School of Arts and Humanities Scholarly Works | School of Arts and Humanities | Edith Cowan University


Submissions from 2024


Consequences of group-based misperceptions of climate concern for efficacy and action, Zoe Leviston, Tanvi Nangrani, Samantha K. Stanley, and Iain Walker


Perceived support for climate policy in Australia: The asymmetrical influence of voting behaviour, Zoe Leviston, Samantha K. Stanley, and Iain Walker


Direct effects of tourism commercials skin conductance methods, Shanshi Li, Billy Sung, Xinyan Wei, and Noel Scott


Design thinking strategies for complex situations: COVID-19 in Western Australia and New South Wales, Terence Love, Paul Cozens, and Trudi Cooper


Comusichiamo. First language, life-soundtracks and storytelling to support the cultural wellbeing of migrants living with dementia, Simone Marino and Loretta Baldassar

Exhibition floor talk | Herenow | 24: Mummy's agony, Kristen Martin, Lyndall Adams, Nicola Kaye, and Alix Beattie


Higher education as the pathway to personal and community success for Pakistani and Bangladeshi people: A systematic review, Shames Maskeen, Jacob Matthews, Debbie M. Smith, Helen J. Stain, and Lisa A. D. Webster


Creation and use of SBS’s the boat; principles for the co-creation of online interactive learning environments for innovative digital pedagogy, Prue Miles and Kylie Boltin


Diagnosing innovation: A design-led approach to cultivate innovation in the Western Australian public health system, Sash Milne

Exhibition floor talk | Retrotopia, Laura Mitchell and Lyndall Adams

Caring for Singaporean Malay older people in Perth: The cultural concept of filial piety and integrating with Australia’s norms and aged care system, Nur Yakin Mohd Ali


The Disney Renaissance Era and young adults: The influence of a decade of Disney on artists, Louise Jane Mucciarone


Evaluation of the sources of sexual knowledge and information among men in Kenya, Darlene Mwende Ndasi, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante, Anh Vo Van Ha, Madalena Grobbelaar, and Victor Fannam Nunfam


Sources of sexual knowledge and information, and sexual attitudes of men: A narrative synthesis of the literature, Darlene Mwende Ndasi, Victor Fannam Nunfam, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante, Madalena Grobbelaar, and Anh Vo Van Ha


Transnational grandparent migration and care-giving: A systematic scoping review, Hien Thi Nguyen, Catriona Stevens, and Loretta Baldassar


A wreck of seabirds: Entrapment and isolation within the Australian coastal gothic landscape, Karleah May Olson


Representations of Afro-Taíno Puerto Rican American women’s identities and connections to place: The cultural productions of Nitty Scott 2016-2018, Frances Claire Haynes Orchard

Exhibition floor talk | 'Extract from text score archive' and 'transports', Craig Pederson, Eduardo Cossio, Lyndall Adams, and Alix Beattie

Exhibition floor talk | To Play & Win, Thomas Picton-Warlow, Ted Snell, Susan Starcken, and Lyndall Adams


Towards a regenerative future: Understanding practical implementation, research, and benchmarking in the built environment, Yaara Y. Plaves, Paris P. Jacobs, Talia T. Uylaki, and Emil E. Jonescu

Exhibition floor talk | | #FEAS unfinished business, Jo Pollitt, Lyndall Adams, and Nicola Kaye


The Careful Project: Evaluating the acceptability of local virtual reality experiences as a leisure activity for residents in aged care, Davina Porock, Patricia Cain, Christopher Young, Julieanne Hilbers, Maria Bomm, Manonita Ghosh, and Mandy Stanley


Activating rural infrastructures in regional communities: Cultural funding, silo art works and the challenge of local benefit, Emily Potter, Katya Johanson, and Molan D'Arcy


Alexithymia profiles and depression, anxiety, and stress, David A. Preece, Ashish Mehta, Kate Petrova, Pilleriin Sikka, Ethan Pemberton, and James J. Gross


Supports desired by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males in fatherhood: Focussing on the social and cultural determinates of health and well-being, Jacob Prehn, Michael Andre Guerzoni, Huw Peacock, Mick Adams, Bhiamie Williamson, Len Collard, and Kootsy Canuto

