Submissions from 2009
Dancing doctorates down-under? Defining and assessing 'doctorateness' when embodiment enters the thesis, Maggi Phillips, Cheryl Stock, and Kim Vincs
The communicating dance, Alison Plevey
From dreams to nightmares : Cross-generational romance in mainstream American cinema, Sol Stern
Submissions from 2008
Protean careers and the performing arts: Antecedents for intrinsic motivation, Sophie Fernandes
Navigate your way through a sea of data, Korin S. Gath
Unmasking Albany : Addressing social issues through mask-work with young people in a Western Australian regional centre, Fleur Hockey
The possiblity of infrasonic music, Catherine Hope
Pathos, pathology and the still-mobile image: A warburgian reading of held by Garry Stewart and Lois Greenfield, Jonathan Marshall
Lynn Matluck Brooks, Ed., Women’s work: Making dance in Europe before 1800; Arthur Saint-Léon, La Sténochorégraphie; [and] Carlo Blasis, Il Trattato di Danza [Book review], Jonathan W. Marshall
Maaike Bleeker, Ed., Anatomy live: Performing and the operating theatre [Book review], Jonathan W. Marshall
Visualising the transient self: An examination of the intangible in creative work, Jaqueline Monks
New indeterminate music: The influence of the Cagean trajectory in the importance of being earmarked, Brett Philip Murray
Creativity's crossingforces: A danced interplay, Maggi Phillips
Dancing between diversity and consistency: Refining assessment in postgraduate degrees in dance, Maggie Phillips, Cheryl Stock, and Kim Vincs
Performing Le Merle Nair: An investigation into the performance issues in the music of Olivier Messiaen, Kirsten Smith
Performing the keyboard percussion works of Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic, Joshua James Webster
Submissions from 2007
A methodology for thorough text preparation of German Lieder, Emma Louise Blake
Cinematography and choreography: "It takes two to tango", Laura Boynes
In Genius-Lee : An analysis of the improvisational style of Lee Konitz, Andrew Brooks
The new String Quartet : The evolution of the Hyperquartet, Rachael Dease
Facelift, Cat Hope
Making music as contemporary art, Catherine Hope
Silence as stillness? Sonic experiences in art using infrasonics, Catherine Hope
Vigilante Performance, Jonathan Marshall
Rehearsal and performance practices of minimalist music, specifically related to music for eighteen musicians by Steve Reich, Callum Moncrieff
Photography, dance and the concept of punctum, Rhiannon Newton
God's Lonely Men : Bernard Herrmann's musical voice for the lonely and tortured men of cinema, Clare Nina Norelli
Lost in translation: Making sense of dance through words, Paul T. O'Sullivan
Preparing the role of Tytania in Britten's A Midsummer Night's Dream: a handbook for singers, Emma Pettemerides
An investigation of musical life and music societies in Perth (Western Australia), 1900-1950, Jessica Sardi
Submissions from 2006
Performance design : the Western Australian Opera Company's contribution to performance design 1968-1997, Howard Bradfield
Through the window: The subject and the voyeur's gaze within cinema and video, James A. Doohan
Bob Brookmeyer: composer, performer, pedagogue, Mace Francis
The classical guitar in Paris: Composers and performers c.1920-1960, Duncan Robert Gardiner
Application of binaural recording in the video game industry, Max Leong
Transforming Messiaen : The Application of Elements of the Musical Language of Olivier Messiaen to the Contemporary Jazz Orchestra, Johannes Luebbers
An investigation into the spectral music idiom and its association with visual imagery, particularly that of film and video, Brett Mabury
The dancing mind, Rebecca McCormac
Creative interpretation and cello technique: A pedagogical handbook in the tradition of Michael Goldschlager and Bernard Greenhouse, Sacha McCulloch
The integrated sound, space and movement environment : The uses of analogue and digital technologies to correlate topographical and gestural movement with sound, Jonathan A. Mustard
What are the benefits of dance in relation to developing creative potential for the individual?, Shannon Riggs
The influence of genetics and the environment on human personalities, relationships and experiences, Patrice Smith
An investigation Into Lindsay Vickery's Rendez-vous: An opera noir, Adam Willett
Tan Dun's Eight Memories in Watercolor: Insights into performance, Zhen Zeng
