
Submissions from 2024


Factors influencing attitude and intention to use autonomous vehicles in Vietnam: Findings from PLS-SEM and ANFIS, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Behzad Foroughi, Mehrbakhsh Nilashi, and Elaheh Yadegaridehkordi


Effect of augmented reality applications on attitude and behaviours of customers: Cognitive and affective perspectives, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Madugoda G. Senali, Behzad Foroughi, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Shahla Asadi, and Erfan B. Tirkolaee


Determinants of intention to use ChatGPT for obtaining shopping information, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Madugoda Gunaratnege Senali, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Behzad Foroughi, Elahe Yadegaridehkordi, and Nagaletchimee Annamalai


The quest for continuous quality improvement in Australian long day care services: Getting the most out of the assessment and rating process, Susan L. Irvine, Lennie Barblett, Manjula Waniganayake, Fay Hadley, Rebecca Andrews, Maria Hatzigianni, Hui Li, Leanne Lavina, Linda J. Harrison, and Belinda Davis


Aboriginal students’ journeys to university – Privileging our sovereign voices, Renae Isaacs-Guthridge


Sandstone wettability and mixed gas composition: Unraveling the impact of CO2 in hydrogen geo-storage, Zoha D. Isfehani, Amirmansour J. Jafari, Jalal Fahimpour, Mirhasan Hosseini, Stefan Iglauer, and Alireza Keshavarz


Joint energy and security optimization in underwater wireless communication networks, Kazi Y. Islam, Iftekhar Ahmad, Yue Rong, and Daryoush Habibi


Spin-coated high mobility MoO3 thin film for designing highly efficient lead-free perovskite solar cells, M. A. Islam, Ihsan Ahmad Siddiquee, Y. A. Wahab, S. F.W. Hatta, Jakaria Mahdi Imam, Foo Wah Low, Aziz Ahamed, and Mohammad Nur E. Alam


Thriving beyond adversity: A prospective longitudinal cohort study using a strength-based approach depicts Indigenous adolescents with less adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) had fewer neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs), Md Irteja Islam, Bernadette Yan Yue Lam, Tuguy Esgin, and Alexandra Martiniuk


Impact of healthy pregnancy and lifestyle in mothers on developmental delay in their offspring: A strength-based analysis of a longitudinal study among indigenous children in Australia, Md Irteja Islam, Thomas Stubbs, Tuguy Esgin, and Alexandra Martiniuk


MoS2 thin film hetero-interface as effective back surface field in CZTS-based solar cells, Md Saiful Islam, Camellia Doroody, Tiong Sieh Kiong, Kazi Sajedur Rahman, Ahmad Wafi Mahmood Zuhdi, Boon Kar Yap, Mohammad Nur E. Alam, and Nowshad Amin


Combination of sensors-based monitoring system and internet of things (IoT): A survey and framework for remote and intensive care unit patients, Mohammad Islam, Kazi Z. Mostofa, Hamidreza Mohafez, Md J. Hossen, Foo W. Low, Mikhail Vasiliev, Syed M. S. Islam, and Mohammad Nur-E-Alam


Exploring post-COVID-19 health effects and features with advanced machine learning techniques, Muhammad N. Islam, Md S. Islam, Nahid H. Shourav, Iftiaqur Rahman, Faiz A. Faisal, Md M. Islam, and Iqbal H. Sarker


Work-integrated learning: Opportunities and challenges in Australia, Denise Jackson


Enablers, barriers and strategies for adopting new technology in accounting, Denise Jackson and Christina Allen


Technology adoption in accounting: the role of staff perceptions and organisational context, Denise Jackson and Christina Allen


Subjective career success among new graduates and the role of personal factors, Denise Jackson, Ruth Bridgstock, Claire Lambert, Matalena Tofa, and Ruth Sibson


Work-integrated learning in the humanities, arts and social sciences: Where to from here?, Denise Jackson and Elizabeth Cook


