Submissions from 2023
The toy brick as a communicative device for amplifying children’s voices in research, Kylie J. Stevenson, Emma Jayakumar, and Harrison See
The internet of toys: Working towards best practice in digital governance and the recognition of children’s rights in mediated contexts, Francesca A. Stocco
Meaningful youth work careers: Assumptions, misconceptions, and realities, John Sutcliffe and Trudi Cooper
The role of adaptive goal processes in mental wellbeing in chronic pain, Tara Swindells, Joanne Iddon, and Joanne M. Dickson
"Having it both ways: Containing the champions of feminism in female-led origin and solo superhero films", Jessica Taylor and Laura Glitsos
Psychological effects of unemployment across the lifespan: A synthesis of relevant literature, Philip Taylor, Eyal Gringart, and Claire Adams
Data from an international multi-centre study of statistics and mathematics anxieties and related variables in university students (the SMARVUS Dataset), Jenny Terry, Robert M. Ross, Tamás Nagy, Mauricio Salgado, Patricia Garrido-Vásquez, Jacob O. Sarfo, Susan Cooper, Anke C. Buttner, Tiago J. S. Lima, İbrahim Öztürk, Nazli Akay, Flavia H. Santos, Christina Artemenko, Lee T. Copping, Mahmoud M. Elsherif, Ilija Milovanović, Robert A. Cribbie, Marina G. Drushlyak, Katherine Swainston, Yiyun Shou, Juan D. Leongómez, Nicola Palena, Fitri A. Abidin, Maria F. Reyes-Rodríguez, Yunfeng He, Juneman Abraham, Argiro Vatakis, Kristin Jankowsky, Stephanie N. L. Schmidt, Elise Grimm, Desirée González, Philipp Schmid, Roberto A. Ferreira, Dmitri Rozgonjuk, Neslihan Özhan, Patrick A. O'Connor, Andras N. Zsido, Gregor Stiglic, Darren Rhodes, Cristina Rodríguez, Ivan Ropovik, Violeta Enea, Ratri Nurwanti, Alejandro J. Estudillo, Nataly Beribisky, Karel K. Himawan, Linda M. Geven, Anne H. van Hoogmoed, Amélie Bret, Jodie E. Chapman, Udi Alter, Zoe M. Flack, Donncha Hanna, Mojtaba Soltanlou, Gabriel Banik, Matúš Adamkovič, Sanne H. G. van der Ven, Jochen A. Mosbacher, Hilal H. Şen, Joel R. Anderson, Michael Batashvili, Kristel de Groot, Matthew O. Parker, Mai Helmy, Mariia M. Ostroha, Katie A. Gilligan-Lee, Felix O. Egara, Martin J. Barwood, Karuna Thomas, Grace McMahon, Siobhán M. Griffin, Hans-Christoph Nuerk, Alyssa Counsell, Oliver Lindemann, Dirk Van Rooy, Theresa E. Wege, Joanna E. Lewis, Balazs Aczel, Conal Monaghan, Ali H. Al-Hoorie, Julia F. Huber, Saadet Yapan, Mauricio E. Garrido Vásquez, Antonino Callea, Tolga Ergiyen, James M. Clay, Gaetan Mertens, Feyza Topçu, Merve G. Tutlu, Karin Täht, Kristel Mikkor, Letizia Caso, Alexander Karner, Maxine M. C. Storm, Gabriella Daroczy, Rizqy A. Zein, Andrea Greco, Erin M. Buchanan, Katharina Schmid, Thomas E. Hunt, Jonas De keersmaecker, Peter E. Branney, Jordan Randell, Oliver J. Clark, Crystal N. Steltenpohl, Bhasker Malu, Burcu Tekeş, TamilSelvan Ramis, Stefan Agrigoroaei, Nicholas A. Badcock, Kareena McAloney-Kocaman, Olena V. Semenikhina, Erich W. Graf, Charlie Lea, Kalu T. U. Ogba, Fergus M. Guppy, Amy C. Warhurst, Shane Lindsay, Ahmed A. Khateeb, Frank Scharnowski, Leontien de Kwaadsteniet, Kathryn B. Francis, Mariah Lecompte, Lisa A. D. Webster, Kinga Morsanyi, Suzanna E. Forwood, Elizabeth R. Walters, Linda K. Tip, Jordan R. Wagge, Ho Y. Lai, Deborah S. Crossland, Kohinoor M. Darda, Tessa R. Flack, Zoe Leviston, Matthew Brolly, Samuel P. Hills, Elizabeth Collins, Andrew J. Roberts, Wing-Yee Cheung, Sophie Leonard, Bruno Verschuere, Samantha K. Stanley, Iro Xenidou-Dervou, Omid Ghasemi, Timothy Liew, Daniel Ansari, Johnrev Guilaran, Samuel G. Penny, Julia Bahnmueller, Christopher J. Hand, Unita W. Rahajeng, Dar Peterburg, Zsofia K. Takacs, Michael J. Platow, and Andy P. Field
