kootsy Canuto


Work-life imbalance, burning out, feeling down, I will quit, but quietly – The case of hospitality employees, Catherine Prentice, Sergio Dominique-Ferreira, Xuequn Wang, Jesse Tuominen, Márcia Duarte, and Helena Rocha


Cognitive and neuroscientific perspectives of healthy ageing, Jon B. Prince, Helen L. Davis, Jane Tan, Katrina Muller-Townsend, Shaun Markovic, David M. G. Lewis, Brianne Hastie, Matthew B. Thompson, Peter D. Drummond, Hakuei Fujiyama, and Hamid R. Sohrabi


Inquiry letters and looking-forward information disclosure: An empirical analysis based on big data analysis, Lanxin Qian, Yanjun Chen, Yanlin Li, and Ziyang Li


Corrosion and passivation behavior of laser powder bed fusion produced Ti-6Al-4V under various prior plastic deformation strains, P. Qin, L. Y. Chen, Y. J. Liu, S. X. Liang, H. Sun, and L. C. Zhang


Editorial: Rock physics of unconventional reservoirs: Volume II, Qiaomu Qi, Lidong Dai, Maxim Lebedev, Tobias Müller, and Junfang Zhang


Laser powder bed fusion of in-situ amorphous oxide dispersion strengthened immiscible Cu-316 L bimetallic composite: Formation mechanism and current-carrying wear behavior, Yating Qiu, Pan Ren, Huan Yang, Baisong Guo, Changliang Shi, Yang Lu, Lai Chang Zhang, and Shengfeng Zhou


Prognostic value of the 1-min sit-to-stand test to predict post-operative complications in patients with lung cancer elected for lung resection, Kirsten Quadflieg, Rachael Higgins, Eva Arents, Heleen Demeyer, Maarten Criel, Marc Daenen, David Ruttens, Michiel Thomeer, Dieter Stevens, Andrew Maiorana, Martijn A. Spruit, Vinicius Cavalheri, and Chris Burtin


Mooditj–Indigenous Australian sexuality education adapted for hilltribe youth of Northern Thailand: Evaluation of delivery through a mixed-methods approach, Jordina Quain, Lorel Mayberry, Amanda Sibosado, Giselle Woodley, and Jacqueline Hendriks


Parents’ experiences of their child’s best interests during a hospital stay in Australia, Angela A. Quaye, Mandie Foster, Lisa Whitehead, and Inger K. Hallström


Effects of resistance training volume on physical function, lean body mass and lower-body muscle hypertrophy and strength in older adults: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of 151 randomised trials, Régis Radaelli, Anderson Rech, Talita Molinari, Anna Maria Markarian, Maria Petropoulou, Urs Granacher, Tibor Hortobágyi, and Pedro Lopez


Impact of provision of abdominal aortic calcification results on fruit and vegetable intake: 12-week randomized phase 2 controlled trial, Simone Radavelli-Bagatini, Catherine P. Bondonno, Jack Dalla Via, Marc Sim, Abadi K. Gebre, Lauren C. Blekkenhorst, Emma L. Connolly, Nicola P. Bondonno, John T. Schousboe, Richard J. Woodman, Kun Zhu, Shelby Mullin, Pawel Szulc, Ben Jackson, James Dimmock, Markus P. Schlaich, Kay L. Cox, Douglas P. Kiel, Wai H. Lim, Mandy Stanley, Amanda Devine, Peter L. Thompson, Evan J. Williams, Joshua R. Lewis, Moira Sim, and Jonathan M. Hodgson


Determining the Drucker Prager cap model constants using experimental, numerical and optimization for compacted mg powders at different strain rates, K. Rahmani, H. Bakhtiari, H. Malekmohammadi, A. Sadooghi, and F. Khakbaz


Developing a weighted model to measure knowledge diffusion in a tourism destination network, Hossein Raisi, Llandis Barratt-Pugh, Rodolfo Baggio, Gregory Willson, Sam Huang, and Kourosh Esfandiar