Submissions from 2005
The bridge between, Clive Barstow
Orchestral engagements with rock music: a study of Michel Colombier's Wings as a catalyst for evolution- a Rock Symphony for jazz orchestra, Christopher de Groot
"Everything I've Listened to With Love" : A study of guitarist Wolfgang Muthspiel and his integration of classical music elements into jazz, Johanne Druitt
Invisible country, Margaret Hair
Voyeurages, Cat Hope
Developing a flexible and expressive realtime polyphonic wave terrain synthesis instrument based on a visual and multidimensional methodology, Stuart G. James
Inciting reflection: A short manifesto for and introduction to the discursive reviewing of the arts, Jonathan Marshall
Diversified Moves of a Specialised Ecology: Can this Art-Form be Sustainable?, Maggi Phillips
Submissions from 2004
Representations of recombinant memory in interactive performance works: Some recent examples, Jonathan Burtt, Katrina Lavers, and Lindsay Vickery
Decorator or narrator: A contextualisation of Slavic and Australian pattern making and its relationship to my painting practice, Iliana H. Jordanov
Renaissance and baroque stage technology and its meaning for today's theatre, Stan Kubalcik
Resisting aggression : Graphic re-presentations for other bodies, Camilla C. Loveridge
When the carnival is over : Peter Barnes' Red Noses and the theories of Mikhail Bakhtin, Duncan A. Sharp
Submissions from 2003
Teaching musicianship to the triple threat actor, Derek Bond
Interfaces for public use interactive installations: Some design concepts, problems and possible solutions, Hannah Clemen
Lost and found at stary sacz, Robert Curry
The strange case of Dr Lopez and Mr Shakespeare, Charles Edelman
Revisiting the early format of the big band: So you want to be a band leader?, Amanda L. Jones
The Dance to Know: Transition in an Elite Educational Sector, Chrissie Parrott and Maggi Phillips
The Embodied Thesis, Maggi Phillips
Non-linear structures for real-time interactive musical works, Lindsay Vickery
Submissions from 2002
A search for home: The role of art therapy in understanding the experiences of Bosnian refugees in Western Australia, Fiona Fitzpatrick
The living artist, Haruhisa Handa
Intimation of life : photographic portraiture in art, Richard Munsie
Correllating movement in space to the parameters of sound, Jonathan Mustard
Crazy Link-ups all Over the Place: Russian Blood, Modernity and Western Australia, Maggi Phillips
The RoboSax Project (1991-2001): Forms of performer/machine interaction works by Johathan Mustard and Lindsay Vickery, Lindsay Vickery
Submissions from 2001
An exploration of doubleness through Kieslowski's films and my theatre practice, Maho Hidaka
Accumulated response in live improvised dance performance, Joanna T. Pollitt
Trace and the makers of meaning, Lindon J. Thompson
The western edge: Some recent electronic music from Western Australia, Lindsay Vickery
Submissions from 2000
Tracing image and bodily displacement in modern and postmodern dance, Carolyn Margaret Griffiths
Submissions from 1999
Digital imaging: Creating new realities, Mark Datodi
Art and body image : A journey through anorexia nervosa and the implications for art therapy rituals, Peta Horrex
The art of healing : A journey through cancer : Implications for art therapy, Carmen Zammit
Submissions from 1998
A search for home: The role of art therapy in understanding the experiences of Bosnian refugees in Western Australia [thesis], Fiona Fitzpatrick
A Case Study : A Short Term Art Therapy Intervention For A Child Victim To Bullying, Ffyona Matthews
Redefining The Art Experience : From Static To Temporal Art Forms, Justine McKnight
An art therapy programme incorporating Buddhist concepts to address issues of aggression in adult male prisoners, Diane Randall
Arts on the edge conference: 30 March - 3 April Perth 1998 Western Australia, Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts
Submissions from 1997
Submissions from 1996
Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon Design in Practise [sic] Within the City of Perth, Anastasia C. Bradley
Exploring infertility through art, Olga Gibson
A competency-based art therapy approach for improving the self-esteem of a pre-adolescent girl, Maria T. Papaluca
Submissions from 1995
Peggy Glanville-Hicks' Opera Sappho, A Critical Examination, Fiona Campbell