Methodological lessons for negotiating power, political capabilities, and resilience in research on climate change responses, Petra Tschakert, Meg Parsons, Ed Atkins, Alicea Garcia, Naomi Godden, Noemi Gonda, Karen Paiva Henrique, Susannah Sallu, Karin Steen, and Gina Ziervogel
“Living with life”: Experiences of families of people serving a life sentence in Western Australia, Hilde Tubex and Natalie Gately
The useless tune, Chris Uhlmann and Paul Uhlmann
Lesbian separatism and identity development: Making space for themselves, Amber van Aurich and Kay Hearn
Mitigating implicit bias and promoting compassionate behavior in public health/healthcare professionals: Implications for treatment outcomes, Lon J. Van Winkle, Shane L. Rogers, Marta J. Brooks, Bianca B. Calderon, and Nicole Michels
Survey of attitudes toward performing and reflecting on required team service-learning (SASL): Psychometric data and reliability/validity for healthcare professions students in preclinical courses, Lon J. Van Winkle, Shane L. Rogers, Bradley O. Thornock, Brian D. Schwartz, Alexis Horst, Jensen A. Fisher, and Nicole Michels
Relationships between farmer psychological profiles and farm business performance amongst smallholder beef and poultry farmers in South Africa, Renato A. Villano, Isaac Koomson, Nkhanedzeni B. Nengovhela, Livhuwani Mudau, Heather M. Burrow, and Navjot Bhullar
Risky business: Policy legacy and gender inequality in Australian opera production, Caitlin Vincent, Katya Johanson, and Bronwyn Coate
Tourism as a transformative economic agent in regional Australia: A case study of operators' use of social media, Eliza Vlasich, Diane Lee, and Catherine Archer
State-sponsored stigma and discrimination: Female Indonesian migrants in Hong Kong during the pandemic, Irfan Wahyudi, Rachmah Ida, Panizza Allmark, and Sri E. Kinasih
Investigating associations between methamphetamine use, mental health and risky sexual behaviours amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Handan Wand, Rachel Reilly, Rebecca McKetin, Brendan Quinn, Yvette Roe, Kate Conigrave, Nadine Ezard, Julia Butt, Carla Treloar, Leda Sivak, India Shackleford, Adrian Dunlop, and James Ward
Exhibition floor talk | Nexus, Ben Waters, Clive Barstow, Denise Pepper, Gregory Pryor, Justine McKnight, Louise Gan, Stephen Terry, Paul Uhlmann, Stuart Elliot, Sue Starcken, Lyndall Adams, Nicola Kaye, and Alix Beattie
Kapori: Researching local responses to sorcery accusation–related violence in Papua New Guinea through Indigenous storytelling, Bomai D. Witne, Verena Thomas, Jackie Kauli, and Christina Spurgeon
An artificial therapist (manage your life online) to support the mental health of youth: Co-design and case series, Aimee-Rose Wrightson-Hester, Georgia Anderson, Joel Dunstan, Peter M. McEvoy, Christopher J. Sutton, Bronwyn Myers, Sarah Egan, Sara Tai, Melanie Johnston-Hollitt, Wai Chen, Tom Gedeon, and Warren Mansell
Improving motivation to support physical activity through fitness app in China: A co-design approach, Jing Zhou, Jo Bernasconi, and Chrsitopher Keuh
Improving motivation to support physical activity through fitness app in China: A co-design approach, Jing Zhou, Jo Jung, and Christopher Kueh
Submissions from 2022
Addressing filicide in Ghana: Linking cultural understanding with the law against Filicide. Does the law work?, Alhassan Abdullah, Margarita Frederico, Felix Mensah, Hajara Bentum, Yihang Wang, and Jennifer Litela Asare
