Theses from 2021
Nurse managers’ perceptions of mentoring in the multigenerational workplace: A qualitative descriptive study, Tracey Coventry and Anne Maree Hays
Exploring STEM learning in primary classrooms: In support of social justice agendas, Bronwen Cowie and Paula Mildenhall
Moral education in China and its critique, Christine Cunningham, Wei Zhang, and Clive Barstow
Headteachers in difficult circumstances: A study of school leaders in post-conflict, post-disaster Nepal, Rupak Dahal
Vulnerable learners in the age of COVID-19: A scoping review, Catherine F. Drane, Lynette Vernon, and Sarah O’Shea
The use of NAPLAN data and support for it: Perceptions of practicing teachers, Debra Evans, Vesife Hatisaru, and John Williamson
Yes, adult literacy should be improved. But governments can make their messages easier to read right now, Cath Ferguson
How can an adult literacy tutoring program help participants build confidence and meet their goals?, Catherine Ferguson and Margaret K. Merga
Communications in the time of a pandemic: The readability of documents for public consumption, Catherine Ferguson, Margaret Merga, and Stephen Winn
Most government information on COVID-19 is too hard for the average Australian to understand, Cath Ferguson, Margaret Kristin Merga, and Stephen Winn
System leadership in Australian and Swedish education: What’s social justice got to do with it?, Simon Fittock, Christine Cunningham, and Michelle Striepe
Pedagogical documentation as a thinking companion, Alma Fleet and Jane Merewether
Investigating self-efficacy: Early childhood teachers’ understanding of self-efficacy, Dimity Franks
Digital enhancement of senior secondary dance assessment, Maria Gamble
Extinction, education and the curious practice of visiting thrombolites, Brad Gobby, Jane Merewether, and Annette Nykiel
Climate change, activism, and supporting the mental health of children and young people: Perspectives from Western Australia, Naomi J. Godden, Brad M. Farrant, Jaime Yallup Farrant, Emma Heyink, Eva Carot Collins, Bella Burgemeister, Mena Tabeshfar, Jason Barrow, Mara West, Jasmine Kieft, Mason Rothwell, Zoe Leviston, Susan Bailey, Mindy Blaise, and Trudi Cooper
Building effective school-community partnerships in Aboriginal remote school settings, Graeme Gower, Cath Ferguson, and Simon Forrest
“Just like breathing”: A portrait of an 85-year-old veteran teacher, Christina C. Gray, Geoffrey M. Lowe Dr, Peter F. Prout, and Sarah Jefferson
Growing through life’s bumpy moments: Key experiences transforming the careers of positive veteran performing arts teachers, Christina Gray, Geoffrey M. Lowe, Peter F. Prout, and Sarah Jefferson
The impact of twenty-first century skills and computing cognition cyber skills on graduates’ work readiness in cyber security, Anna J. Griffin, Nicola F. Johnson, Craig Valli, and Lyn Vernon
Supervision in initial teacher education: A scoping review, Madlen Griffiths, Mandie Shean, and Denise Jackson
Draw a mathematics classroom! Teaching and learning practices through the eyes of students, Vesife Hatisaru
“[He] has impaired vision due to overworking”: Students’ views about mathematicians, Vesife Hatisaru
Teachers’ perspectives on the use of digital portfolios in EFL teaching context, Diem Thi Ngoc Hoang
An exploration of virtual reality to facilitate authentic tasks in EFL learning in a Vietnamese tertiary setting, Thi Ngoc Diem Hoang
Exploring Vietnamese first-year English-major students’ motivation: A longitudinal, mixed-methods investigation, Thinh Quoc Hoang
Exploring the self-efficacy beliefs of Vietnamese pre-service teachers of English as a foreign language, Thinh Hoang and Mark Wyatt
Deadly Sista Girlz final evaluation report, Elizabeth Jackson-Barrett, Anne Price, and Jen Featch
Digital labour and temporal priorities within a secondary school, Nicola F. Johnson
‘Believe in me, and I will too’: A study of how teachers’ expectations instilled confidence in grade 10 students, Olivia Johnston, Helen Wildy, and Jennifer Shand
Projecting student voice by constructing grounded theory, Olivia Johnston, Helen Wildy, and Jennifer Shand