Work-integrated learning for students with disabilities: Time for meaningful change, Denise Jackson, Mollie Dollinger, Laura Gatto, David Drewery, Rola Ajjawi, and Anne Marie Fannon


Student employability-building activities: Participation and contribution to graduate outcomes, Denise Jackson, Claire Lambert, Ruth Sibson, Ruth Bridgstock, and Matalena Tofa


Career resources and securing quality work: Graduate perspectives, Denise Jackson, Claire Lambert, Matalena Tofa, Ruth Bridgstock, and Ruth Sibson


Perceived skill outcomes among coursework and research graduates and evolution over time, Denise Jackson and Ian Li


Curriculum approaches to strengthening student employability and improving graduate outcomes in the STM disciplines, Denise Jackson and Michael D. O’Connor


Enhanced carbohydrate-based plastic performance by incorporating cerium-based metal-organic framework for food packaging application, Shima Jafarzadeh, Mitra Golgoli, Maryam Azizi-Lalabadi, Javad Farahbakhsh, Mehrdad Forough, Navid Rabiee, and Masoumeh Zargar


Green synthesis of nanomaterials for smart biopolymer packaging: Challenges and outlooks, Shima Jafarzadeh, Majid Nooshkam, Masoumeh Zargar, Farhad Garavand, Sabyasachi Ghosh, Milad Hadidi, and Mehrdad Forough


Enhancing water safety: Exploring recent technological approaches for drowning detection, Salman Jalalifar, Andrew Belford, Eila Erfani, Amir Razmjou, Rouzbeh Abbassi, Masoud Mohseni-Dargah, and Mohsen Asadnia


RLIDT: A novel reinforcement learning-infused deep transformer model for multivariate electricity load forecasting, Seyed Mohammad Jafar Jalali, Fateme Fahiman, and Mahdi Khodayar


Assessing the impact of geochemical mechanism and interpolation factor selection on the precision of low-salinity waterflooding modelling: A comparative study, Malek Jalilian, Sedigheh Mahdavi, Peyman Pourafshary, Zheinjiang You, and Amir H. Mohammadi


Techno-econo-environmental analysis of sustainable hybrid solar-wind-biogas using municipal solid waste-based grid independent power plant with dual mode energy storage strategy, Asif Jaman, Barun K. Das, Mir Mahim, Ashik Hasan, Saifa Siddika, Mim Mashrur Ahmed, and Paul C. Okonkwo


Human-centric cyber security: Applying protection motivation theory to analyse micro business owners’ security behaviours, Hassan Jamil, Tanveer Zia, Tahmid Nayeem, Monica T. Whitty, and Steven D'Alessandro


Environmentally friendly nanocomposite functionality of improved oil recovery (IOR) in unconventional reservoirs, Nasim Jamshidpour, Abbas K. Manshad, Ghasem Zargar, and Alireza Keshavarz


Microplastic pollution in riparian soils of the rapidly growing city of Thimphu, Bhutan, Karma Jamtsho, Mark A. Lund, David Blake, and Eddie Van Etten


Understanding research capacity and culture of nurses and midwives in two health services in Western Australia, Carrie Janerka, Gavin D. Leslie, Olivia Gallagher, Melissa Mellan, Marguerite Lane, and Fenella J. Gill


It makes you nervous when you start talking about racism: Shining light on teacher educators’ experiences of anti-racist pedagogy in Australian teacher education, Sasha Janes


Creating a safe place to go: Yarning with health workers about stroke recovery care for Aboriginal stroke survivors—A qualitative study, Heidi Janssen, Simone Owen, Amy Thompson, Jackson Newberry-Dupe, Natalie Ciccone, Reakeeta Smallwood, Uncle Neville Sampson, Vickie Brandy, Joe Miller, Aunty Audrey Trindall, Rachel Peake, Kim Usher, and Christopher Levi


