Theses from 1995
Parental assistance in children's reading in the home, Karen Lyons
Perceptions of lower secondary design and technology teachers about the utilisation of the design process, Desire Mallet
The mediation of teaching through central curriculum controls: Four case studies of history teaching in year 12 in Western Australia, Edmund Z. Mazibuko
Cultural materialism and the teaching of media : The lesson of Raymond Williams, D. I. McRitchie
An Identification Of Affective Characteristics Which Employers Are Seeking In Bible College Graduates, Alan Meers
The effect of a direct instruction motor development program on the catching performance of pre-primary children, Matt Osborne
The effects of nonjudgemental feedback on gender equity in teacher student interaction in primary school physical education, Brian D. Owen
The influence of primary school music programmes on student choice of music studies in lower secondary schools, Beverley Pascoe
The effect of a structured narrative programme on language disordered children, Rosemary J. Simpson
Differential outcomes of various models of work experience, Peter Sinclair
The Professional Background And Perceptions Of Principals On Their Leadership Role In Preprimary, Elizabeth Stamopoulos
The journey of making meaning in drama : a case study in a metropolitan priority school, Heather A. Timms
Reasons given by year 9 girls for the non-selection of outdoor education in a selected government school, Janene Walton
Difficulties Experienced by Year 10 Students When Solving Monohybrid Autosomal and X-Linked Genetic Problems, Christina Williams
Teacher planning in a era of accountability for student outcomes, Scott C. Zehnder
Theses from 1994
The Effects of Teaching a Specific Top-Level Structure on the Organization of Written Texts, K Brown
The effect of instruction on short and long term memory of songs and their musical elements, Alanna Campbell
The identification of conceptual and strategic difficulties encountered by students when using an electronic spreadsheet, Craig Clapham
The Induction Of Beginning Teachers In Western Australian Catholic Primary Schools, Matthew Faulkner
School non-attendance: a literature review, Irene Ioannakis
Bringing children to their senses: A study of the influence of sensory experience on year 4 children's writing, Zenda Johnson
Challenging student alternative frameworks of electrical circuits, Lauril Jones
A study of men in non-traditional male occupations, Fiona Raewyn Kelly
Adult migrant learner perceptions of dyadic interaction in the learning of English as a second language in Australia, Philip G. Nichols
Attitudes towards Mathematics of Vietnamese and non-Vietnamese senior secondary female students, Robert G. Palmer
Part-time work: The attitudes, perceptions and opinions of year 11 students, Marilyn Ralph
An attitudinal study of computer-based learning for English language competence with learning disabled secondary school students, Dorothy Sinclair
Theses from 1993
The continuity of literacy development: Kindergarten to year 1, Lennie Barblett
MAKITAB system of small group learning interaction analysis : a manual for researchers and coders, Leonard King, Kevin Barry, Carmel Maloney, and Collette Tayler
Attitudes of girls and boys towards compulsory physical education in a selected government secondary school, Mileva Pirot
Theses from 1992
In search of the expert pedagogue: How is the expert physical education teacher perceived?, Christine Albert
Sex-related differences in autonomous learning behaviours and mathematics achievement, Laura Beahan
The effects of gender and prior computing experience on computer use and attitudes to computers in pre-primary schools, Helen Blackley
Factors related to the amount of time children spend in leisure reading, Dorothy Doig
A study of children's television viewing patterns, Ronald D. Gorman
The development of a test of concept identification, semantic and syntactic performance for use with hearing impaired children, Heather Joan Hussey
Teacher backgrounds, resources, facilities, personnel and time allocation: A survey of music education in metropolitan pre-primary schools, Anna-Therese Kania
Teachers' concerns about implementing environmental education through their classroom programmes, Karen Malone
Student perceptions of the transition from year 10 to year 11, Tim McDonald
Strategies used by beginning class III and IV rural school principals in dealing with problems encountered in the initial stages of their appointments, Gail Marguerite McLay
Secondary non-art teachers' perceptions of characteristics of an effective art teacher, Christine M. Morton-Lo
Spelling in the secondary school: A review of the current situation, Joan Rodrigues
The impact of dramatic improvisational strategies on the oral comprehension skills of children with a low socio-economic background, Heather A. Timms