An investigation of students algebraic proficiency from a structure sense perspective, Al Jupri, Ririn Sispiyati, and Kin Eng Chin
Using mathematical investigations in projects for STEAM integration, Marianne Knaus
Improving assessment accountability in initial teacher education programs through benchmarking, Marianne J. Knaus, Gill Kirk, Pauline Roberts, Lennie Barblett, and Bev Adkin
Artefacts and influence in curriculum policy enactment: Processes, products and policy work in curriculum reform, Karen Lambert, Laura Alfrey, Justen O’Connor, and Dawn Penney
Confused about which English subject to choose in year 11 and 12? Here’s what you need to know, Kirsten Lambert
A grounded theory study on how Vietnamese higher education teachers of English as a Foreign Language construct their professional identities, Thi Thuy Chinh Le
Recent progress trend on abrasive waterjet cutting of metallic materials: A review, Jennifer Milaor Llanto, Majid Tolouei-Rad, Ana Vafadar, and Muhammad Aamir
Principals and teachers’ perspectives of their school libraries and implications for school library policy, Chin E. Loh, Shamala Sundaray, Margaret Merga, and Jonathan Gao
The internationality of published higher education scholarship: How do the 'top' journals compare?, Shannon Mason, Margaret K. Merga, Manuel S. González Canché, and Saiyidi Mat Roni
Institutional and supervisory support for the thesis by publication, Shannon Mason, Julia E. Morris, and Margaret K. Merga
Teacher emotion in emergency online teaching: Ecstasies and agonies, Maggie McAlinden and Toni Dobinson
Books offer a healing retreat for youngsters caught up in a pandemic, Margaret Merga
How can Booktok on TikTok inform readers' advisory services for young people?, Margaret K. Merga
Libraries as wellbeing supportive spaces in contemporary schools, Margaret K. Merga
The academic labour of knowledge mobilization: What scholarly publishers need to know, Margaret K. Merga
What is the literacy supportive role of the school librarian in the United Kingdom?, Margaret K. Merga
School librarians supporting students’ reading for pleasure: A job description analysis, Margaret K. Merga and Catherine Ferguson
Teachers’ perceptions of the impact of COVID-19 on writing instruction in Australia, Margaret K. Merga, Anabela Malpique, Saiyidi Mat Roni, Debora Valcan, and Susan Ledger
Mentor and peer support for early career researchers sharing research with academia and beyond, Margaret K. Merga and Shannon Mason
Do secondary English teachers have adequate time and resourcing to meet the needs of struggling literacy learners?, Margaret K. Merga, Saiyidi Mat Roni, and Anabela Malpique
School leadership and whole- school support of struggling literacy learners in secondary schools, Margaret K. Merga, Saiyidi Mat Roni, and Anabela Malpique
Unis want research shared widely. So why don’t they properly back academics to do it?, Margaret Kristin Merga and Shannon Mason
Revisiting collaboration within and beyond the school library: New ways of measuring effectiveness, Margaret K. Merga, Sayidi Mat Roni, Chin Ee Loh, and Anabela Malpique
Early career researchers’ perceptions of the benefits and challenges of sharing research with academic and non-academic end-users, Margaret Merga and Shannon Mason
The potential of involving communities to enhance STEM education, Paula Mildenhall and Bronwen Cowie
Identifying differences in nutrition-related learning interests of adolescent students, Margaret Miller, Donna Barwood, Michael Furfaro, Julie Boston, Sandra Smith, and Martin Masek
Commentary response: Smartphone use and parenting: Re-stratifying the multiverse for families of young children, Kathryn L. Modecki, Samantha Low-Choy, Daniela Vasco, Lynette Vernon, and Bep Uink
The role of good quality student-teacher relationships when working with students with challenging behaviours in mainstream primary schools in Western Australia, Felicity Fay Moore
‘A validation of my pedagogy’: How subject discipline practice supports early career teachers’ identities and perceptions of retention, Julia E. Morris and Wesley Imms