Exploring thermal dynamics of polyaniline-modified paraffin wax phase change material with varied PANI loadings (1–4% wt.), Emeema Janumala, Murali Govindarajan, Bommareddi V. Reddi, Murugan Manickam, Elumalai P. Venkatesan, C. Ahamed Saleel, Mamdooh Alwetaishi, Saboor Shaik, Mohammad Nur-E-Alam, and Manzoore E. M. Soudagar


Bioactive components in the marsupial pouch and milk, Manujaya W. Jayamanna Mohottige, Chloe E. Gardner, Mitchell G. Nye-Wood, Katherine A. Farquharson, Angéla Juhász, Katherine Belov, Carolyn J. Hogg, Emma Peel, and Michelle L. Colgrave


A mixed-method analysis of the contribution of informal sport to public health in Australia, Ruth Jeanes, Justen O'Connor, Dawn Penney, Ramon Spaaij, Jonathan Magee, Eibhlish O' Hara, and Lisa Lymbery


Comfort in the role: The core of positive veteran teachers, Sarah Jefferson, Christina Gray, and Geoffrey Lowe


Communities of practice to facilitate change in health professions education: A realist synthesis, Gemma Jenkins, Claire Palermo, Alexander M. Clark, and Leesa Costello


The gut microbiome modulates associations between adherence to a mediterranean-style diet, abdominal adiposity, and c-reactive protein in population-level analysis, Amy Jennings, Tilman Kühn, Nicola P. Bondonno, Sabina Waniek, Corinna Bang, Andre Franke, Jan Kassubek, Hans-Peter Müller, Marcus Both, Katharina S. Weber, Wolfgang Lieb, and Aedín Cassidy


Flavonoid-rich foods, dementia risk, and interactions with genetic risk, hypertension, and depression, Amy Jennings, Alysha S. Thompson, Anna Tresserra-Rimbau, Joshua K. O'Neill, Claire Hill, Nicola P. Bondonno, Tilman Kühn, and Aedín Cassidy


Accelerating the exploration of high-entropy alloys: Synergistic effects of integrating computational simulation and experiments, Deyu Jiang, Yuhua Li, Liqiang Wang, and Lai Chang Zhang


SVM-based fast 3D pore-scale rock-typing and permeability upscaling for complex rocks using minkowski functionals, Han Jiang, Christoph Arns, Yujie Yuan, and Chao-Zhong Qin


Enhanced corrosion resistance of NbTaMoW medium entropy alloy coatings in simulated PEMFC environments: Experimental and computational insights, Minming Jiang, Jiang Xu, Chaowei Liu, Zong Han Xie, and Paul R. Munroe


Light metal decorated graphene-like Si2BN monolayers as hydrogen storage media: A DFT investigation, Minming Jiang, Jiang Xu, Paul Munroe, Zong-Han Xie, and Zhaofeng Chen


Advance on rock-breaking cutter steels: A review of characteristics, failure modes, molding processes and strengthening technology, Ying Jiang, Bai Xin Dong, Jun Fan, Feng Qiu, Hong Yu Yang, Shi Li Shu, Fang Chang, Qi Chuan Jiang, and Lai Chang Zhang


MethylGenotyper: Accurate estimation of SNP genotypes and genetic relatedness from DNA methylation data, Yi Jiang, Minghan Qu, Minghui Jiang, Xuan Jiang, Shane Fernandez, Tenielle Porter, Simon M. Laws, Colin L. Masters, Huan Guo, Shanshan Cheng, and Chaolong Wang


An experimental study for the decision-making support of shared transport options in Western Australia, Ferry Jie


A systematic review of residents’ perceptions towards tourism development in ethnic tourism contexts, Shi Jie, S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh, and Kyle Maurice Woosnam


Evidence-driven approaches to developing specific strength in the first pull: A narrative review, Shaun A. Joffe, Shyam Chavda, Angela Sorensen, and Paul Comfort


Capital, labour and currency: Book love in the economy of young adult publishing, Katya Johanson, Bronwyn Reddan, Donald Matheson, and Leonie Rutherford