Towards a model to measure the efficiency of inter-organizational knowledge transfer for tourism destinations, Hossein Raisi, Kourosh Esfandiar, Llandis Barratt-Pugh, Gregory Willson, and Rodolfo Baggio


Clinician's perspectives on the feasibility of patient controlled analgesia in emergency departments: A qualitative descriptive study, Natasya Raja Azlan, Caroline Bulsara, Leanne Monterosso, Max Bulsara, and Gail Ross-Adjie


Plant but not animal sourced nitrate intake is associated with lower dementia-related mortality in the Australian Diabetes, Obesity, and Lifestyle Study, Anjana Rajendra, Nicola P. Bondonno, Liezhou Zhong, Simone Radavelli-Bagatini, Kevin Murray, Stephanie R. Rainey-Smith, Samantha L. Gardener, Lauren C. Blekkenhorst, Dianna J. Magliano, Jonathan E. Shaw, Robin M. Daly, Kaarin J. Anstey, Joshua R. Lewis, Jonathan M. Hodgson, and Catherine P. Bondonno


Blood eosinophil-guided oral prednisolone for COPD exacerbations in primary care in the UK (STARR2): A non-inferiority, multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised controlled trial, Sanjay Ramakrishnan, Helen Jeffers, Beverly Langford-Wiley, Joanne Davies, Samantha J. Thulborn, Mahdi Mahdi, Christine A'Court, Ian Binnian, Stephen Bright, Simon Cartwright, Victoria Glover, Alison Law, Robin Fox, Adam Jones, Christopher Davies, David Copping, Richard E. K. Russell, and Mona Bafadhel


Mapping research in the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge to sustainable development goals, Raghu Raman, Debidutta Pattnaik, Krishnashree Achuthan, Laurie Hughes, Adil S. Al-Busaidi, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh, and Prema Nedungadi


Unveiling the dynamics of AI applications: A review of reviews using scientometrics and BERTopic modeling, Raghu Raman, Debidutta Pattnaik, Laurie Hughes, and Prema Nedungadi


Individual-based modelling of adaptive physiological traits of cyanobacteria: Responses to light history, Mohammad Hassan Ranjbar, David P. Hamilton, Michael L. Pace, Amir Etemad-Shahidi, Cayelan C. Carey, and Fernanda Helfer


Lessons learned: Drive-through COVID-19 clinic testing during an adaptive epidemic response and a point-of-care test assessment of a computer-read rapid lateral flow immunoassay with fluorescence-based detection, Leah Rankine-Wilson, Teresa Oncken, Irshan Basrewan, Courtney Jeffery, Todd M. Pryce, Rebecca Wake, Aus A.L. Molan, T. F. Paton, and Tim J.J. Inglis


Multi-antenna covert communications with a BPP field of wardens, Hangmei Rao, Shihao Yan, Jianquan Wang, Xi Peng, Sa Xiao, and Wanbin Tang


Glycan clock of ageing—Analytical precision and time-dependent inter- and i-individual variability, Borna Rapčan, Manshu Song, Azra Frkatović-Hodžić, Tea Pribić, Jakov Vuk, Anđelo Beletić, Maja Hanić, Julija Jurić, Petra Tominac, Josip Milas, Vedrana Ivić, Sven Viland, Sara Bonet, Branko Šego, Marija Heffer, Wei Wang, Michael P. Snyder, and Gordan Lauc


Patient experiences: A qualitative systematic review of chemotherapy adherence, Amineh Rashidi, Susma Thapa, Wasana Sandamali Kahawaththa Palliya Guruge, and Shubhpreet Kaur


Scale development for measuring sustainability of urban destinations from the perspectives of residents, tourists, businesses and government, S. M. Rasoolimanesh, Shi Y. Chee, and Atchara Salee


From mindset to practice: How employees’ attitudes impact tourism businesses’ sustainability practices, S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh, Shi Y. Chee, and Neethiahnanthan A. Ragavan


Tourism governance towards sustainability: A review and a metagovernance model, S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh, Mingzhuo Wang, Neethiahnanthan Ari Ragavan, and Jean Pierre Poulain