The realities and expectations of community involvement in COVID-19 research: A Consumer Reference Group perspective, Claire Adams, Paul Albert, Tim Benson, Anne Cordingley, Barbara Daniels, Noreen Fynn, Mary Gurgone, Chris Jeffery, Ann White, and Natalie Strobel
Help-seeking for mental health problems among older adults with chronic diseases: An evaluation and intervention, Claire E. Adams
Older adults access to mental health and social care services during COVID-19 restrictions in Western Australia, Claire Adams, Eyal Gringart, Daniel McAullay, Moira Sim, Brigitta Scarfe, Amy Budrikis, and Natalie Strobel
Explaining adults’ mental health help-seeking through the lens of the theory of planned behavior: A scoping review, Claire Adams, Eyal Gringart, and Natalie Strobel
Promoting help-seeking for mental health problems among older adults: Co-design and feasibility testing of a theory-based, behaviour-change intervention, Claire Adams, Eyal Gringart, and Natalie Strobel Dr
Her, disenchanted, Alberta Natasia Adji
Psychology and law in Australia, Alfred Allan and Maria M. Allan
The impact of voluntariness of apologies on victims’ responses in restorative justice: Findings of a quantitative study, Alfred Allan, Justine de Mott, Isolde M. Larkins, Laura Turnbull, Tracey Warwick, Lacey Willet, and Maria M. Allan
Colourful Scenery, Colourful Language: Representing White Australia in the ‘Where the Bloody Hell are you?’ Australian Tourism Campaign, Panizza Allmark
Framing a Photographie Féminine photography of the city, Panizza Allmark
Creative ways of connecting with ‘self’ and ‘other’: A conversation between Deisy Amorin-Woods and Glenn Larner, Deisy Amorin-Woods and Glenn Larner
The influence of the Mental Research Institute: A conversation with Wendel Ray and John Miller†, Deisy Amorin-Woods, Wendel Ray, and John Miller
Nursing practicum equity for a changing nurse student demographic: a qualitative study, Lesley Andrew, Julie Dare, Ken Robinson, and Leesa Costello
Competing worlds: The private lives of women nurse students and gender equity in higher education, Lesley Andrew, Ken Robinson, Leesa Costello, and Julie Dare
Bodies of/at work: How women of colour experienced their workplaces and have been expected to ‘perform’ during the COVID-19 pandemic, Catherine Archer, Marianne Sison, Brenda Gaddi, and Lauren O’Mahony
Critical review of the use of the Rorschach in European courts, Igor Areh, Fanny Verkampt, and Alfred Allan
The aftermath of domestic violence: Listening to women’s voices of their experiences, Caroline Arisunta
Human journeys in the digital age: Advances and challenges in Digital Historical Migration Studies, Paul Longley Arthur and Isabel Smith
The reshaping of home, privacy and identity during a pandemic, Paul Longley Arthur and Isabel Smith
Exhibiting slavery: Biographical approaches, Paul L. Arthur and Isobel Smith
Migrant visits over time: Ethnographic returning and the technological turn, Loretta Baldassar
Literature review on transnational grandparent migration: A view from Australia, Loretta Baldassar, Hien Thi Nguyen, and Catriona Stevens
3 types of denial that allow Australians to feel OK about how we treat refugees, Jamal Barnes
Diplomatic assurances and re-writing the "Rules of the Game", Jamal Barnes
Suffering to save lives: Torture, cruelty, and moral disengagement in Australia’s offshore detention centres, Jamal Barnes
Torturous journeys: Cruelty, international law, and pushbacks and pullbacks over the Mediterranean Sea, Jamal Barnes
Vulnerability and resistance in Australian immigration detention, Jamal Barnes
Testing the limits of international society? Trust, AUKUS and Indo-Pacific security, Jamal Barnes and Samuel M. Makinda