A gender analysis of teacher feedback in coeducational secondary physical education lessons, Paul R. Watson
Prose fiction preferences of lower secondary urban Aboriginal boys, Stephen James White
Theses from 1991
A case study to investigate the use of computers across a school population, Janine Bersan
Managing change in schools: a review of the Western Australian project, Rod Chadbourne
Student perceptions in a Social Studies classroom, Maria Darby
The effect of expository writing as a pre-reading activity on comprehension of expository text, W. B. Day
Attitudes of staff and students towards vocational education at a case study school, Kathryn C. Dixon
Characteristics that determine the holding power of computer-based exhibits at Scitech Discovery Centre, Victoria Dodds
The perceived effects of a performance management programme on the professional knowledge attitudes and behaviour of temporary teachers at a metropolitan high school, Shiralee Jayne Donaldson
Monitoring Standards Of Science Investigation Skill Attainment By Tongan Secondary Science Students, Fisi'ihoi Mone
Current practices and continuity of programmes in recorder tuition in selected north east metropolitan schools, B. J. Pascoe
A comparison of mental strategies used by skilled and unskilled mental calculators, Paul Swan
Theses from 1990
The effects of internalising a narrative text structure on the comprehension and recall of narrative texts, Julie M. Bayly
Computer-aided drafting/design in technical drawing in W.A. secondary schools, Edmund V. Beagley
Evaluating the effectiveness of the retelling with the aid of a story-map procedure with weaker readers, Madeleine Boekeman
Issues facing and shaping the role of district superintendents during a period of radical change, Rod Chadbourne
An examination of the pastoral needs of students and the needs of their teachers as providers of pastoral care, Philip A. Crane
Leadership and Change in Schools : the Case of District High Schools in Western Australia, C S. Elliott
The nonparticipation of year 10 female students in coeducational physical education in a metropolitan senior high school, Lisa Fardell
Creativity in Aboriginal students and the implications for language teaching, Raeme Goves-Jacka
The development and evaluation of a computer-assisted strategy designed to change student misconceptions about chemical equilibrium, Hassan Hameed
Selecting content for an introductory training course in industrial relations, Helen Handmer
The effect of a vee-mapping strategy on students' perceptions of laboratory activities, Sonia J. Hueppauff
The influence of prior knowledge of expository text structure on comprehension in young children, Zenda Johnson
The role of computer algebra systems in mathematics teaching at upper secondary school, Wendy Johnstone
Adventure outdoor education and physical self-concept: The effects of adventure percieved activities, David Lawson
An investigation into some of the processes and strategies underlying the receptive behaviour of the interlanguage speaker, Kaye Malcolm
The process of smoking acquisition among girls and boys (year 8) at Balga Senior High School, Sharon McBride
An investigation into the interaction of children using a computer-based adventure game, Jeffrey Mountjoy
An evaluation of the Kangaroo Creek Gang drug education package, Andrew Thompson
Professional development and training needs of school principals in Tonga, Vili Vete
A pilot study to improve academic learning time in physical education, Robert Walker
An investigation of the use of verbalization to improve representational drawing performance, Patricia Waters
Secondary students' difficulties with designing a controlled experiment, Bradley E. Watson
Factors that impinge upon the implementation of a formally structured pastoral care programme in a government school, Eleanor Watson
Theses from 1989
A survey of computer usage in year 11 and 12 accounting in Western Australian secondary government schools, Grazyna Critch
The aesthetic perceptions and preferences of young children for visual artworks, Jacqueline Kik
An investigation of art teachers' and art students' perceptions of an art gallery visit, Eliza Leano
Strategies for increasing community participation in school decision-making processes, Graeme Lock
An analysis of teacher-student interaction in the area of gender equity within primary school physical education, Brian D. Owen
Attitudes towards assessment in art, Sheila Posner
The effects of algebra blocks on student achievement in algebra, Bernard S. Roberts
Variations in attitude between children in different years towards peers with special physical needs in a Western Australian primary school, Natalie C. Robins
The level of visual literacy in post-secondary students, Julie Russell
The evaluation of writing in unit curriculum English, David Sharp