Sustainability-driven market impacts of climate change and firms’ renewable energy innovation: A conceptual analysis, Hiva Rastegar, Gabriel Eweje, and Aymen Sajjad


The impact of environmental policy on renewable energy innovation: A systematic literature review and research directions, Hiva Rastegar, Gabriel Eweje, and Aymen Sajjad


Sustainability in the wake of crisis: Transforming climate change-induced disasters into drivers of renewable energy innovation in business, Hiva Rastegar, Aymen Sajjad, Gabriel Eweje, and Kazunori Kobayashi


Evaluation of the HEAL™ing mental health program: A prospective cohort study of short-term changes from a physical activity and lifestyle education program for people with mental health disorders living in rural Australia, Annette J. Raynor, Sophia Nimphius, Daniel Kadlec, Sally Casson, Caitlin Fox-Harding, and Lauren V. Fortington


Solving water scarcity challenges in arid regions: A novel approach employing human-based meta-heuristics and machine learning algorithm for groundwater potential mapping, Seyed Vahid Razavi-Termeh, Abolghasem Sadeghi-Niaraki, Farbod Farhangi, Mehdi Khiadani, Saied Pirasteh, and Soo Mi Choi


Nurses' beliefs and perceptions regarding family-centered care services in acute pediatric healthcare settings, Nadin M. A. Razeq, Diana H. Arabiat, Reem A. Ali, and Mohammad Al-Motlaq


Dementia awareness raising forum: Improving attitudes towards people living with dementia, Sheridan T. Read, Rosemary Saunders, Matthew A. Albrecht, and Ravani Duggan


Reimagining the language of engagement in a post-stakeholder world, Mark S. Reed, Bethann G. Merkle, Elizabeth Cook, Caitlin Hafferty, Adam P. Hejnowicz, Richard Holliman, Ian D. Marder, Ursula Pool, Christopher M. Raymond, Kenneth E. Wallen, David Whyte, Marta Ballesteros, Sadiq Bhanbhro, Siniša Borota, Marnie L. Brennan, Esther Carmen, Elaine A. Conway, Rosie Everett, Fiona Armstrong-Gibbs, Eric Jensen, Gerbrand Koren, Jenny Lockett, Pedi Obani, Seb O'Connor, Laurie Prange, Jon Mason, Simon Robinson, Priya Shukla, Anna Tarrant, Alessandro Marchetti, and Mascha Stroobant


The Australian Frailty Network: Development of a consumer-focussed national response to frailty, Natasha Reid, Adrienne Young, Loretta Baldassar, Anja Christoffersen, Tracy Comans, Simon Conroy, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Jason Ferris, Maria Fiatarone Singh, Sarah Fox, Emily H. Gordon, Manonita Ghosh, Chandana Guha, Sarah Hilmer, Lisa Kouladjian O’Donnell, Benignus Logan, Kristiana Ludlow, Michelle Miller, Mark Morgan, Alison Mudge, John Muscedere, Donna Reidlinger, Kenneth Rockwood, Rosemary Saunders, David Ward, and Paul Yates


Unleashing the power of internet of things and blockchain: A comprehensive analysis and future directions, Abderahman Rejeb, Karim Rejeb, Andrea Appolloni, Sandeep Jagtap, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Salem Alghamdi, Yaser Alhasawi, and Yasanur Kayikci


Uncovering the green procurement knowledge structure: A systematic citation network analysis, Abderahman Rejeb, Karim Rejeb, Andrea Appolloni, John G. Keogh, and Mohammad Iranmanesh


Clinical-grade human skin-derived ABCB5+ mesenchymal stromal cells exert anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory effects in vitro and modulate mRNA expression in a cisplatin-induced kidney injury murine model, Erika Rendra, Adriana T. Crigna, Cristina Daniele, Carsten Sticht, Maike Cueppers, Mark A. Kluth, Christoph Ganss, Markus H. Frank, Norbert Gretz, and Karen Bieback


Removal mechanisms of illicit and psychoactive drugs in different wastewater treatment processes, Luis Restrepo-Vieira, Kathryn L. Linge, Francesco Busetti, and Cynthia A. Joll


