Submissions from 2009
Researching rural-regional (teacher) education in Australia, Graeme Lock, Jo-Anne Reid, Bill Green, Wendy Hastings, Maxine Cooper, and Simone White
Managing school-university partnerships at Edith Cowan University, Graeme Lock and Beverley Yardley
The War on Carbon: Polity and Scientific Literacy, Geoffrey Lummis
Yay it's Maths!' Using hand-held game consoles in a Primary classroom, Susan Main and John O'Rourke
Games: A catalyst for learning or busy work?, Linda Marshall and Paul Swan
Parents as Partners , Linda Marshall and Paul Swan
Partnering with parents to improve mathematics performance , Linda Marshall and Paul Swan
What makes today's kids really sit up and fires their neural fibres? Technology. So how can teachers help "curiosity" to kill the cat?, Maureen Michael
Interactive Whiteboard Pedagogies in the Primary Science Classroom, Karen Murcia
Re-thinking the development of scientific literacy through a rope metaphor, Karen Murcia
Science in the news: An evaluation of students' scientific literacy, Karen Murcia
Finding the way: Signposts in teachers' development of effective interactive whiteboard pedagogies, Karen Murcia and Susan McKenzie
Professional Development Goes East: Examining Changes in Teachers' Beliefs in Four Indonesian Schools , Hendrati Nastiti, Jeremy Pagram, and Cher Ping Lim
Using digital technologies and contemporary psychometrics in the assessment of performance on complex practical tasks, Christopher Newhouse and Joseph Njiru
The state of pre-service teacher education in the Asia-Pacific region, Maria Northcote and Cher Ping Lim
The Perceptions of Secondary Teachers and Students about the Implementation of an Inclusive Classroom Model for Students with Mild Disabilities, John O'Rourke and Stephen Houghton
Online learning materials, Jeremy Pagram and Martin Cooper
The Inclusive Secondary Teacher: The Leaders’ Perspective, Michelle Pearce, Jan Gray, and Glenda Campbell-Evans
Vocabulary: The Foundation of Literacy, Alexis Pond
Youth transitions : re-entry into second chance education, Sharon M. Ross
Management practices and the valuing of sessional staff, Heather Sparrow
Surviving and sustaining teaching excellence: A narrative of ‘entrapment’, Heather Sparrow
Mathematics Games as a Pedagogical Tool, Paul Swan and Linda Marshall
Mathematics games: Time Wasters or Time Well Spent?, Paul Swan and Linda Marshall
Reading 'Riting and 'Rithmetic: How the two "Rs" impact on the third "R", Paul Swan and Linda Marshall
How can analysis of classroom talk help teachers reflect on their practices?, Anne Thwaite and Judith Rivalland
Supporting Beginning Rural Teachers: Lessons from Successful Schools, Simone White, Graeme Lock, Wendy Hastings, Jo-Anne Reid, Bill Green, and Maxine Cooper
A critique of the implementation of Engineering Studies in an Australian school system, Phillip John Williams
Assessment of student performance in engineering, Phillip John Williams
Authentic assessment of student performance, Phillip John Williams
Engineering: Good for technology?, Phillip John Williams
Teacher Education, Phillip John Williams
Teacher education and professional development, Phillip John Williams
Technological literacy: A multiliteracies approach for democracy, Phillip John Williams
Higher education students’ perceptions of effective assessment, Julia Wren, Heather Sparrow, Jeremy Northcote, and Sue Sharp
Implementing a professional learning journal in a pre-service teacher education course, Beverley Yardley, Graeme Lock, and Elizabeth Walsh
Theses from 2008
Perceptions of students from a Korean university about the attributes of effective lecturers of English as a foreign language, Bruce D. Barnes
Perspectives on a Family Literacy Program: Voices of the Participants, Caroline Barratt-Pugh and Mary Rohl
Early childhood education of children with specific language impairments, Emma Barrett and Lorraine Hammond
A Qualitative Analysis of University Students' Receptivity to Peers With Disabilities, Minoti Biswas and Russell Waugh
A Rasch Measurement Analysis of University Students' Receptivity to Peers With Disabilities, Minoti Biswas and Russell Waugh
Light dawns gradually over the whole : models of integrated curriculum provided in middle schools within Western Australia, Adam J. Blackmore
The nature and quality of pre-service science teacher education and transition to teaching in Lagos State, Nigeria, Durojaiye S. Braimoh
Performance enhancement of the task assessment process through the application of an electronic performance support system, Alistair B. Campbell
Language process errors in year 9 mathematics problem solving : a multi-strategy language-based intervention, Glenn Y. Chinen
Computerized adaptive testing in mathematics for primary schools in Thailand, Chaowprapha Chuesathuchon
Item banking with Rasch Measurement: An example for primary mathematics in Thailand, Chaowprapha Chuesathuchon and Russell Waugh
Developing the Capacity of Australian Secondary Schools to cater for Students with High Support Needs in Mental Health and Wellbeing: an Effective School case Management Resource, Terence De Jong and Coosje Griffiths
The use and usefulness of non-assessed online learning: Tracking students' behaviour on LAMS, Eva Dobozy
Engaging The Millennial First-Year Teacher Education Learner: A Preliminary Case Study, Eva Dobozy and Romana Pospisil
