Theses from 1990
The role of computer algebra systems in mathematics teaching at upper secondary school, Wendy Johnstone
Adventure outdoor education and physical self-concept: The effects of adventure percieved activities, David Lawson
An investigation into some of the processes and strategies underlying the receptive behaviour of the interlanguage speaker, Kaye Malcolm
The process of smoking acquisition among girls and boys (year 8) at Balga Senior High School, Sharon McBride
An investigation into the interaction of children using a computer-based adventure game, Jeffrey Mountjoy
An evaluation of the Kangaroo Creek Gang drug education package, Andrew Thompson
Professional development and training needs of school principals in Tonga, Vili Vete
A pilot study to improve academic learning time in physical education, Robert Walker
An investigation of the use of verbalization to improve representational drawing performance, Patricia Waters
Secondary students' difficulties with designing a controlled experiment, Bradley E. Watson
Factors that impinge upon the implementation of a formally structured pastoral care programme in a government school, Eleanor Watson
Theses from 1989
A survey of computer usage in year 11 and 12 accounting in Western Australian secondary government schools, Grazyna Critch
The aesthetic perceptions and preferences of young children for visual artworks, Jacqueline Kik
An investigation of art teachers' and art students' perceptions of an art gallery visit, Eliza Leano
Strategies for increasing community participation in school decision-making processes, Graeme Lock
An analysis of teacher-student interaction in the area of gender equity within primary school physical education, Brian D. Owen
Attitudes towards assessment in art, Sheila Posner
The effects of algebra blocks on student achievement in algebra, Bernard S. Roberts
Variations in attitude between children in different years towards peers with special physical needs in a Western Australian primary school, Natalie C. Robins
The level of visual literacy in post-secondary students, Julie Russell
The evaluation of writing in unit curriculum English, David Sharp
The implementation of design education in lower secondary school industrial arts units, Rod Slater
Submissions from 1986
Records and evaluation of children's learning, Ian Kerr (Ed.)