Submissions from 2011
Teacher awareness and understandings about aboriginal English in Western Australia, Rhonda Oliver, Judith Rochecouste, Samantha Vanderford, and Ellen Grote
Tailoring mentoring for new mathematics and science teachers: An exploratory study, Christine Ormond
Inclusion at University: Can We do More than Open the Door?, John O'Rourke
E-Yearning: An examination of the use and preferences of students using online learning materials, Jeremy Pagram and Martin Cooper
Digital Assessment in Secondary Schools: A Western Australian Experience Focusing on a Senior Engineering Course [conference paper], Jeremy Pagram and John Williams
Assessment in senior secondary physical education. Questions of Judgement, Dawn Penney, Lorna Gillespie, Andrew Jones, Christopher Newhouse, and Alistair B. Campbell
Developing a digital assessment in senior secondary physical education, Dawn Penney, Andy Jones, Paul Newhouse, and Alistair B. Campbell
Digital technologies: Enhancing pedagogy and extending opportunities for learning in senior secondary physical education?, Dawn Penney, Paul Newhouse, Andrew Jones, and Alistair B. Campbell
Using Problem Based Learning in Science Education, Coral Pepper
Cooperative and Work-integrated Education and Indigenous Peoples, Alison Reedy, Deborah Prescott, and Wendy Giles
Validation of a One Item Screen for Problem Gambling, Matthew J. Rockloff, John Ehrich, Markus Themessl-Huber, and Lionel G. Evans
Design-based Research: Understanding its Application in a Teacher Professional Development Study in Indonesia, Eunice Sari and Cher Ping Lim
From essay to resumé : a study of writing genre and discursive positioning in senior school English, Jennifer Shand
Looking smart is not the ultimate goal: An examination of a gifted and talented science program, Kym S. Tan
TESOL in Context: Authentic Workplace Learning for Pre-service Teachers, Janeen Thomsett, Bridget Leggett, and Sharon Ainsworth
Exploring the mathematical confidence of Indigenous preservice teachers in a remote teacher education program, Steve Thornton, Wendy Giles, Debbie Prescott, and David Rhodes
Developing Strategies at the Pre-service Level to Address Critical Teacher Attraction and Retention Issues in Australian Rural, Regional and Remote Schools, Sue Trinidad, Elaine Sharplin, Graeme Lock, Sue Ledger, Don Boyd, and Emmy Terry
Investing in Sustainable and Resilient Rural Social Space: Lessons for Teacher Education, Simone White, Graeme Lock, Wendy Hastings, Maxine Cooper, Jo-Anne Reid, and Bill Green
Applying standards for leaders to the selection of secondary school principals, Helen Wildy, Coral Pepper, and Luo Guanzhong
A process for transition to sustainability: Implementation, Sandra Wooltorton, Marilyn Palmer, and Fran Steele
Improving marking of live performances involving multiple markers, Julia Wren, Alistair B. Campbell, John Heyworth, and Rachel Bartlett
Improving assessment outcomes through the application of innovative digital technologies, Julia Wren, Alistair B. Campbell, John Heyworth, and Christine Lovering
Using iPad2 to Assess Students' Live Performances and Actively Engage Students With Tutor and Peer Feedback, Julia Wren, Alistair B. Campbell, John Heyworth, and Christine Lovering
Submissions from 2010
The Pipeline Project: Trajectories of classroom behaviour and academic progress : a study of student engagement with learning, Max Angus, Tim McDonald, Chris Ormond, Rudy Rybarcyk, Anthea Taylor, and Anne Winterton
Complexities of Assessing Social and Emotional Competence and Wellbeing in Young Children, Lennie Barblett and Carmel Maloney
The development of a 15 minute direct instruction program for year 7 students for the Victorian music classroom and an evaluation of its effectiveness in advancing students' music literacy, Steven James Belcher
A Rasch measure of university students' receptivity to peers with disabilities across two cultures, Minoti Biswas and Russell F. Waugh
Reflective practice, professional learning, and educational partnerships: Effecting change in classroom settings, Christopher Brook and Graeme Lock
Funding and Secondary School Choice in Australia: A Historical Consideration, Rosemary Cahill and Jan Gray
Item banking and computerized adaptive testing with Rasch measurement: an example for primary mathematics in Thailand, Chaowprapha Chuesathuchon and Russell F. Waugh
Homework: Its Forms and Functions Revisited, Eva Dobozy
Structured dialogue design in LAMS through interactive lecture podcasting, Eva Dobozy
From LMS to VLE or from supermarket to airports: Classifying e-learning platforms using metaphors, Eva Dobozy and Patricia Reynolds
Rasch measures for Inter-Personal and Intra-Personal Student Self-Views Based on Gardner Intelligences, Ahdielah Edries and Russell F. Waugh
Rasch measures for sports, drama and music student self-views based on Gardner intelligences, Ahdielah Edries and Russell F. Waugh
Rasch measures for student self-views in mathematics, English and arts based on Gardner Intelligences, Ahdielah Edries and Russell F. Waugh
Teacher Guttman Scales and Teacher Views at an Australian Islamic College, Ahdielah Edries and Russell F. Waugh
Caught in the middle: Improving writing in the middle and upper primary years, Valerie Faulkner, Judith Rivalland, and Janet Hunter
Categorising, Searching and Reflecting With Video, Tony Fetherston
Beliefs, knowledge and practices of effective primary science teachers, Angela Fitzgerald
Literacy for livelihoods: A case study of the impact of formal and informal literacy programs in Nangi Village, rural Nepal, Bronwyn Gagliardi
e-Partnerships: Library information acquisition in the comfort of students’ digital homes, Julia Gross and Eva Dobozy
Pushing library information to first-year students: An exploratory study of faculty/library collaboration, Julia Gross and Eva Dobozy