'Just-in-time' virtual assignment help: A case study of first year teacher education students, Eva Dobozy and Romana Pospisil
Public schools or Islamic colleges? : factors impacting on parental choice of schooling for Muslim children, Mahmoud M. Eid
Comparing single-level and multi-level regression models in analysing Rasch measures of numeracy, Jessica Elderfield
Education in the Arab-Islamic world, Abdul K. Eraikat
Visual Culture in the Classroom, Tony Fetherston
A 'formidable challenge': Australia's quest for equity in Indigenous education, Jan Gray and Quentin Beresford
Twenty-three steps to learning Web 2.0 technologies in an academic library, Julia Gross and Lynette Leslie
Primary Connections: Stage 3: Interim research and evaluation report 15: Impact of Primary Connections on students’ science processes, literacies of science and attitudes towards science, Mark Hackling and Vaughan Prain
An overview of Primary Connections stage 3 research outcomes 2006-2008, Mark W. Hackling
Primary Connections: Stage 3: Interim research and evaluation report 11: NSW professional learning facilitators workshop: July 2007, Mark W. Hackling
Primary Connections: Stage 3: Interim research and evaluation report 12: WA professional learning facilitators workshop: September 2007, Mark W. Hackling
Primary Connections: Stage 3: Interim research and evaluation report 14: QLD, NSW and TAS curriculum leaders workshops: October 2007-February 2008, Mark W. Hackling
Primary Connections: Stage 3: Interim research and evaluation report 17: Professional learning facilitators: Activities as at end of term 1/2, 2008, Mark W. Hackling
Mathematics content knowledge of pre-service primary teachers: developing confidence and competence, Brenda Hamlett
Early childhood teachers coping with educational change, Pamela Kilgallon, Carmel Maloney, and Graeme Lock
Early childhood teachers' sustainment in the classroom, Pamela Kilgallon, Carmel Maloney, and Graeme Lock
Teacher education in Australia: Current issues and challenges, Deslea Konza and Gordon Brown
Peace in the classroom: Meditation for teachers and students, Deslea Konza and Julie Pappas
Beyond U-tube: An Innovative Use of Online Digital Video Analysis in Teacher Education, Jeniffer Lane and Tony Fetherston
The resources boom: Cash cow or crisis for preservice teacher education in Western Australia?, Jennifer Lane
I Hate Marking: An innovative use of technology to ease the Marking Day Blues, Jennifer Lane and Alistair B. Campbell
The Digital Filing Cabinet: Using Web-2 Technologies To Collaborate, Create, And Manage Student Information, Jennifer Lane and Alistair B. Campbell
Teacher-student relationships in primary schools in Perth, Natalie C. Leitao
Students' Views of Teacher-Student Relationships in the Primary School, Natalie Leitao and Russell Waugh
Teachers' Views of Teacher-Student Relationships in the Primary School, Natalie Leitao and Russell Waugh
Scaffolding online Historical Inquiry Tasks: A Case Study of Two Secondary School Classrooms, Dong Dong Li and Cher Ping Lim
Global Citizenship Education, School Curriculum and Games: Learning Mathematics, English and Science as a Global Citizen, Cher Ping Lim
Spirit of the Game: Empowering Students as Designers in Schools?, Cher Ping Lim
Rethinking classroom-oriented instructional development models to mediate instructional planning in technology-enhanced learning environments, Cher Ping Lim and Ching Sing Chai
Teachers' pedagogical beliefs and their planning and conduct of computer-mediated classroom lessons, Cher Ping Lim and Ching Sing Chai
Preparing teachers for rural appointments: Lessons from Australia, Graeme Lock
Best practice or most practiced? Pre-service teachers’ beliefs about effective behaviour management strategies and reported self-efficacy, Susan Main and Lorraine Hammond
Exploring the use of mathematics manipulative materials: is it what we think it is?, Linda Marshall and Paul Swan
Things to do in Duskwood when you're dead: English lessons from World of Warcraft, Brian Moon
Teaching science creatively: Engaging primary teacher education students with interactive whiteboard technology, Karen Murcia
Digital Forms of Performance Assessment, Christopher Newhouse
Maximising the impact of ICT on learning in schools, Christopher Newhouse
Transforming schooling with support from portable computing, Christopher Newhouse
Creating contexts for learning with ICT in schools, Christopher Newhouse and Barnard Clarkson
Using Learning Environment Attributes to Evaluate the Impact of ICT on Learning in Schools, Christopher Newhouse and Barnard Clarkson
"Making Time" for Reading: Factors That Influence the Success of Multimedia Reading in the Home, Grace Oakley and Jennifer Jay
Perceptions of secondary school students with mild disabilities to the academic and social support mechanisms implemented in regular classrooms, John O'Rourke and Stephen Houghton
Secondary v K-7: pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion, John O'Rourke, Susan Main, and Martin Cooper
Do You Want Paper With That? Examining How Education Students At Edith Cowan University Use Electronically Delivered Learning Resources, Jeremy Pagram, Martin Cooper, and Alistair B. Campbell PhD
E-Learning Issues: Probing Pedagogy, Interface and Culture, Jeremy Pagram and Penporn Pagram
Towards inclusive standards, Michelle Pearce