Assessment of developmental language disorder in multilingual children: Results from an international survey, Wiebke S. Rethfeldt, Lemmietta McNeilly, Marja Laasonen, Natalia Meir, Hadar Abutbul-Oz, Sini Smolander, Bàrbara N. G. Goulart, and Emily F. Hunt


Sorghum grain polyphenolic extracts demonstrate neuroprotective effects related to Alzheimer’s disease in cellular assays Sorghum grain polyphenolic extracts demonstrate neuroprotective effects related to Alzheimer’s disease in cellular assays, Nasim Rezaee, Eugene Hone, Hamid R. Sohrabi, Stuart Johnson, Leizhou Zhong, Prakhar Chatur, Stuart Gunzburg, Ralph N. Martins, and W. M.A.D.Binosha Fernando


A contemporary systematic literature review of equestrian tourism: Emerging advancements and future insights, Hamed Rezapouraghdam, Mehmet Bahri Saydam, Ozlem Altun, Samira Roudi, and Saeid Nosrati


Queering primary initial teacher education, David Rhodes, Matt Byrne, and Jason Boron


Risk and protective factors of self-harm and suicidality in adolescents: An umbrella review with meta-analysis, Rebecca Richardson, Tanya Connell, Mandie Foster, Julie Blamires, Smita Keshoor, Chris Moir, and Irene S. Zeng


Graviceptive neglect induced by HD-tDCS of the right or left temporoparietal junction: A within-person randomized trial in healthy adults, Brunna P. Rimoli, Diandra B. Favoretto, Luan R.A. Santos, Diego C. Nascimento, Karina T. Weber, Francisco Louzada, Joao P. Leite, Dylan J. Edwards, and Taiza G.S. Edwards


Warming-up for the latest on diagnosing and managing tendinopathy, Ebonie K. Rio and Myles C. Murphy


Where is your pain? achilles tendinopathy pain location on loading is different to palpation, imaging and recall location, Ebonie K. Rio, Chantel L. Rabusin, Shannon E. Munteanu, Sean I. Docking, Marg Perrott, Jamon Couch, Myles C. Murphy, and Michael Girdwood


Early versus late rapid force production during single-joint isometric hamstring assessment using force plates, Nicholas J. Ripley, Ritchie Barber, Jack T. Fahey, and Paul Comfort


Letter to the editor: “Acute effects of a fatiguing protocol on peak force and rate of force development of the hamstring muscles in soccer players”, Nicholas J. Ripley, Paul Comfort, and John J. McMahon


Relationships between modifiable risk factors of hamstring strain injury, Nicholas J. Ripley, Paul Comfort, and John J. McMahon


Effect of sampling frequency on a unilateral isometric hamstring strength assessment using force plates, Nicholas J. Ripley, J. J. McMahon, and Paul Comfort


Young student’s views of NAPLAN: Impact on wellbeing through drawn responses, Pauline Roberts and Lennie Barblett


Injury in starting and replacement players from five professional men’s rugby unions, Simon P. Roberts, Keith A. Stokes, Sean Williams, Stephen W. West, Simon Kemp, Matt Cross, Isabel S. Moore, Charlotte L. Bitchell, Prabhat Mathema, Ken Quarrie, Warren McDonald, Lauren Fortington, Eduardo R. Rubio del Castillo, Clint Readhead, Nicola Sewry, Éanna Falvey, and Ross Tucker


A systematic review and network meta-analysis on the effectiveness of exercise-based interventions for reducing the injury incidence in youth team-sport players. Part 1: An analysis by classical training components, Francisco Javier Robles-Palazón, Desirée Blázquez-Rincón, Alejandro López-Valenciano, Paul Comfort, José Antonio López-López, and Francisco Ayala


Things to keep in mind when selecting physical assessments in youth soccer: Correlations between test performances, interlimb asymmetries, and effects of maturation, Francisco Javier Robles-Palazón, John J. McMahon, Francisco Ayala, and Paul Comfort


Kids, courts and canines: Evaluating the justice facility dog program through a therapeutic lens in the Perth children's court, Suzanne Rock and Natalie Gately


