Theses from 2013
Student English achievement, attitude and behaviour in bilingual and monolingual schools in Aceh, Indonesia, Khairiah Syahabuddin
Getting inside the black box of technology integration in education: Teachers' stimulated recall of classroom observations, Jo Tondeur, Lorraine H. Kershaw, Ruben Vanderlinde, and Johan Van Braak
Regional resilience: Pre-service teacher preparation to teach in the bush, Sue Trinidad, Tania Broadley, Emmy Terry, Don Boyd, Graeme Lock, Elaine Sharplin, and Sue Ledger
Assessment for “digital first language” speakers: Online video assessment and feedback in higher education, Will Turner and John West
Method and Analysis, John Williams and Alistair B. Campbell
School administrators' beliefs regarding the relationship between school improvements and formal school registration, Harm P. Witten
Submissions from 2012
Read! 3: evaluation of the adult reader development pilot program, Karen Anderson and Caroline Barratt-Pugh
Read to Me I Love It! Evaluation of the Better Beginnings program for Remote Aboriginal Communities, Lennie Barblett
Better Beginnings: making a difference: the evaluation of the Better Beginnings birth to three family literacy program, Caroline Barratt-Pugh, Carmel Maloney, and Cindy McLean
What a difference a year made! : an evaluation of the National Year of Reading 2012 in Western Australia, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory, Caroline Barratt-Pugh, Pru Smith, and Karen Anderson
Growing Better Beginnings: an evaluation of the family literacy program for four and five year olds, Caroline Barratt-Pugh and Mary Vadja
From the big picture to the individual student: the importance of the classroom relationship, Matthew Byrne and Geoff Munns
Retained primary reflexes in pre-primary-aged Indigenous children: The effect on movement ability and school readiness, Deborah Callcott
Critically Reflective Leadership, Christine Cunningham
The Efficacy of Simulation as a Pedagogy in Facilitating Pre-Service Teachers’ Learning About Emotional Self-Regulation and its Relevance to the Teaching Profession, Terence De Jong, Jeniffer Lane, and Suzanne Sharp
Principals as literacy leaders: Confident, credible and connected, Neil Dempster, Deslea Konza, Greg Robson, Michael Gaffney, Graeme Lock, and Kevin McKennariey
Parent-teacher interactions: A study of the dynamics of social influence, Michelle K. Ellis
Examining the Beliefs and Practices of Four Effective Australian Primary Science Teachers, A Fitzgerald, V Dawson, and Mark Hackling
An investigation into the capacity of student motivation and emotion regulation strategies to predict engagement and resilience in the middle school classroom, Leanne Fried and Elaine Chapman
Paraprofessionals implementing a research-based reading intervention, Leanne Fried, Deslea Konza, and Peter Mulcahy
Supporting primary school principals as literacy leaders: The role of literacy achievement advisors, Michael Gaffney, Linda Dawson, and Graeme Lock
Attendance and non-attendance at school, Jan Gray and Gary Partington
Science of materials: A case study of intentional teaching in the early years, Mark Hackling and Caroline Barratt-Pugh
Creating books in communities: evaluation of the community publishing pilot project, Yvonne Haig and Caroline Barratt-Pugh
Implementation of initiatives to reform the quality of education in rural Ghanaian junior high schools, Agatha Inkoom
Researching in schools: Ethical issues, Deslea Konza
Maximising the contribution of paraprofessionals in schools: A win-win-win story, Deslea Konza and Leanne Fried
Developing the vision: preparing teachers to deliver a digital world-class education system, Jeniffer Lane
The hairytales of heroboy: evaluation of the reading promotion pilot program for 6 to 9 year old children, Natalie Leitao and Caroline Barratt-Pugh
A Rasch measure of teachers' views of teacher-student relationships in the primary school, Natalie Leitao and Russell Waugh
Welcome to the Outback: The Paradoxes of Living and Teaching in Remote Western Australian Schools, Graeme Lock, Fiona Budgen, Ralph Lunay, and Grace Oakley
The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Principal: Tales from Remote Western Australia, Graeme Lock, Fiona Budgen, Grace Oakley, and Ralph Lunay
Lessons for teachers: What lower secondary school students tell us about learning a musical instrument, Geoffrey Lowe