Balancing school improvement strategies with workload pressures: A participatory action research case study, Julia E. Morris, Geoffrey W. Lummis, Cath Ferguson, Graeme Lock, Susan Hill, and Annette Nykiel
Teachers in conversation with industry scientists: Implications for STEM education, Julia Morris, Eileen Slater, Julie Boston, Michael Fitzgerald, and Geoff Lummis
Educators’ emotions involved in the transition to online teaching in higher education, Dawn Naylor and Julie Nyanjom
An evaluation study of an English for academic purposes program in a Vietnamese university, Nga Ngoc Nguyen
Performing emotional labour while teaching online, Julie Nyanjom and Dawn Naylor
Paying attention to water relations: Poetic inquiry and pedagogical documentation as curious practices, Claire O’Callaghan
Educational outcomes of adolescents participating in specialist sport programs in low SES areas of Western Australia: A mixed methods study, Eibhlish O'Hara, Craig Harms, Fadi Ma'ayah, and Craig Speelman
Observations of children with disability during arts-based multisensory story and rhyme activities: Is it all just chimes and perfumes?, John O'Rourke, Susan Main, Christina Gray, and Christine Lovering
A survey of Western Australian teachers’ use of texts in supporting beginning readers, Simmone Pogorzelski, Susan Main, and Susan Hill
Weather bodies: Experimenting with dance improvisation in environmental education in the early years, Jo Pollitt, Mindy Blaise, and Tonya Rooney
Choreographing collaboratories: Studios of situated improvisations, Jo Pollitt, Sylvia Kind, Cristina Delgado Vintimilla, and Lilly Blue
I was wondering: Reflections on collaborative practice by five researchers in Australia, New Zealand and the United States, Peter F. Prout, Jennifer R. Wolgemuth, Christina C. Gray, Geoffrey M. Lowe, Vicki Thorpe, and Rachel Killam
Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTIQ+ issues in primary initial teacher education programs, David B. Rhodes and Matt Byrne
Follow the leader: Child-led inquiries to develop science learning of young children, Pauline Roberts
Teaching strategies for primary school science, Pauline Roberts
Revitalising reflective practice in pre-service teacher education: Developing and practicing an effective framework, Pauline Roberts, Lennie Barblett, Fiona Boylan, and Marianne Knaus
Power, perspective and affordance in early childhood education, Amelia Ruscoe
Using visual mediation tools to explore intergenerational perspectives in the first year of compulsory school in Western Australia, Amelia Ruscoe
Discourses in power: Policy and curriculum demands in the first year of compulsory school, Amelia Ruscoe, Lennie Barblett, and Caroline Barratt-Pugh
‘I’m trying to tell you this man is dangerous… and no one’s listening’: Family violence, parent–school engagement and school complicity, Sue Saltmarsh, Eseta Tualaulelei, and Kay Ayre
Physical literacy and policy alignment in sport and education in Australia, Joseph J. Scott, Susan Hill, Donna Barwood, and Dawn Penney
Investigating primary preservice teachers’ ultraviolet radiation awareness and perceived ability to teach sun safety, Joseph Scott, Robyn Johnston, Mark Strickland, Jill Darby, and Elin Gray
Generation 1.5 learners: Removing the mask of student invisibility and recognising the learning disconnections that marred their academic journeys, Elizabeth Serventy and Bill Allen
Is your child anxious about starting school for the first time? Here’s how you can help, Mandie Shean
Reconfiguring curriculum and instruction to teach for understanding: A case study, Kuki Singh
Taking a nuanced view of the role of teacher feedback in the elementary classroom, Kuki Singh and Julia Mueller
The validity of the science teacher efficacy belief instrument (STEBI-B) for postgraduate, pre-service, primary teachers, Eileen V. Slater, Christina M. Norris, and Julia E. Morris
The role of background knowledge in reading comprehension: A critical review, Reid Smith, Pamela Snow, Tanya Serry, and Lorraine Hammond
Combining concept mapping with semi-structured interviews: adding another dimension to the research process, Michelle Striepe