Exhibition floor talk | Overdressed, Sam Price, Lyndall Adams, and Nicola Kaye

Exhibition floor talk | Costume Elegies, Jody Quackenbush, Lyndall Adams, and Nicola Kaye


Mooditj–Indigenous Australian sexuality education adapted for hilltribe youth of Northern Thailand: Evaluation of delivery through a mixed-methods approach, Jordina Quain, Lorel Mayberry, Amanda Sibosado, Giselle Woodley, and Jacqueline Hendriks

Exhibition floor talk | Over Stimulated, Nina Raper, Lyndall Adams, and Alix Beattie


The Australian Frailty Network: Development of a consumer-focussed national response to frailty, Natasha Reid, Adrienne Young, Loretta Baldassar, Anja Christoffersen, Tracy Comans, Simon Conroy, Christopher Etherton-Beer, Jason Ferris, Maria Fiatarone Singh, Sarah Fox, Emily H. Gordon, Manonita Ghosh, Chandana Guha, Sarah Hilmer, Lisa Kouladjian O’Donnell, Benignus Logan, Kristiana Ludlow, Michelle Miller, Mark Morgan, Alison Mudge, John Muscedere, Donna Reidlinger, Kenneth Rockwood, Rosemary Saunders, David Ward, and Paul Yates

Comprehensive analysis of integration experiences of Afghan immigrants in Australia: Their challenges and policy implications, Omid Rezaei


Kids, courts and canines: Evaluating the justice facility dog program through a therapeutic lens in the Perth children's court, Suzanne Rock and Natalie Gately


Casualising the use of nonhuman animals’ dodies in ‘meat porn’ television programs and websites, Debbie Rodan


Further development of the reflective practice questionnaire, Shane L. Rogers, Lon Van Winkle, Nicole Michels, Cherie Lucas, Hassan Ziada, Eduardo J. Da Silva, Amit Jotangia, Sebastian Gabrielsson, Silje Gustafsson, and Lynn Priddis

Mums without maternal support: Rethinking 'motherlessness' in mothering, Bethwyn L. Rowe


‘Teachers are the guinea pigs’: Teacher perspectives on a sudden reopening of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic, Jillian Ryan, Nicole Koehler, Travis Cruickshank, Shane L. Rogers, and Mandy Stanley