Direct instruction and music literacy: one approach to augmenting the diminishing?, Geoffrey Lowe and Steven Belcher
Getting serious with iPads: The intersection of game design and teaching principals, Martin Masek, Karen Murcia, and Jason Morrison
Learning in transformational computer games: Exploring design principles for a nanotechnology game, Martin Masek, Karen Murcia, Jason Morrison, Christopher Newhouse, and Mark Hackling
The acquisition of an artificial logographic script and bilingual working memory: Evidence for L1-specific orthographic processing skills transfer in Chinese–English bilinguals, Renata Meuter and John Ehrich
Drug education in Victorian schools (DEVS): the study protocol for a harm reduction focused school drug education trial, Richard Midford, Helen Cahill, David Foxcroft, Leanne Lester, Lynne Venning, Robyn Ramsden, and Michelle Pose
The impact of a professional learning intervention designed to enhance year six students' computational estimation performance, Paula Mildenhall and Mark Hackling
Remembering rhetoric: recalling a tradition of explicit instruction in writing, Brian Moon
Integrating digital technologies into the contemporary science classroom, Karen Murcia
Authentic digital representation of creative works for assessment, Christopher Newhouse
Digital forms of assessment: aligning with pedagogic and curriculum intentions, Christopher Newhouse
Effective School Leadership for Return on Investment in ICT, Christopher Newhouse
Principals' strategies for improving the academic achievement of students of disadvantaged rural junior high schools in Ghana, Erasmus Kormla Norviewu-Mortty
Enhancing teachers' knowledge for using multiple representations in teaching chemistry in Nigerian senior secondary schools, Bolanle Omotoke Olaleye
Evidence of English language proficiency and academic achievement of non-English-speaking background students, Rhonda Oliver, Samantha Vanderford, and Ellen Grote
Balancing detailed comprehensiveness with a big vision: A suggested conceptual framework for teacher education courses, Christine Ormond
Developing algebraic thinking: two key ways to establish some early algebraic ideas in primary classrooms, Christine Ormond
Is Being “Smart and Well Behaved” a Recipe for Happiness in Western Australian Primary Schools?, John O'Rourke, Martin Cooper, and Christina Gray
‘It doesn’t seem like work, it seems like good fun’: perceptions of primary students on the use of Handheld Game Consoles in mathematics classes, John O'Rourke, Susan Main, and Michelle Ellis
Cross-cultural probing: an examination of university student ICT ownership and use of e-learning materials in Thai and Australian Contexts, Jeremy Pagram and Martin Cooper
Digital Assessment In Secondary Schools: A Western Australian Experience Focusing on a Senior Engineering Course, Jeremy Pagram and John Williams
Do you want authenticity with that?: Online practical exams in an engineering course, Jeremy Pagram and P. John Williams
Leading learning in Australian tertiary institutions: Narrative support for unit coordinators, Coral Pepper and Susan Roberts
Education Direct: An Alternative Entry Pathway to Pre-service Teacher Education, Kevin Pilkington and Graeme Lock
TERRAnova: renewing teacher education for rural and regional Australia. Volume 1: project report, Jo-Anne A. Reid, Simone White, William Green, Graeme Lock, Maxine Cooper, and Wendy Hastings
TERRAnova: Renewing Teacher Education for Rural and Regional Australia. Volume 2: Case Study Reports, Jo-Anne Reid, Simone White, Bill Green, Graeme Lock, Maxine Cooper, and Wendy Hastings
Online learning community: a case study of teacher professional development in Indonesia, Eunice Sari
Go online and have a chat with your colleagues: a new image of teacher professional learning in Indonesia, Eunice Sari, Jeremy Pagram, and Christopher Newhouse
Teacher professional development in an online learning community : a case study in Indonesia, Eunice R. Sari
Alignment of intended learning outcomes, curriculum and assessment in a middle school science program, Reid J. Smith
Reframing Early Childhood Leadership, Elizabeth Stamopoulos
Principles for designing an effective, post-compulsory music curriculum suitable for Western Australia, Andrew T. Sutherland
