Submissions from 2005
Teaching students who speak Aboriginal English, Yvonne Haig, Patricia Konigsberg, and Glenys Collard
Constructing a family literacy program: Challenges and successes, Jennifer Jay and Elizabeth Rohl
The use of digitised video of experienced teachers at work in preservice teacher education, Jenny Jay
Sport Education in teacher education, Gary D Kinchin, Dawn Penney, and Gill Clarke
Ethical issues in qualitative educational research with vulnerable families, Deslea Konza
Providing behavioural support for young children with Asperger's Syndrome in inclusive settings, Deslea Konza
Secondary school success for students with Asperger's Syndrome, Deslea Konza
What counts as knowledge and what knowledge counts in Early Childhood Education, Susan Krieg
What counts as knowledge in teaching and learning process, Susan Krieg and Suzanne Sharp
Online learning in higher education: necessary and sufficient conditions, Cher Ping Lim
A collective case study of the use of ICT in Economics courses: A sociocultural approach, Cher Ping Lim and Sally Barnes
Classroom management issues in Information Communication Technology (ICT)-mediated learning environments: Back to the basics, Cher Ping Lim, Meow Sien Pek, and Ching Sing Chao
Children and healthy eating: A global, policy and school curriculum perspective, Erica Logan
Aesthetic Solidarity and Ethical Holism Towards an Ecopedagogy, Geoffrey Lummis
A study of feelings of alienation among relief teachers servicing Western Australian government metropolitan primary schools, Ralph G. Lunay
The role of manipulatives in developing mathematical thinking, Linda Marshall and Paul Swan
Science in the newspaper: A strategy for developing scientific literacy, Karen Murcia
Using action research principles for professional development: The Waikiki school experience, Karen Murcia
Stylus or the Mouse? Using a Tablet PC with Young Children, Christopher Newhouse
A Framework for Leading School Change in Using ICT, Christopher Newhouse, Barnard Clarkson, and Sue Trinidad
The Capabilities Required by Online Tutors Mediated Through Learning Environment Factors, Christopher Newhouse and Douglas Reid
Producing Resilient Middle School Students, Lesley Newhouse-Maiden, Nan Bahr, and Donna Pendergast
Preparing Middle Years Teachers to meet the needs of young adolescents in new times: the story of an innovation in teacher education, Lesley Newhouse-Maiden and Terence De Jong
The educational beliefs of a group of university teachers and their students: Identification, exploration and comparison, Maria T. Northcote
The status and quality of secondary science teaching and learning in Lagos State, Nigeria, Taiwo O. Ogunmade
Looking at E-Learning and Remote Supervision from a student perspective, Jeremy Pagram
Culture Clash: E-Learning vs Culture and Learning Style, Jeremy Pagram and Penporn Pagram
Education leadership: looking at e- learning and remote supervision from a student perspectives, Jeremy Pagram and Elaine Rabbitt
The effect of money as a context on the mental computation performance of students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9, Anne Paterson and John Bana
The Laptop advantage: Trialling the use of Laptops in Primary Technology Teacher Education, Jennifer Pearson and Phillip John Williams
Inclusion in sport education, Dawn Penney and Gill Clarke
New Relationships, New Futures, Dawn Penney and Gill Clarke
Sport eucation and lifelong learning, Dawn Penney and Gill Clarke
Researching Sport Education: Partnerships in action, Dawn Penney, Gill Clarke, and Mandy Quill
Sport Education, Citizenship and Leadership, Dawn Penney, Gill Clarke, and Mandy Quill
Assessment and Sport Education, Dawn Penney, Gary D Kinchin, and Mandy Quill
Connecting initial teacher education and continuing professional learning though action research and action learning, Dawn Penney and Bridget Leggett
Sport Education and cross-curricular learning, Dawn Penney and Mandy Quill
Sport Education and Outdoor Adventurous Activities, Dawn Penney and Barbara Wilkie
I need another animated gif!': Instructional design trends of ICT teaching resources created by pre-service science teachers, Douglas Reid, Vaille Dawson, and Patricia Forster
How are pre-service teachers in Australia being prepared for teaching Literacy and Numeracy to a Diverse Range of Students?, Elizabeth Rohl and Daryl Greaves
Transitions and Re-engagement Through Second Chance Education, Sharon Ross and Jan Gray
Box Plots: Issues for Teaching & Learning, Romaine Saunders and Patricia Forster
Sport Education in key stage 4 swimming, Emily Scrivener and Dawn Penney
High Jumps, Hurdles, Carrots and Sticks: University Responses to Government Initiatives to Improve Teaching and Learning, Heather Sparrow
Decide, select, perform and make sense: computation in primary mathematics, Paul Swan and Len Sparrow
Bucking the Zeitgeist: Positioning doctoral research through creativity, Pina Tarricone
It's for the rest of your life: The pragmatics of youth career decision-making, Anthea Taylor
What employers look for: The skills debate and the fit with youth perceptions, Anthea Taylor
Young Boys and their computer toys: What is it that so engrosses them and how can we translate this into improving their educational outcomes, Kim Tomlinson-Baillie and Terence De Jong
Intoduction - Diaspora - The Australasian Experience, Cynthia Vanden Driesen and Ralph Crane
