
Submissions from 2002


Proving quality or improving quality: Who's minding the shop, Carmel Maloney and Lennie Barblett

Theory, practice and reflection: The value of integrated learning systems from four different perspectives, Linda Marshall, Maria Northcote, and Maxwell Lenoy


Breaking the myth: The Edith Cowan experience of teaching the English language in Mauritian primary schools, Marion Milton and O. Varma


Development of Principles for the Integration of Technology Education in the Primary Curriculum in Botswana, Patrick Tlalelo Mmokele


Secondary school student's attitudes to social studies: A case study, Wally Moroz and L Hansberry


Portable computing and the networked learner, Christopher Newhouse


Technology education for the 21st century in Australia, Christopher Newhouse


A Comparison of Temporal Speech and Text Cueing in Educational Multimedia, Christopher Newhouse, Jeremy Pagram, Alistair B. Campbell, Bruce Mann, and H Schultz

Devising strategies for enhancing quality staff development in embedding ICT in teaching and learning, Maria Northcote and C Juwah


Year 12 students' perceptions of deputy principals' effect on the religious culture in catholic secondary schools, R Novascek and John Godfrey


Using CD‐ROM ‘electronic talking books’ to help children with mild reading difficulties improve their reading fluency, Grace Oakley


The patterns of negotiation for meaning in child interactions, Rhonda Oliver

Assessment: It is all in hand, Jeremy Pagram and Bianca Herlihy


Online or Out of Reach?, Jeremy Pagram and Elaine Rabbitt

Switched on or turned off:Do preservice ICT and teaching methods translate to the classroom, Jeremy Pagram and Elaine Rabbitt


Attitudes of primary school Australian Aboriginal children to their linguistics codes, Nola M. Purdie, Rhonda Oliver, Glenys Collard, and Judith Rochecouste


What's happening in schools for primary students with learning difficulties?, Elizabeth Rohl and Marion Milton


Literacy learning difficulties in Australian primary schools: Who are the children identified and how do their schools and teachers support them?, Elizabeth Rohl and Judith Rivalland


Academic gains of students with special needs in an independent religious school, Ivanka Saric


A Study of How Well Lower Secondary Students Use Calculators to Solve Computation Problems, Rachel Shipley

Quality course development through a central teaching and learning project: Lessons from a project to embed graduate attributes in undergraduate programs, Heather Sparrow and Suzanne Sharp

Calculators and Number Sense: Teachers' Responses, Paul Swan and Len Sparrow


Teaching sport in physical education: Promoting health and physicalactivity outcomes for young people, Andrew Taggart and Kenneth Alexander


Teachers and the Temporal, Pina Tarricone and Tony Fetherston


Creating a scale to measure motivation to achieve academically: Linking attitudes and behaviours using Rasch measurement, Russell Waugh


Measuring quality of student experiences at a university using a Rasch model, Russell Waugh


Measuring self-reported studying and learning for university students: Linking attitudes and behaviours on the ame scale, Russell Waugh


Linking classroom environment with educational outcomes using a "Rasch" measurement model, Russell Waugh and Robert Cavanagh


Measuring Parent Receptivity towards the Classroom Environment Using the "Rasch" Measurement Model, Russell Waugh and Robert Cavanagh


Academic staff perceptions of administrative quality at universities, Russell F. Waugh

Generational Change:Images of Teaching as a Career, Anna Wildy and Helen House

Crises in Technology Education in Australia, Phillip John Williams

Issues in the Delivery of Int Tech Ed, Phillip John Williams and Shaun Wellbourne-Wood

Submissions from 2001

Phantom classmates: A case study of talented mathematics students learning via telematics, John Bana and L. Clarke


An Exploratory Study Into the Relationship Between Moral Judgement and Academic Ability by School, Gender, and Socio-Economic Status, Kathleen Bancroft


Can vignettes capture the complexity of high quality early childhood teaching?, Lennie Barblett, Rodney Chadbourne, and Carmel Maloney


Learning in two languages: A bilingual program in Western Australia, Caroline Barratt-Pugh and Elizabeth Rohl

Teaching elementary calculus with CAS calculators, Lynette Bloom, Patricia Forster, and Ute Mueller


Education for indigenous students: Which outcomes-based document set is best?, Matthew Byrne and Richard Berlach

Fundamental movement, Linley Campbell


Australian support for the american national board standards of exemplary teaching, Rodney Chadbourne

Level 3 portfolios some comparisions with the USA, Rodney Chadbourne, Claire Brown, and Anne Thwaite

Assessing principals' performance: a research agenda, Simon Clarke, Helen Wildy, and William Louden


Design and technology: two cultures or unitary concept?, Dan Davies and John Williams


Pedagogical Challenges for the World Wide Web, Tony Fetherston


Inclusion: Identifying potential stressors for regular class teachers, Chris Forlin


Introduction: The role of the support teacher in regular schools - an international comparison, Chris Forlin


The role of the support teacher in Australia, Chris Forlin

Support Teacher (Learning Difficulties): changing roles in Queensland, Christine Forlin