Supporting parents as their child’s first teacher: Aboriginal parents’ perceptions of kindilink, Caroline Barratt-Pugh, Lennie Barblett, Marianne Knaus, Rosemary Cahill, Susan Hill, and Trudi Cooper
World in strife – Returning to the humanities, Clive Barstow and Jill Felicity Durey
Reunification in informal foster care child placement: Examining the different pathways in Ghana, Hajara Bentum and Esmeranda Manful
Measuring executive functions and problem solving in an engaging new way in students, Valeska Berg
Climate anxiety does not need a diagnosis of a mental health disorder, Navjot Bhullar, Melissa Davis, Roselyn Kumar, Patrick Nunn, and Debra Rickwood
Exploring specific predictors of psychosis onset over a 2-year period: A decision-tree model, Jone Bjornestad, Tore Tjora, Johannes H. Langeveld, Helen J. Stain, Inge Joa, Jan Olav Johannessen, Michelle Friedman-Yakoobian, and Wenche ten Velden Hegelstad
The silence of water, Sharron Booth
Community-led land management: Historical perspectives, future prospects, Danielle Brady, Keith Bradby, Gracie Butler, and Andrea Gaynor
Hidden women of history: Kudnarto, the Kaurna woman who made South Australian legal history, Peggy Brock
Predicting police officer reported compliance andwillingness to cooperate with internal affairs units: Application of the relational model of authority, Declan Brooks-Crew, Nikki Rajakaruna, and Pamela J. Henry
Kava may be coming to a supermarket or cafe near you. But what is it? Is it safe?, Julia Butt and Annalee Stearne
Indicators of job quality in the Australian aged care workforce: A scoping review, Phillippa Carnemolla, Philip Taylor, Eyal Gringart, and Claire Adams
Group social capital and the employment prospects of refugee women who experience domestic violence, Donella Caspersz, Renata Casado, Carol Kaplanian, Farida Fozdar, and Loretta Baldassar
Crossing a line? Understandings of the relative seriousness of online and offline intrusive behaviours among young adults, Victoria Coleman, Adrian J. Scott, Jeff Gavin, and Nikki Rajakaruna
Youth participation: Adultism, human rights and professional youth work, Tim Corney, Trudi Cooper, Harry Shier, and Howard Williamson
Entitlement mediates the relationship between dark triad traits and academic misconduct, Guy J. Curtis, Helen M. Correia, and Melissa C. Davis
Investigative journalism and anti-corruption: Public perception on Anas’s approach in Ghana, Gershon Dagba, Prince Opoku, Mark Opoku Amankwa, and Israel Nyaburi Nyadera
STT KADESI’S disrupting the teaching and learning process during Covid-19, Muner Daliman, Hana Suparti, Jonathan D. James, Eudia Anggelia Ika Agustin, and Hengky Wijaya
A psychometric validation of the Dysmorphic Concerns Questionnaire (DCQ) in adolescents and young adults, Katey L. Davies, Sarah M. Hanley, Navjot Bhullar, and Bethany M. Wootton
Tingles and shivers: First kisses and intimate civility in Eliza Redgold’s Historical Harlequin romances pre–and post-#MeToo, Debra Dudek, Elizabeth Reid Boyd, Madelena Grobbelaar, and Rose Williams
‘I want an orgasm but not just any orgasm’: How To Please A Woman shifts the way we depict the sexuality of older women, Debra Dudek, Elizabeth Reid Boyd, and Magdelena Grobbelaar
‘Own your narrative’: Teenagers as producers and consumers of porn in Netflix’s Sex Education, Debra Dudek, Giselle Woodley, and Lelia Green
Netflix’s Sex Education is doing sex education better than most schools, Debra Dudek and Giselle Natassia Woodley
A model of position effects in the sequential lineup, John C. Dunn, Matthew Kaesler, and Carolyn Semmler