Emotions, Vikki Schaffer, Lee Kannis-Dymand, Liubov Skavronskaya, and Noel Scott


The human affectome, Daniela Schiller, Alessandra N. C Yu, Nelly Alia-Klein, Susanne Becker, Howard C. Cromwell, Florin Dolcos, Paul J. Eslinger, Paul Frewen, Andrew H. Kemp, Edward F. Pace-Schott, Jacob Raber, Rebecca L. Silton, Elka Stefanova, Justin H. G. Williams, Nobuhito Abe, Moji Aghajani, Franziska Albrecht, Rebecca Alexander, Silke Anders, Oriana R. Aragón, Juan A. Arias, Shahar Arzy, Tatjana Aue, Sandra Baez, Michela Balconi, Tommaso Ballarini, Scott Bannister, Marlissa C. Banta, Karen C. Barrett, Catherine Belzung, Moustafa Bensafi, Linda Booij, Jamila Bookwala, Julie Boulanger-Bertolus, Sydney W. Boutros, Anne-Kathrin Bräscher, Antonio Bruno, Geraldo Busatto, Lauren M. Bylsma, Catherine Caldwell-Harris, Raymond C. K. Chan, Nicolas Cherbuin, Julian Chiarella, Pietro Cipresso, Hugo Critchley, Denise E. Croote, Heath A. Demaree, Thomas F. Denson, Brendan Depue, Birgit Derntl, Joanne M. Dickson, Sanda Dolcos, Anat Drach-Zahavy, Olga Dubljević, Tuomas Eerola, Dan-Mikael Ellingsen, Beth Fairfield, Camille Ferdenzi, Bruce H. Friedman, Cynthia H. Y. Fu, Justine M. Gatt, Beatrice de Gelder, Guido H. E. Gendolla, Gadi Gilam, Hadass Goldblatt, Anne E. K. Gooding, Olivia Gosseries, Alfons O. Hamm, Jamie L. Hanson, Talma Hendler, Cornelia Herbert, Stefan G. Hofmann, Agustin Ibanez, Mateus Joffily, Tanja Jovanovic, Ian J. Kahrilas, Maria Kangas, Yuta Katsumi, Elizabeth Kensinger, Lauren A. J. Kirby, Rebecca Koncz, Ernst H. W. Koster, Kasia Kozlowska, Sören Krach, Mariska E. Kret, Martin Krippl, Kwabena Kusi-Mensah, Cecile D. Ladouceur, Steven Laureys, Alistair Lawrence, Chiang-shan R. Li, Belinda J. Liddell, Navdeep K. Lidhar, Christopher A. Lowry, Kelsey Magee, Marie-France Marin, Veronica Mariotti, Loren J. Martin, Hilary A. Marusak, Annalina V. Mayer, Amanda R. Merner, Jessica Minnier, Jorge Moll, Robert G. Morrison, Matthew Moore, Anne-Marie Mouly, Sven C. Mueller, Andreas Mühlberger, Nora A. Murphy, Maria R. A. Muscatello, Erica D. Musser, Tamara L. Newton, Michael Noll-Hussong, Seth D. Norrholm, Georg Northoff, Robin Nusslock, Hadas Okon-Singer, Thomas M. Olino, Catherine Ortner, Mayowa Owolabi, Caterina Padulo, Romina Palermo, Rocco Palumbo, Sara Palumbo, Christos Papadelis, Alan J. Pegna, Silvia Pellegrini, Kirsi Peltonen, Brenda W. J. H. Penninx, Pietro Pietrini, Graziano Pinna, Rosario P. Lobo, Kelly L. Polnaszek, Maryna Polyakova, Christine Rabinak, S. Helene Richter, Thalia Richter, Giuseppe Riva, Amelia Rizzo, Jennifer L. Robinson, Pedro Rosa, Perminder S. Sachdev, Wataru Sato, Matthias L. Schroeter, Susanne Schweizer, Youssef Shiban, Advaith Siddharthan, Ewa Siedlecka, Robert C. Smith, Hermona Soreq, Derek P. Spangler, Emily R. Stern, Charis Styliadis, Gavin B. Sullivan, James E. Swain, Sébastien Urben, Jan Van den Stock, Michael A. vander Kooij, Mark van Overveld, Tamsyn E. Van Rheenen, Michael B. VanElzakker, Carlos Ventura-Bort, Edelyn Verona, Tyler Volk, Yi Wang, Leah T. Weingast, Mathias Weymar, Claire Williams, Megan L. Willis, Paula Yamashita, Roland Zahn, Barbra Zupan, and Leroy Lowe


Invisible innovation: Intellectual labour on regional university campuses in Australia, Merete Schmidt, Lucinda Aberdeen, Colleen Carlon, and Robyn Eversole


Substantial increases in healthcare students’ state empathy scores owing to participation in a single improvisation session, Brian D. Schwartz, Shane L. Rogers, Nicole Michels, and Lon J. Van Winkle


Sensation and perception, Noel Scott and Biqiang Liu


Memory, Noel Scott, Biqiang Liu, and Brent Moyle


Cognitive science and tourism, Noel Scott, Brent Moyle, Ana Cláudia Campos, Liubov Skavronskaya, and Biqiang Liu


The cognitive wave major concepts, Noel Scott, Brent Moyle, Ana Cláudia Campos, Liubov Skavronskaya, and Biqiang Liu


Updating tourism theory the s-o-r model, Noel Scott, Brent Moyle, Ana Cláudia Campos, Liubov Skavronskaya, and Biqiang Liu


Experience design, Noel Scott, Brent Moyle, Jianyu Ma, Ana Cláudia Campos, Lynn I.Ling Chen, Dung Le, Liubov Skavronskaya, Shanshi Li, Rui Zhang, Shan Jiang, Lihua Gao, and Arghavan Hadinejad