Aboriginal Parental Involvement in Early Childhood Education, Rosalyn M. Frecker


Feyerabend revisited: epistemological anarchy and disciplined eclecticism in educational research, David Geelan


The empty centre: power / knowledge, releationships and the myth of ' student centred teaching' in teacher education, David Geelan


Writing our lived experience: Beyond the (pale) hermeneutic?, David Geelan and Peter Charles Taylor

Year 12 students perceptions of deputy principals' effect on the religious culture in four catholic secondary schools in Western Australia, John Godfrey and R Novascek

Science in Australian primary schools: a report card, Denis Goodrum, Mark Hackling, and Leonie Rennie


The state of science in Australian secondary schools, Mark W. Hackling, Denis Goodrum, and Leonie Rennie

Teacher perceptions of student speech [journal article], Yvonne Haig


The Development of a Valid and Reliable Instrument to Assess Constructivist Practices in Primary Classrooms, Bianca Herlihy


Making sense of language teaching: teacher's principles and classroom practices, Bernard Hird, Marion Milton, Rhonda Oliver, Anne Thwaite, and Michael Breen


Fragile relationships, Susan Holland, Abdesselam Fleet, Bryan Leigh, and C Patterson

Family literacy: schools and families of young children working together, Jennifer Jay


Adolescents and Sport : A Case Study of Boys' Drop-Out From Basketball, P. N. A. Jelovsek


High school students' food choices: A nutrient analysis of students' canteen purchases at four high schools, Jenny Kora


Rethinking responses to 'domestic violence' in Australian indigenous communities, Ann-Claire Larsen and Alan Petersen


Galerius and the revolt of the thebaid in 293/4, William Leadbetter

Wolf-women: Constructing Roman Empresses then and now, William Leadbetter

Curriculum integration as process and product: Authentic learning in teacher education, Bridget Leggett, Anna Lichtenberg, Lesley Newhouse-Maiden, and Michael Harvey


School-Community Links : Taking Cricket in Sport Education Beyond Bell Times, Adrian Lister


Searching for standards in narrative research, William Louden and John Wallace


Spinning a web (case) around professional standards: capturing the complexity of science teaching, William Louden, John Wallace, and R. Groves


Number sense in urban Aboriginal primary students, Kathryn J. Lyon

Teachers' views of the US professional standards in early childhood education, Carmel Maloney and Lennie Barblett

The role of play in the hospitalisation of young children, Lis Mathiasen and Madeline(Dawn) Butterworth

A Scenario, Tarquam Mckenna


Conclusion, Tarquam Mckenna and Felicity Haynes


Enactments of Difference, Tarquam Mckenna and Felicity Haynes

Literacy in the primary context: attitudes to reading, reading scores and gender of students nominated by teachers as having literacy difficulties, Marion Milton


Ebook, enew, epublishing, using the new technologies in english, Brian Moon


Western Australia, Wally Moroz

Male and female students' attitudes toward social studies - a case study, Wally Moroz and L Hansberry

Secondary students' growing disenchantment with social studies - a case study, Wally Moroz and Moreton Harslett


Discussion, Wally Moroz, P Murray, and R Patricia

Factors affecting students' attitudes toward social studies - a case study in a catholic secondary school, Wally Moroz and K Thiveos


A Follow-up Study of Students Using Portable Computers at a Secondary School, Christopher Newhouse

Applying the Concerns-Based Adoption Model to Research on Computers in Classrooms, Christopher Newhouse


Development and use of an Instrument for Computer-Supported Learning Environments, Christopher Newhouse


Wireless-Portable Technology Unlocks the Potential for Computers to Support Learning in Primary Schools, Christopher Newhouse


A Longitudinal Study of the Use of Student-owned Portable Computers in a Secondary School, Christopher Newhouse and Leonie Rennie


Teaching Practices Which Enhance Rhythm Development in Junior Primary Students : Case Studies in the South West Region of Western Australia, Natalie Oddy


Talking laptops: An enabling tool for children with learning difficulties, Jeremy Pagram


Science teaching and learning in Australian schools: results of a national study, Leonie J. Rennie, Denis Goodrum, and Mark Hackling

The non-joiners: Why migrant muslim women aren't accessing english language classes, Anne Rida and Marion Milton

Buddhism: its contribution to the spiritual renaissance in the west, Patricia Sherwood

Bridging the gap between adult education and educational psychology: some important findings, Bryan Smith


Preservice teachers' knowledge of difficulties in decimal numberation, Kaye Stacey, S. Helme, V. Steinle, A. Baturo, K. Irwin, and John Bana


HPE Teachers' Collection of Information on Student Physical Activity Levels, S. A. Tonkin


Making the personal professional: Pre-service teacher education and personal histories, Janina Trotman and Trevor Kerr


Academic staff perceptions of administrative quality at universities, Russell Waugh


Creating a scale to measure motivation to achieve academically: Linking attitudes and behaviours using Rasch measurement [conference paper], Russell Waugh


Measuring Ideal and Real Self-Concept on the Same Scale, Based on a Multifaceted, Hierarchical Model of Self-Concept, Russell Waugh