The impact of health on the education of Indigenous children, Neil Thomson, Jane Burns, and Naoibh Mcloughlin
To see the world clearly: - painting, the camera obscura and the lens of Spinoza, Paul Uhlmann
Research and mapping for MCEECDYA project: student academic engagement, Christine Ure and Jan Gray
Investigating the feasibility of using digital representations of work for performance assessment in engineering, Phillip John Williams
School Administrators' Beliefs That School Improvements Were Due to Formal School Registration: A Rasch Measurement, Harm (Pete) Witten, Russell Waugh, and Jan Gray
School administrators' beliefs that actual school improvements were due to formal school registration: Guttman scales and their inter-correlations, Harm Witten, Russell Waugh, and Jan Gray
Sustainability: ambiguity and aspiration in teacher education, Sandra Wooltorton
Submissions from 2011
Partnership in strategic positioning for e-learning implementation, Isaiah T. Awidi, Martin G. Cooper, and Jeremy Pagram
Transition from long day care to kindergarten: Continuity or not?, Lennie Barblett, Caroline Barratt-Pugh, Pamela Kilgallon, and Carmel Maloney
Making a difference: Findings from Better Beginnings a family literacy intervention programme, Caroline H. Barratt-Pugh and Nola Allen
Developing a common understanding of a teacher competency framework through video analysis : experiences of Victorian regional independent middle school teachers, Christopher J. Brown
The impact of student created Slowmation on the teaching and learning of primary science, Jeffrey Brown
Corrupted principles and the challenges of critically reflective leadership, Christine Cunningham
An (App)roach to using iPhone technologies to increase consistency, reliability and equity in assessment of large work integrated learning courses, Christopher E. Dann, Christian Jones, Beverly Lowe, Elizabeth Toohey, Matthew Willis, and Kylie Readman
High Stakes State-Wide Testing of the Learning Environment Outcomes: The Case of Numeracy, Jessica Elderfield and Russell Waugh
Teaching teachers about emotion regulation in the classroom, Leanne Fried
Steering in the same direction? : an examination of the mission and structure of the governance of providers of pathway programs, Rodney A. Gillett
Enhancing Classroom Discourse in Primary Science: The Puppets Project, Mark Hackling, Prudence Smith, and Karen Murcia
Writing in schools with computers: what does it take to make it happen?, Barbara Harris
Jumping through 'loops': A reflective study on preparing generalist pre-service teachers to teach music, John Heyworth
Waves of Change: The Critical Role of Assessment, Reporting and Accreditation in Senior Secondary Curriculum Reform in WA, 1975-2005, Bridget Leggett and Robyn White
Class Music Learning Activities: Do Students Find Them Important, Interesting and Useful?, Geoffrey Lowe
Retention in Instrumental Programs in Lower Secondary School: the Student Perspective, Geoffrey Lowe
Students Voting with Their Feet: The Values Students Attach to Class Music Learning Activities in Lower Secondary School, Geoffrey Lowe
A case study of teachers' professional learning: Becoming a community of professional learning or not?, Carmel Maloney and Deslea M. Konza
Enhancing the teaching and learning of computational estimation in year 6, Paula Mildenhall
Using Education Assistants to help pave the road to literacy: Supporting oral language, letter-sound knowledge and phonemic awareness in the pre-primary year, Wendy Moore and Lorraine Hammond
A Rasch Analysis of the Astronaut Invented Spelling Test: The Early Literacy Learning Environment for Young Children, Roslyn Neilson, Russell Waugh, and Deslea Konza
Comparative pairs marking supports authentic assessment of practical performance within constructivist learning environments, Christopher Newhouse
Realising the investment in ICT in schools: School Leadership the missing piece, Christopher Newhouse
Transforming schooling with 1:1 mobile computer support, Christopher P. Newhouse
Using IT to Assess IT: Towards Greater Authenticity in Summative Performance Assessment, Christopher P. Newhouse
Factors underlying farm diversification: The case of Western Australia's olive farmers, Jeremy K. Northcote and Abel D. Alonso
Pre-service Teachers’ Attendance at Lectures and Tutorials: Why Don’t They Turn Up?, Grace Oakley, Graeme Lock, Fiona Budgen, and Brenda Hamlett