Resistance training improves cardiac function in older women: A randomized controlled trial, Ricardo J. Rodrigues, Paolo M. Cunha, João P. Nunes, Lauro C. Vianna, Patrícia C. Brum, Danilo S. Bocalini, Andrei C. Sposito, Luis C.Miguita Junior, Max D. Oliveira, Elaine Batistella, Rodrigo R. Fernandes, Paulo S. Junior, Luís B. Sardinha, and Edilson S. Cyrino


Physical activity and amyloid beta in middle-aged and older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis, María Rodriguez-Ayllon, Patricio Solis-Urra, Cristina Arroyo-Ávila, Miriam Álvarez-Ortega, Pablo Molina-García, Cristina Molina-Hidalgo, Manuel Gómez-Río, Belinda Brown, Kirk I. Erickson, and Irene Esteban-Cornejo


Further development of the reflective practice questionnaire, Shane L. Rogers, Lon Van Winkle, Nicole Michels, Cherie Lucas, Hassan Ziada, Eduardo J. Da Silva, Amit Jotangia, Sebastian Gabrielsson, Silje Gustafsson, and Lynn Priddis


Postgraduate research in music: A step-by-step guide to writing a thesis, Victoria Rogers


Reliability of time-motion analysis in striking combat sports, L. Rohner, C. R. Abbiss, W. Poon, and O. R. Barley


The good morning - Exercise technique and exercise selection principles, Steven Ross, Paul Comfort, and John McMahon


Can the cross-education of strength attenuate the impact of detraining after a period of strength training? A quasi-randomized trial, Grant S. Rowe, Anthony J. Blazevich, Janet L. Taylor, Timothy Pulverenti, and G. Gregory Haff


Pulmonary embolism response teams. A description of the first 36-month Australian experience, Bapti Roy, Jin Gun Cho, Luke Baker, Liza Thomas, Jennifer Curnow, John J. Harvey, Paul Geenty, Ashoke Banerjee, Kevin Lai, Mauro Vicaretti, Odette Erksine, Jane Li, Rafid Alasady, Vanessa Wong, Jian E. Tai, Caitlin Thirunavukarasu, Imran Haque, and Jimmy Chien


The third PLeural Effusion And Symptom Evaluation (PLEASE-3) study: Bendopnoea in patients with pleural effusion, Bapti Roy, Bianca M. Iacopetta, Carolyn J. Peddle-McInytre, Michaela Donaghy, Matthew Ing, Ai Ling Tan, and Y. C. Gary Lee


Smart service value: Conceptualization, scale development, and validation in the retailing context, Sanjit K. Roy, Gaganpreet Singh, Linda D. Hollebeek, Saadia Shabnam, Arnold Japutra, Sebastian van Doorn, Subhasis Ray, and Francesco Paolo Appio


Customer experience quality with social robots: Does trust matter?, Sanjit K. Roy, Gaganpreet Singh, Saalem Sadeque, and Richard L. Gruner


Neuromuscular characteristics of eccentric, concentric and isometric contractions of the knee extensors, Cassio V. Ruas, Janet L. Taylor, Christopher Latella, G. Gregory Haff, and Kazunori Nosaka


Responding to children’s voices: The new frontier in education policy reform, Amelia Ruscoe


De+D61:D80signing bespoke visual mediation tools using 'viscourse' for intergenerational research visiblising pedagogies, Amelia Ruscoe and Penny Baker


Core competencies for registered nurse preceptors: A mapping review of quantitative studies, Colleen L. Ryan, Robyn Cant, Lynda Hughes, Darrelle Ahchay, and Karen Strickland


‘Teachers are the guinea pigs’: Teacher perspectives on a sudden reopening of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic, Jillian Ryan, Nicole Koehler, Travis Cruickshank, Shane L. Rogers, and Mandy Stanley


Adherence to diabetes management among school-aged children and adolescents living with type 1 diabetes in Jordan, Malak M. Sabbah, Anees A. Hjazeen, and Diana Arabiat