Intervention approaches for learning difficulties in literacy, Christina E van Kraayenoord, Elizabeth Rohl, and Judith Rivalland
Searching for Clarity to teach the complexity of the gene concept, Grady Venville and Jennifer Donovan
An exploration of young children's understandings of genetics concepts from ontological and epistemological perspectives, Grady Venville, Susan Gribble, and Jennifer Donovan
Integrating the curriculum, John Wallace, Grady Venville, and Leonie Rennie
Cooperative Learning Versus Communicative Thai Teaching of English as a Second Language for Prathom (Grade) 6 Students Taught in Thailand, Russell Waugh, Margaret Bowering, and Sutaporn Chayarathee
Creating Scales to Measure Reading Comprehension, and Attitude and Behaviour, for Prathom 6 (Grade) 6 Students Taught ESL Through Cooperative Learning Method in Thailand, Russell Waugh, Margaret Bowering, and Sutaporn Chayarathee
Creating Scales to Measure Reading Comprehension, and Attitude and Behaviour for Prathom (Grade) 7 Students Taught ESL Through Genre-Based Method in Thailand, Russell Waugh, Margaret Bowering, and Sanguansri Torok
Genre-Based Teaching Versus Traditional Teaching of English as a Second Language in Prathon 7 in Thailand, Russell Waugh, Margaret Bowering, and Sanguansri Torok
Attitude to Mathematics for Primary - Aged Students: A Comparison of True Score and Rasch Measurement, Russell Waugh and Elaine Chapman
Measuring Academic Motivation to Achieve for Malaysian High School Students Using a Rasch Measurement Model, Russell Waugh and Joseph Njiru
Theses from 2004
Nigerian science teachers' beliefs about effective science teaching, their pedagogical content knowledge, and how these influence science teaching, Morris A. Benjamin
Inspiration in a middle school curriculum, Sue Bursey and Paul Newhouse
The effect of technology-based lessons on primary school students working in mixed and single-gender groupings, Brian Clarence
Quality management in Australian higher education : A critical review, Trudi Cooper
Listening in the Mathematics Working Relationship of Two High-School students, Patricia Forster
Charting trends for E-Learning in Asian schools, John G. Hedberg and Cher Ping Lim
Understanding and teaching students with Asperger's Syndrome as individuals, Deslea Konza
Engaging learners in online learning environments, Cher Ping Lim
An activity-theoretical approach to research of ICT integration in Singapore schools: Orienting activities and learner autonomy, Cher Ping Lim and Ching Sing Chai
Engaging junior college students in computer-mediated lessons using scaffolding strategies, Cher Ping Lim and Myint Swe Khine
Portable Computing Challenges Schooling, Christopher Newhouse
The effect of money as a context on students' mental computation performance in years 3, 5, 7 and 9, Anne Paterson
Students' Perception of Their First Experience of the Sacrament of Penance Within the Archdiocese of Perth, Western Australia, Janine Sanzone
Facilitating teacher professional learning : analysing the impact of an Australian professional learning model in secondary science, Rachel Sheffield
Rewarding teaching excellence: The development of an innovative index to reward teaching activity in higher education, Heather Sparrow
Autonomy in foreign language learning: An exploratory analysis of Japanese learners, Miyuki U. Surma
The getting of access: the trials and tribulations of the novice researcher, Anthea Taylor, Millei Zsuzsa, Lee Partridge, and Lynette Rodriguez
Self-reported business leadership competencies of middle-level managers, Philip Teo
Year 7 students' English reading comprehension and attitudes and behaviours: Collaborative genre-based versus traditional teaching methods in Thailand, Sanguansri Torok
Creating form : the presentation and perception of three-dimensional form, Gillian Treichel
Striking a balance between formalism and expression in visual arts practice and visual arts education, Lynn Vroombout
The construction of a Business English curriculum, relevant to the workplace, and making use of word processing in place of handwriting, Ladawan Wattanaboot
Aquatic programmes and swimming activities in health and physical education : a case for differentiation, P. R. Whipp
The effect of cross-linked learning on visual arts education, Cassandra Zervos
Submissions from 2003
School Choice policies and their impact on public education in Australia, Maxwell Angus
A window into mathematics communities of practice in Australia and New Zealand, John Bana and Margeret Walshaw
One size doesn't fit all: Patterns of pre-primary teacher policy engagement, Lennie Barblett
The Effects of Incorporating a Word Processor into a Year Three Writing Program, Natalie Beck and Tony Fetherston
Augmentation of the Assessment Process by the use of an Electronic Performance Support System, Alistair B. Campbell
The impact of teacher training in special education on the attitudes of Australian preservice general educators towards people with disabilities, Annemaree Carrol, Chris Forlin, and Anne Jobling
Middle schooling and academic rigour, Rodney Chadbourne
What makes middle school and middle schooling distinctive, if anything?, Rodney Chadbourne
Communication in the classroom, including the use of open-ended questions, Craig Davis and Patricia Forster
Effect of a Forensic DNA testing module on Adolescents' Ethical Decision-Making Abilities, Vaille Dawson
Western Australian high school students' attitudes towards biotechnology processes, Vaille Dawson and Renato Schibeci