Consciousness, Noel Scott and Liubov Skavronskaya

Exhibition floor talk | Burrow (Collapse), Taarn Scott, Lyndall Adams, and Alix Beattie

Exhibition floor talk | Far-away island, Harrison See and Lyndall Adams

Exhibition floor talk | Herenow 2023 In-Between-ness, Harrison See and Lyndall Adams


Experiences of the change process during emotion focused group therapy, Jason M. Sharbanee, Kirra Rauchelle, Marina Nelson, and Eyal Gringart


Conceptual disambiguation, Liubov Skavronskaya and Noel Scott

Exhibition floor talk | Companions, Ruby Smedley, Lyndall Adams, and Alix Beattie

Exhibition floor talk | Crossroads, Ted Snell, Danielle Fusco, and Lyndall Adams


The McCusker subjective cognitive impairment inventory (McSCI): A novel measure of perceived cognitive decline, Hamid R. Sohrabi, Brandon E. Gavett, Michael Weinborn, Craig P. Speelman, Romola S. Bucks, and Ralph N. Martins


Most psychological researchers assume their samples are ergodic: Evidence from a year of articles in three major journals, Craig P. Speelman, Laura Parker, Benjamin J. Rapley, and Marek McGann


The Nutbush dance reframed: Further analysis related to ‘doing the Nutbush’, Jon Stratton and Panizza Allmark


Examination of the reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the 10-item reflective practice questionnaire, Daichi Sugawara, Atsumi Iikura, Syohei Miyamoto, Akihiro Masuyama, Kanako Nakazawa, Keigo Hatto, Ayaka Matsumoto, Lon J. Van Winkle, and Shane L. Rogers


Transformative career theory: A grounded theory study into the long-term careers of Australian youth workers, John Sutcliffe


Regretting nothing, or regretting everything? Postfeminism, femininity, and regret in Miss Austen Regrets, Jessica Taylor


When descriptor is diagnosis: An autoethnographic response to the medical treatment of women with vulvodynia, Josephine Taylor and Alexandra Ridgway

Exhibition floor talk | Being Boring, Sarah Thornton-Smith and Lyndall Adams


The relationship between the mental health of refugee parents and their children: An investigation of Australian longitudinal data, Katie Tills and Justine Dandy

Exhibition floor talk | Terra, John Toohey and Lyndall Adams


Assessing alexithymia in adolescents: Psychometric properties of the Perth alexithymia questionnaire in high school students, Annette C. Trimble, Ken Robinson, and David A. Preece

Exhibition floor talk | Uncanny Valley, Darren Tynan and Lyndall Adams

Exhibition floor talk | Soiled, Cassandra Tytler and Lyndall Adams


Point of view on outcome prediction models in post-stroke motor recovery, Onno van der Groen, Manonita Ghosh, Richard Norman, Amy Kuceyeski, Ceren Tozlu, Teresa J. Kimberley, David J. Lin, Laurel J. Buxbaum, Gert Kwakkel, Steven C. Cramer, and Dylan J. Edwards


Dark echoes: The exploitative potential of generative AI in online harassment, Adrian Wood

Young Australian nightlife attendees as active bystanders to reduce unacceptable sexual behaviour: A multimodal project, Aimee-Rose Wrightson-Hester


Care-full climate justice organising: Movement-based participatory Action Research on Noongar Boodja, Kylie A. Wrigley


Learning collective care to support young climate justice advocates, Kylie Wrigley, Georgia Beardman, Jaime Yallup Farrant, Naomi Joy Godden, Caleb Faulkner Hill, Emma Heyink, Eva Carot Collins, Hannah Davies, and Shelby Robinson


Dreams, illusions, bubbles and shadows: The temporality of objects within Buddhist perception, Xinwei Xu

Exhibition floor talk | Dreams, illusions, bubbles and shadows: Catching eternity in a flash of light, Xinwei Xu, Lyndall Adams, and Alix Beattie


Memory Schema, Rui Zhang and Noel Scott

Exhibition floor talk | Finding comfort in an unmade bed, Jane Ziemons, Lyndall Adams, and Nicola Kaye