Common worlding pedagogies: Opening up to learning with worlds, Affrica Taylor, Tatiana Zakharova, and Maureen Cullen
A preliminary evaluation of a manualised intervention to improve early literacy skills in children with developmental language disorder, Anna Louise Taylor, Samuel D. Calder, Simmone Pogorzelski, and Lauren Koch
What is complexity? Grammatical issues in assignment prompts, Anne Thwaite, Fiona Budgen, Janet Hunter, and Kuki Singh
Back to school: how to help your teen get enough sleep, Lynette Vernon
Influencers: The importance of discussions with parents, teachers and friends to support vocational and university pathways, Lynette Vernon and Catherine F. Drane
Digital representation for assessment of spoken EFL at university level: A case study in Vietnam, Thi Bich Hiep Vu
Teacher agency and the enactment of curriculum: The case of primary school EFL teachers in Vietnam, Thi Loan Vu
Integrated guidance for enhancing the care of familial hypercholesterolaemia in Australia, Gerald F. Watts, David R. Sullivan, David L. Hare, Karam M. Kostner, Ari E. Horton, Damon A. Bell, Tom Brett, Ronald J. Trent, Nicola K. Poplawski, Andrew C. Martin, Shubha Srinivasan, Robert N. Justo, Clara K. Chow, Jing Pang, Zanfina Ademi, Justin J. Ardill, Wendy Barnett, Timothy R. Bates, Lawrence J. Beilin, Warrick Bishop, J. Andrew Black, Peter Brett, Alex Brown, John R. Burnett, Christina A. Bursill, Alison Colley, Peter M. Clifton, Elif I. Ekinci, Luke Elias, Gemma A. Figtree, Brett H. Forge, Jacquie Garton-Smith, Dorothy F. Graham, Ian Hamilton-Craig, Christian R. Hamilton-Craig, Clare Heal, Charlotte M. Hespe, Amanda J. Hooper, Laurence G. Howes, Jodie Ingles, John Irvin, Edward D. Janus, Nadarajah Kangaharan, Anthony C. Keech, Andrew B. Kirke, Leonard Kritharides, Campbell V. Kyle, Paul Lacaze, Kirsten Lambert, Stephen C. H. Li, Wynand Malan, Stjepana Maticevic, Brendan M. McQuillan, Sam Mirzaee, Trevor A. Mori, Allison C. Morton, David M. Colquhoun, Joanna C. Moullin, Paul J. Nestel, Kristen J. Nowak, Richard C. O'Brien, Nicholas Pachter, Michael M. Page, Annette Pedrotti, Peter J. Psaltis, Jan Radford, Nicola J. Reid, Elizabeth N. Robertson, Jacqueline D. M. Ryan, Mitchell N. Sarkies, Carl J. Schultz, Russell S. Scott, Christopher Semsarian, Leon A. Simons, Catherine Spinks, Andrew M. Tonkin, Frank van Bockxmeer, Kathryn E. Waddell-Smith, Natalie C. Ward, Harvey D. White, Andrew M. Wilson, Ingrid Winship, Ann Marie Woodward, Stephen J. Nicholls, and FH Australasia Network Consensus Working Group
Synopsis of an integrated guidance for enhancing the care of familial hypercholesterolaemia: An Australian perspective, Gerald F. Watts, David R. Sullivan, David L. Hare, Karam M. Kostner, Ari E. Horton, Damon A. Bell, Tom Brett, Ronald J. Trent, Nicola K. Poplawski, Andrew C. Martin, Shubha Srinivasan, Robert N. Justo, Clara K. Chow, Jing Pang, Zanfina Ademi, Justin J. Ardill, Wendy Barnett, Timothy R. Bates, Lawrence J. Beilin, Warrick Bishop, J. Andrew Black, Alex Brown, John R. Burnett, Christina A. Bursill, Alison Colley, Peter M. Clifton, Elif I. Ekinci, Gemma A. Figtree, Brett H. Forge, Jacquie Garton-Smith, Dorothy F. Graham, Ian Hamilton-Craig, Christian R. Hamilton-Craig, Clare Heal, Charlotte M. Hespe, Amanda J. Hooper, Laurence G. Howes, Jodie Ingles, Edward D. Janus, Nadarajah Kangaharan, Anthony C. Keech, Andrew B. Kirke, Leonard Kritharides, Campbell V. Kyle, Paul Lacaze, Stephen C. H. Li, Stjepana Maticevic, Brendan M. McQuillan, Sam Mirzaee, Trevor A. Mori, Allison C. Morton, David M. Colquhoun, Joanna C. Moullin, Paul J. Nestel, Kristen J. Nowak, Richard C. O'Brien, Nicholas Pachter, Michael M. Page, Peter J. Psaltis, Jan Radford, Nicola J. Reid, Elizabeth N. Robertson, Jacqueline D. M. Ryan, Mitchell N. Sarkies, Carl J. Schultz, Russell S. Scott, Christopher Semsarian, Leon A. Simons, Catherine Spinks, Andrew M. Tonkin, Frank van Bockxmeer, Kathryn E. Waddell-Smith, Natalie C. Ward, Harvey D. White, Andrew M. Wilson, Ingrid Winship, Ann Marie Woodward, Stephen J. Nicholls, Peter Brett, Luke Elias, Wynand Malan, John Irvin, Kirsten Lambert, Annette Pedrotti, and FH Australasia Network Consensus Working Group