Delirium prevention and management in an adult intensive care unit through evidence-based nonpharmacological interventions: A scoping review, Gideon U. Johnson, Amanda Towell-Barnard, Christopher McLean, and Beverley Ewens


The development of a family-led novel intervention for delirium prevention and management in the adult intensive care unit: A co-design qualitative study, Gideon U. Johnson, Amanda Towell-Barnard, Christopher McLean, and Beverley Ewens


The implementation and evaluation of a family-led novel intervention for delirium prevention and management in adult critically ill patients: A mixed-methods pilot study, Gideon U. Johnson, Amanda Towell-Barnard, Christopher McLean, and Beverley Ewens


Co-designing a digital family-led intervention for delirium prevention and management in adult critically ill patients: An application of the double diamond design process, Gideon U. Johnson, Amanda Towell-Barnard, Christopher McLean, Glenn Robert, and Beverley Ewens


Aggression and violence in the emergency department: A qualitative study exploring the perspectives of frontline healthcare professionals, Joshua Johnson, Sara Hansen, Luke Hopper, Luke Brook, Jess Watson, and Brennen Mills


Immersive virtual reality aggression and violence management education for nursing students: A pre-test, post-test, follow-up evaluation, Joshua Johnson, Sara Hansen, Luke Hopper, Jessica Watson, Sean Cashman, Wyatt De Souza, and Brennen Mills


National cyber security licence consultation report: Stakeholder consultation workshops consolidated feedback held Oct – Nov 2023, Nicola F. Johnson, Leslie F. Sikos, Ahmed Ibrahim, and Marnie McKee


Actor behaviour, notable incidents in critical infrastructures, and risks to the health sector, Michael N. Johnstone, Michael Crowley, and Glenn Murray


Re-living trauma near death: An integrative review using Grounded Theory narrative analysis, Nikki Johnston, Michael Chapman, Jo Gibson, Catherine Paterson, Murray Turner, Karen Strickland, Wai Man Liu, Christine Phillips, and Kasia Bail


Constructing composite narratives: A step-by-step guide for researchers in the social sciences, Olivia Johnston


The equity of class ability grouping practices in Australian education: Findings from a survey in Western Australia and Queensland, Olivia Johnston, Rebecca Spooner-Lane, Wei Zhang, Suzanne Macqueen, and Nerida Spina


A grounded theory about how teachers communicated high expectations to their secondary school students, Olivia Johnston, Helen Wildy, and Jennifer Shand


Knowing the subject; knowing its history: Examining key figures in English who contributed to its emancipatory nature, Claire Jones and Trish Dowsett


Mitigating intensive care unit noise: Design-led modeling solutions, calculated acoustic outcomes, and cost implications, Emil E. Jonescu, Benjamin Farrel, Chamil E. Ramanayaka, Christopher White, Giuseppe Costanzo, Lori Delaney, Rebecca Hahn, Janet Ferrier, and Edward Litton


Understanding the impact of urban heat islands on crime: Insights from temperature, population density, and green canopy cover, Emil E. Jonescu, Chamil Erik Ramanayaka, Oluwole A. Olatunji, and Talia J. Uylaki


Maternal prebiotic supplementation during pregnancy and lactation modifies the microbiome and short chain fatty acid profile of both mother and infant, Jacquelyn M. Jones, Stacey N. Reinke, Mahsa Mousavi-Derazmahalleh, Johan Garssen, Maria C. Jenmalm, Ravisha Srinivasjois, Desiree Silva, Jeffrey Keelan, Susan L. Prescott, Debra J. Palmer, and Claus T. Christophersen


Learning contexts and visions for STEM in schools, Mellita Jones, Vince Geiger, Garry Falloon, Sharon Fraser, Kim Beswick, Benjamin Holland-Twining, and Vesife Hatisaru


Nursing/midwifery students' perceptions of caring pedagogy and online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, Rikki Jones, Debra Jackson, Kylie Rice, Murray Fisher, Pauline Callega, Martin Hopkins, Caryn West, Pauletta Irwin, Shirley McGough, Lauretta Luck, Felicity Walker, Nicola Whiteing, and Kim Usher