The clock is ticking: (Dis)orientations to ageing and end-of-life care in advanced capitalism and care directives, Tanya Zivkovic and Simone Marino

Submissions from 2023


Protective indigenous collective value of Ubuntu and child neglect: Implications for rural child protection practice, Alhassan Abdullah, Hajara Bentum, Margarita Frederico, Felix Mensah, Lucy P. Jordan, and Clifton R. Emery


Safeguarding the welfare of refugee children in Ghana: Perspectives of practitioners in refugee camps, Alhassan Abdullah, Crispin R. Mbamba, Enoch B. Amponsah, Margarita Frederico, Ebenezer Cudjoe, Hajara Bentum, and Clifton R. Emery


COVID-19 and alternative assessments in higher education: implications for academic integrity among nursing and social science students, Esther Abena Adama, Amanda Graf, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante, and Ebenezer Afrifa-Yamoah


Barriers to mental health help-seeking among older adults with chronic diseases, Claire Adams, Eyal Gringart, and Natalie Strobel


Theory-based behaviour change intervention to promote mental health help-seeking among older adults in Australia: Initial dissemination and acceptability, Claire Adams, Eyal Gringart, and Natalie Strobel

It's just the way it is: Silence in ABI, Sheridan S. Adams


From real life to story – and back again: Using autobiographical fiction writing to understand self, others and family generations, Alberta N. Adji


Joining bits and pieces: A Chinese Indonesian mother–daughter collaborative witnessing as a resource for writing an autobiographical novel, Alberta N. Adji

The fragmented self the longing (novel) and intergenerational relations in a Chinese Indonesian family (exegesis), Alberta Natasia Adji


Philosophical inquiry in a culturally diverse, faith-based community, Kwadwo Adusei-Asante, Kaz Bland, Nin Kirkham, Douglas Nelson, and Stella Tarrant


The visual spectacle of shopping malls as tourist destinations, Panizza Allmark


The influence of the Milan approach—Part 2. The legacy of Boscolo and Cecchin and their Paduan connection: A conversation with Andrea Mosconi, Deisy Amorin-Woods and Andrea Mosconi


La metafora: The power of metaphors and creative resources in working systemically with families and children with autism—A conversation with Carmine Saccu, Deisy Amorin-Woods and Carmine Saccu


The influence of the Milan approach: Five decades of intergenerational change. A conversation with Matteo Selvini, Deisy Amorin-Woods and Matteo Selvini


Nursing students doing gender: Implications for higher education and the nursing profession, Lesley J. Andrew, Ken Robinson, Julie Dare, and Leesa N. Costello


What makes a space safe? Consumers' perspectives on a mental health safe space, Lesley Andrew, Shantha Karthigesu, David Coall, Moira Sim, Julie Dare, and Kathy Boxall


Impact of vascular screening interventions on perceived threat, efficacy beliefs and behavioural intentions: A systematic narrative review, Reindolf Anokye, Ben Jackson, James Dimmock, Joanne M. Dickson, Mary A. Kennedy, Carl J. Schultz, Lauren C. Blekkenhorst, Jonathan M. Hodgson, Mandy Stanley, and Joshua Lewis


Play is a child’s work (on instagram): A case study of the use of children as paid social media influencers to market toys, Catherine Archer and Kate Delmo


#Parentlife: Key issues, benefits and advice for new parents using social media and mobile technology, Catherine Archer and Deborah Williams


Making open scholarship more equitable and inclusive, Paul L. Arthur, Lydia Hearn, John C. Ryan, Nirmala Menon, and Langa Khumalo


How “open” are Australian museums? a review through the lens of copyright governance, Paul L. Arthur, Lydia Hearn, Isabel Smith, and Nikos Koutras


Contributing to indigenous social work practice in Africa: A look at the cultural conceptualisations of social problems in Ghana, Mary Ayim, Alhassan Abdullah, Hajara Bentum, Enoch Boafo Amponsah, Ebenezer Cudjoe, and Esmeranda Manful

Exhibition floor talk | Disruptive Immersion, Steven Baitz, Lyndall Adams, Nicola Kaye, and Paul Uhlmann