Illuminating the motives of racism when adapting and directing The Merchant of Venice, Lucy Eyre
Expressiveness of real-time motion captured avatars influences perceived animation realism and perceived quality of social interaction in virtual reality, Alan D. Fraser, Isabella Branson, Ross C. Hollett, Craig P. Speelman, and Shane L. Rogers
Assessing alexithymia in adults with acquired brain injury: Psychometric properties of the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire, Danielle M. Fynn, David A. Preece, Gilles E. Gignac, Carmela F. Pestell, Alfred Allan, Chantal vander Kraats, Sarah L. Green, Michael Weinborn, and Rodrigo Becerra
Power in resilience and resilience's power in climate change scholarship, Alicea Garcia, Noémi Gonda, Ed Atkins, Naomi Joy Godden, Karen Paiva Henrique, Meg Parsons, Petra Tschakert, and Gina Ziervogel
For burglars, it’s the most wonderful time of the year: How to keep your home safe these holidays, Natalie Gately and Suzanne Rock
‘I go for the food’: What children and young people told us about why they steal from houses, Natalie Gately and Suzanne Rock
‘Even though you hate everything that's going on, you know they are safer at home’: The role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in methamphetamine use harm reduction and their own support needs, Sandra Gendera, Carla Treloar, Rachel Reilly, Katherine M. Conigrave, Julia Butt, Yvette Roe, and James Ward
COVID-19 and the ‘perfectly governed city’, Laura Glitsos
Frank, unapologetic, and female-oriented: the cultural legacy of Sex and the City, and the lure of the reboot, Laura Glitsos
The Claremont serial killer and the production of class-based suburbia in serial killer mythology, Laura Glitsos and Jessica Taylor
Climate change hits some of us much harder than others – but affected groups are fighting back, Naomi Joy Godden, Kavita Naidu, and Keely Boom
Social (in) justice, climate change and climate policy in Western Australia, Naomi Joy Godden, Doreen Wijekoon, and Kylie Wrigley
Global positioning system activity profile in male para footballers with cerebral palsy: Does training meet the match-play intensity in a three-day national tournament?, Alvin M. Goh, Fadi Ma'Ayah, Craig A. Harms, Robert U. Newton, and Eric J. Drinkwater
Tox and detox: Are teens' smartphone use and non-use practices fully fungible?, Lelia Green, Debra Dudek, Lynne Cohen, Kjartan Ólafsson, Elisabeth Staksrud, Carmen Louise Jacques, and Kelly Jaunzems
Measuring and mitigating cyber vigilance decrement in network defence personnel, Oliver A. Guidetti
Police engagement with African communities in Western Australia, Umile Gwakuba
Modeling for stock trends: A study of two-stage pattern strategy*, Yu He, Hong Zhou, Simon Kimm, and Jiao Xue
Who we are getting it right for: The practitioners’ experience of program evaluation, Andrea S. Highman
Body gaze as a marker of sexual objectification: A new scale for pervasive gaze and gaze provocation behaviors in heterosexual women and men, Ross C. Hollett, Shane L. Rogers, Prudence Florido, and Belinda Mosdell
Evidence that digital game players neglect age classification systems when deciding which games to play, Ross Hollett, Sian Tomkinson, Sam Illingworth, Brad Power, and Tauel Harper
The social value of contemplating poetry, Anna Hueppauff
Customer behaviour towards halal food: A systematic review and agenda for future research, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Madugoda Gunaratnege Senali, Morteza Ghobakhloo, Davoud Nikbin, and Ghazanfar Ali Abbasi
Some survivors will find peace and healing in Bali 2002 – but others may find the series triggering, Carmen Jacques