The role of grandparents in facilitating children’s physical activity, Michelle I. Jongenelis, Timothy Budden, Hayley Christian, David A. Coall, Ben Jackson, Andrea Nathan, and Emma Glassenbury


Australian children's physical activity and screen time while in grandparental care, Michelle I. Jongenelis, Timothy Budden, Ben Jackson, Hayley Christian, Andrea Nathan, David Coall, and Emma Glassenbury


Testing limb symmetry and asymmetry after anterior cruciate ligament injury: 4 considerations to increase its utility, Matthew J. Jordan and Chris Bishop


Adopting a systems-thinking approach to optimise dietary and exercise referral practices for cancer survivors, Ria Joseph, Nicolas H. Hart, Natalie Bradford, Fiona Crawford-Williams, Matthew P. Wallen, Reegan Knowles, Chad Y. Han, Vivienne Milch, Justin J. Holland, and Raymond J. Chan


Progress variables to resolve the steady state period in a batch-type fixed bed combustor, Awais Junejo, Yasir M. Al-Abdeli, and Muhammad Ikhlaq


Secondary air induced flow structures and their interplay with the temperature field in fixed bed combustors, Awais Junejo, Sergio Chapela, Jacobo Porteiro, and Yasir M. Al-Abdeli


Performance of gender diversity on board of directors: The case of Indonesia, Juniarti and Ferry Jie


Transforming place-based management within watersheds in Fiji: The Watershed Interventions for Systems Health project, Stacy D. Jupiter, Aaron P. Jenkins, Joel Negin, Shylett Anthony, Ponipate Baleinamau, Rachel Devi, Sikeli Gavidi, Alice Latinne, Kini Koto Mailautoka, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Kelera Naivalu, Timoci Naivalulevu, Vilisi Naivalulevu, Nabeela Nasim, Sikeli Naucunivanua, Sarah Nelson, Ingrid Qauqau, Anaseini Ratu, Mereia Ravoka, Jacqueline Thomas, Andrew Tukana, Paul van Nimwegen, Ama Wakwella, Amelia Wenger, Donald Wilson, and Pierre Horwitz


Transdermal oestradiol and exercise in androgen deprivation therapy (ESTRACISE): Protocol, Ilkka Jussila, Juha P. Ahtiainen, Eija K. Laakkonen, Aino Siltari, Antti Kaipia, Tiina Jokela, Minta Kärkkäinen, Rob Newton, Truls Raastad, Heini Huhtala, Teemu J. Murtola, and Heikki Seikkula


Australian Muslims and the question of race, Nahid Afrose Kabir


An exploratory vector field analysis of ground reaction force during maximum sprinting efforts in male soccer players and sprinters, Daniel Kadlec, Steffi Colyer, Ryu Nagahara, and Sophia Nimphius


Examining the effects of dynamic and isometric resistance training on knee joint kinetics during unplanned sidesteps in elite female athletes, Daniel Kadlec, Matthew J. Jordan, Jacqueline Alderson, and Sophia Nimphius


No time to read? how precarity is shaping learning and teaching in the humanities, Helena Kadmos and Jessica Taylor


Clarifying the effects of sequential item presentation in the police lineup task, Matthew Kaesler, John C. Dunn, and Carolyn Semmler


Unique effect of bromide ion on intensification of advanced oxidation processes for pollutants removal: A systematic review, Mohammad Kamranifar, Sobhan Ghanbari, Ali Fatehizadeh, Ensiyeh Taheri, Nastaran Azizollahi, Zahra Momeni, Mehdi Khiadani, Karim Ebrahimpour, Sharanabasava V. Ganachari, and Tejraj M. Aminabhavi


Voice synthesis improvement by machine learning of natural prosody, Joseph Kane, Michael N. Johnstone, and Patryk Szewczyk