Talking science: Developing a discourse of inquiry, Mark Hackling, Prudence Smith, and Karen Murcia
Emotional intelligence and significant-other attachment transference : factors affecting early career teachers, Vicky E. Houghton
Conditions that support early career teacher resilience, Bruce Johnson, Barry Down, Rosie Le Cornu, Judy Peters, Anna Sullivan, Jane Pearce, and Janet Hunter
Responding to the challenge of teaching English language skills, Deslea M. Konza, Leanne J. Fried, and Maureen P. Michael
A Critical Ethnography of Crisis Management Dealing with a Mudflow Crisis in Sidoarjo, Indonesia, Rachmat Kriyantono, Dennis Wood, and Mark Balnaves
Social Constructionist and Critical Approaches to Crisis Management, Rachmat Kriyantono, Dennis Wood, and Mark Balnaves
Exploring Maori identity (Whakapapa) through textile processes : a visual arts program for year 11 students, Karin Langham
A Rasch Measure of Student Views Of Teacher-Student Relationships in the Primary School, Natalie C. Leitao and Russell F. Waugh
Teaching Singaporean working adults in diploma programmes at a privately funded educational institute, Abdul Rashid Mohamed Ali
Multi-modal representations in primary science: what's offered by interactive whiteboard technology, Karen Murcia
Learning from community service: Engaging Australia Tanzania Young Ambassadors with Sustainability, Karen Murcia, Yvonne Haigh, and Lindy Norris
Talking About Science in Interactive Whiteboard Classrooms, Karen Murcia and Rachel Sheffield
Impact of a professional development program on teachers' beliefs: A collective case study of four Indonesian schools, Hendrati Nastiti
A sociocultural approach to the study of an ICT curriculum for at-risk students in Singapore, Uma Natarajan
Aligning assessment with curriculum and pedagogy in applied information technology, Christopher Newhouse
Digital forms of performance assessment [conference paper], Christopher Newhouse
Empowering learners with ICT is a battle against educational fundamentalism, Christopher Newhouse
School leadership critical to maximising the impact of ICT on learning, Christopher Newhouse
Interactive Whiteboards: Interactive or just Whiteboards?, Maria Northcote, Paula Mildenhall, Linda Marshall, and Paul Swan
E-Learning in the Thai context: Cultural and pedagogical issues amidst the implementation of new technologies, Penporn Pagram
Capacity to be inclusive: Secondary teachers' perspective, Michelle Pearce, Glenda Campbell-Evans, and Jan Gray
Regenerating rural social space? Teacher education for rural-regional sustainability, Jo-Anne Reid, Bill Green, Maxine Cooper, Wendy Hastings, Graeme Lock, and Simone White
School aged children: Visual perception and reversal recognition of letters and numbers separately and in context, Janet E. Richmond
Rasch measures of form constancy of letters and numbers, and letters in words for young children, Janet Richmond, Russell F. Waugh, and Deslea M. Konza
Rasch measures of number discrimination and reversal, and numbers in calculations for young children, Janet Richmond, Russell F. Waugh, and Deslea M. Konza
Revisiting mathematics manipulative materials, Paul Swan and Linda Marshall
Blending classroom activities with multi-user virtual environment for at-risk primary school students in an after-school program: a case study, Lee Yong Tay and Cher Ping Lim
Authentic assessment of student performance, Year 2, Phillip John Williams
Technology Education to Engineering: a Good Move?, Phillip John Williams
Submissions from 2009
Poetry in the Classroom : Dish it up!, Helen Adam
Factors that influence the decisions parents make when choosing a secondary school for their children, Rosemary Cahill
Optimising Personal Audience Response Systems technology to enhance student learning in teacher education lectures, Terence De Jong, Jennifer Lane, Suzanne Sharp, and Patricia Kershaw
Are Teacher Education Students Rready for Online Learning, Eva Dobozy
Learning 2.0: Teachers who chose to be left behind, Eva Dobozy
Forging New Partnerships: Learning and Teaching Connections Between Academic and Library Staff, Eva Dobozy and Julia Gross
Learning Adventures in Practice: 'Bumpy' Beginnings to PBL Implementation, Eva Dobozy and Maureen Michael
Exploring flexible and low-cost alternatives to face-to-face academic support, Eva Dobozy and Romana Pospisil
Perceptions and Pedagogy: Exploring the Beliefs and Practices of an Effective Primary Science Teacher, Angela Fitzgerald, Vaille Dawson, and Mark Hackling
Staying at School: Reflective Narratives of Resistance and Transition, Jan Gray
Wellbeing and Retention: A Senior Secondary Student Perspective, Jan Gray and Mark Hackling
Adding value to first year student learning with embedded library pod/vodcasts, Julia Gross and Eva Dobozy
Laboratory Technicians in Australian Secondary Schools, Mark Hackling
The curriculum leadership role of middle level leaders in middle schools, Melanie S. Hindley
The Aboriginal practical experience and its impact on pre-service teachers' decisions about living and working in remote Indigenous communities in Australia, Jennifer Jay, Lynette Moss, and Brenda Cherednichenko
The cell cycle, Annette Koenders
From paw print to ink print: Teaching and learning using pattern recognition, Deslea Konza
History education and the history wars in Australia, Bill Leadbetter
Galerius and the will of Diocletian, William Leadbetter
Personal attributes of quality technical education and training teachers in Singapore, Chye Yim Shereen Lee
Formulating guidelines for instructional planning in technology enhanced learning environments, Cher Ping Lim
Innovative practices in pre-service teacher education: An Asia-Pacific perspective, Cher Ping Lim, Kenneth Cock, Graeme Lock, and Christopher Brook