Potency assay to predict the anti-inflammatory capacity of a cell therapy product for macrophage-driven diseases: Overcoming the challenges of assay development and validation, Samar Sadeghi, Laura Nimtz, Elke Niebergall-Roth, Alexandra Norrick, Stefan Hägele, Lena Vollmer, Jasmina Esterlechner, Markus H. Frank, Christoph Ganss, Karin Scharffetter-Kochanek, and Mark A. Kluth


Removal of carbamazepine and diclofenac by laccase-based membrane bioreactor, S. Sadeghzadeh, Mitra Golgoli, M. Masjoudi, Z. G. Nejad, Masoumeh Zargar, and S. M. Borghei


Exploring the key enabling role of digital technology for enhancing supply chain performance through supply chain collaboration, inventory management and supply chain resilience, Michelle J. Sadha, Zeplin J. H. Tarigan, Hotlan Siagian, and Ferry Jie


IRS-enabled NOMA communication systems: A network architecture primer with future trends and challenges, Haleema Sadia, Ahmad Kamal Hassan, Ziaul Haq Abbas, Ghulam Abbas, Muhammad Waqas, and Zhu Han


A new optimization approach based on neural architecture search to enhance deep U-Net for efficient road segmentation, Narges Saeedizadeh, Seyed Mohammad Jafar Jalali, Burhan Khan, Parham Mohsenzadeh Kebria, and Shady Mohamed


Nano-enhanced phase change materials: Fundamentals and applications, Zafar Said, A. K. Pandey, Arun Kumar Tiwari, B. Kalidasan, Furqan Jamil, Amrit Kumar Thakur, V. V. Tyagi, Ahmet Sarı, and Hafiz Muhammad Ali


Cyberbullying text identification: A deep learning and transformer-based language modeling approach, Khalid Saifullah, Muhammad Ibrahim Khan, Suhaima Jamal, and Iqbal H. Sarker


Trash in the bin, to a cleaner scene we cling: A mixed method approach on tourists’ binning behavior at two spiritual destinations, Muhammed Sajid, Kourosh Esfandiar, K. A. Zakkariya, Myriam Ertz, and Mukul Dev Surira


Guest editorial: Collaborating and sharing with AI: A research agenda, Laszlo Sajtos, Shasha Wang, Sanjit Roy, and Carlos Flavián


Influence of carbon nanodots on the carbonate/CO2/brine wettability and CO2-brine interfacial tension: Implications for CO2 geo-storage, Sivabalan Sakthivel, Nurudeen Yekeen, Rajesh Theravalappil, and Ahmed Al-Yaseri


Predictors of life satisfaction: A nationwide investigation in Iran, Nasim Salehi, Mohsen Joshanloo, Scott Lamont, and Dean Whitehead


Board commitment, continuous education program and firm performance: A law and governance context, Ahmad Saiful Azlin Puteh Salin, Zubaidah Ismail, and Malcolm Smith


Board ethical commitment and corporate performace: A qualitative perspective, Ahmad Saiful Azlin Puteh Salin, Zubaidah Ismail, and Malcolm Smith


Board responsibility and corporate finance, Ahmad Saiful Azlin Puteh Salin, Zubaidah Ismail, and Malcolm Smith


Effects of laccase and transglutaminase on the physicochemical and functional properties of hybrid lupin and whey protein powder, Teguh Santoso, Thao M. Ho, Geerththana Vinothsankar, Kirsi Jouppila, Tony Chen, Adrian Owens, Masoumeh Pourseyed Lazarjani, Mustafa M. Farouk, Michelle L. Colgrave, Don Otter, Rothman Kam, and Thao T. Le


AI-driven cybersecurity and threat intelligence: Cyber automation, intelligent decision-making and explainability, Iqbal H. Sarker


LLM potentiality and awareness: A position paper from the perspective of trustworthy and responsible AI modeling, Iqbal H. Sarker


Multi-aspect rule-based AI: Methods, taxonomy, challenges and directions towards automation, intelligence and transparent cybersecurity modeling for critical infrastructures, Iqbal H. Sarker, Helge Janicke, Mohamed A. Ferrag, and Alsharif Abuadbba