Simultaneously healing cracks and strengthening additively manufactured Co34Cr32Ni27Al4Ti3 high-entropy alloy by utilizing Fe-based metallic glasses as a glue, Hao Kang, Kaikai Song, Leilei Li, Xiaoming Liu, Yandong Jia, Gang Wang, Yaocen Wang, Si Lan, Xin Lin, Lai-Chang Zhang, and Chongde Cao


Prediction of mechanical and electrical properties of carbon fibre-reinforced self-sensing cementitious composites, Zehao Kang, Farhad Aslani, and Baoguo Han


Impact of various environmental parameters and production enhancement techniques on direct solar still: A review, Shithi D. Kanka, Md. Golam Kibria, Usma A. Anika, Barun K. Das, Md. Sanowar Hossain, Dibyendu Roy, and Md. Shahriar Mohtasim


Organ pedalboard as a rehabilitation tool: A qualitative exploratory study of healthcare providers’ perceptions and recommendations, Mandy M.P. Kan, Wai Hang Kwok, Eric C. Fan, and Fadi M. Al Zoubi


Sources of knowledge transfer between the global south and the global north in social work education, Peninah Kansiime, Sharlotte Tusasiirwe, and Diana Nabbumba


Evaluation of mechanical vapor recompression and easy multi-effect desalination systems in different climate conditions-sensitivity and 7E analysis, Hamed Kariman, Mehdi Khiadani, Siamak Hoseinzadeh, Shahin Shoeibi, and Abdellah Shafieian


Modeling and performance investigation of novel inorganic Cs4CuSb2Cl12 nanocrystal perovskite solar cell using SCAPS-1D, Hironmoy Karmaker, Ayesha Siddique, Barun K. Das, and Md N. Islam


The allergen profile of two edible insect species—Acheta domesticus and hermetia illucens, Shaymaviswanathan Karnaneedi, Elecia B. Johnston, Utpal Bose, Angéla Juhász, James A. Broadbent, Thimo Ruethers, Emily M. Jerry, Sandip D. Kamath, Vachiranee Limviphuvadh, Sally Stockwell, Keren Byrne, Dean Clarke, Michelle L. Colgrave, Sebastian Maurer-Stroh, and Andreas L. Lopata


Emotional and behavioural difficulties among children and adolescents attending “ART teen clubs” in Mzuzu City in northern Malawi: A cross-sectional study, Paul U. Kaseka, Maggie Zgambo, Balwani C. Mbakaya, Mathews Lazarus, Obed Nkhata, and Fatch W. Kalembo


Muscle hypertrophy and strength adaptations to systematically varying resistance exercises, Witalo Kassiano, Bruna Costa, Gabriel Kunevaliki, João Pedro Nunes, Pâmela Castro-e-Souza, Jainara de Paula Felipe, Ian Tricoli, Alan Luiz, Valmor Tricoli, and Edilson S. Cyrino


Decision-making in balancing fire safety hazards against security threats within the built environment, Richard Kathage, David J. Brooks, and Michael Coole


Effects of lunges inserted in walking (eccentric walking) on lower limb muscle strength, physical and cognitive function of regular walkers, Yoshihiro Katsura, Noriko Takeda, Takayuki Inami, Shota Yamaguchi, Sho Takahashi, Masatoshi Nakamura, and Kazunori Nosaka


Process evaluation of a randomised controlled trial intervention designed to improve rehabilitation services for Aboriginal Australians after brain injury: The Healing Right Way trial, Judith M. Katzenellenbogen, Jane White, Melanie Robinson, Sandra C. Thompson, Amy Epstein, Mandy Stanley, Jane Klobas, Emma Haynes, Elizabeth A. Armstrong, Juli Coffin, and Rachel Skoss


Mineral profiling of diverse genotypes of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) grown in Australia, Jashanpreet Kaur, Zora Singh, Muhammad Sohail Mazhar, Eben Afrifa-Yamoah, Kamaljit Kaur Sangha, and Andrew Woodward