
Submissions from 2021


Towards an anatomy of English textbooks: Counting what counts as English, Shannon Wells and Brian Moon


The outcomes of fifth-grade emergent bi/multilinguals’ introduction to a visual metalanguage when constructing scientific explanations in Hong Kong, Melanie Williams and Kok-Sing Tang


Assessing physical literacy in health and physical education, Lisa Young, Justen O’Connor, Laura Alfrey, and Dawn Penney


School leadership during the COVID-19 crisis: A preliminary case study from China, Wei Zhang, Michelle Striepe, and Christine Cunningham

Submissions from 2020


Book sharing with young children: A study of book sharing in four Australian long day care centres, Helen Adam and Caroline Barratt-Pugh


Correction to: The challenge of monoculturalism: What books are educators sharing with children and what messages do they send?, Helen Adam and Caroline Barratt-Pugh


The challenge of monoculturalism: What books are educators sharing with children and what messages do they send?, Helen Adam and Caroline Barratt-Pugh


Correction to: “Portray cultures other than ours”: How children’s literature is being used to support the diversity goals of the Australian Early Years Learning Framework, Helen Adam, Caroline Barratt-Pugh, and Yvonne Haig


Bias starts early – most books in childcare centres have white, middle-class heroes, Helen Joanne Adam


Children’s books must be diverse, or kids will grow up believing white is superior, Helen Joanne Adam, Caroline Barratt-Pugh B, Libby Jackson-Barrett, and Robert Stanly Somerville


Extract-rich in flavonoids from Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces: Optimizing microwave-assisted extraction method and characterization through LC-Q-TOF-MS analysis, Oluwaseun R. Alara, Nour H. Abdurahman, Emmanuel O. Obanijesu, John A. Alara, and Siti K. Abdul Mudalip


Trauma informed behaviour support: A practical guide to developing resilient learners, Kay Ayre and Govind Krishnamoorthy


Editorial [Australasian Journal of Early Childhood], Lennie Barblett


Supporting Aboriginal families’ and children’s developing sense of belonging at KindiLink, Lennie Barblett, Caroline Barratt-Pugh, Marianne Knaus, and Trudi Cooper


Creating books in communities: A book making program with families in a remote community in Western Australia, Caroline Barratt-Pugh and Yvonne Haig


Motivation to write: Conversations with emergent writers, Caroline Barratt-Pugh, Amelia Ruscoe, and Janet Fellowes


School leaders and a culture of support: Fostering student social emotional development, Lee Beatty and Glenda Campbell-Evans


Interview with Mindy Blaise and Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw, Mindy Blaise, Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw, Claudia Diaz-Diaz, and Paulina Semenec


Teachers as embedded practitioner-researchers in innovative learning environments, Joanne Blannin, Marian Mahat, Benjamin Cleveland, Julia E. Morris, and Wesley Imms


Improving science teaching through the use of video reflection and a PCK-based teaching framework, Dallas Bruce


Foundations of primary mathematics education: An introduction to curriculum, pedagogy and content, Fiona Budgen and John West


The effects of learning lexical chunks on the English writing proficiency of Chinese-speaking tertiary students in Australia, Qin Chen


Factors associated with stunting and wasting in children under 2 years in Bangladesh, Tuhinur Rahman Chowdhury, Sayan Chakrabarty, Muntaha Rakib, Sabiha Afrin, Sue Saltmarsh, and Stephen Winn


Digital storytelling as a disciplinary literacy enhancement tool for EFL students, Nadezdha Chubko, Julia Morris, David H. McKinnon, Eileen Slater, and Geoff W. Lummis


Digital storytelling as an astronomy disciplinary literacy enhancement approach for adolescent Kyrgyzstani EFL students, Nadezhda Chubko


The digital entanglement of humanities, literacy, and storytelling, Natalia Churchill and Caroline Barratt-Pugh


To be seen and heard: Enhancing student engagement to support university aspirations and expectations for students from low socioeconomic status backgrounds, Ian Cunninghame, Lynette Vernon, and Tim Pitman


The impact of policy change on the teaching of spoken English in primary schools in the north mountainous region of Vietnam, Tram Quynh Dang


From students to teachers: Investigating the science teaching efficacy beliefs and experiences of graduate primary teachers, James Deehan, Lena Danaia, and David H. McKinnon


Finding the familiar in the strange: transcultural learning as rihla رحلة at an Australian university, T. Dobinson, Maggie McAlinden, P. Mercieca, and T. Bogachenko


Conditional assent: Literary value and the value of English as a subject, Tim Dolin, Jo Jones, and Patricia Dowsett


Discipline and subject: Academic literary studies and school English in Australia since 1945, Tim Dolin, Jo Jones, and Patricia Dowsett


Carnivalesque canons: "Professors" and text selection in secondary English syllabuses in Western Australia, 1945-1975, Patricia Dowsett


The impact of ‘learning at home’ on the educational outcomes of vulnerable children in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic, Catherine Drane, Lynette Vernon, and Sarah O'Shea


Intercultural Communication Competence in upper primary students: International collaboration case studies using Web 2.0 technologies, Rebecca Louise Duyckers


The perceived ‘classroom readiness’ and support of Western Australian primary graduate teachers, Samantha Jade Edwards


Teachers’ views on effective classroom management: a mixed-methods investigation in Western Australian high schools, Helen Egeberg, Andrew McConney, and Anne Price


The socialisation of early career principals in Western Australia, Simon Fittock


The socialisation of WA early career principals, Simon Fittock, Christine Cunningham, and Glenda Campbell-Evans


External expectations and practical realities, financial and methodological, in Australian education research, Michael Fitzgerald


When autism strikes (an exegesis), Gemma Foxall


Aesthetic-ethical-political movements in professional learning: Encounters with feminist new materialisms and Reggio Emilia in early childhood research, Stefania Giamminuti, Jane Merewether, and Mindy Blaise


Being the adult you needed as a kid: Why the AITSL standards are not the best fit for drama teachers, Christina Gray and Kirsten Lambert


Contextual factors impacting on research performance at a young Australian university, Johannes Pieter Groenewald


Sport coaches as policy actors: an investigation of the interpretation and enactment of disability and inclusion policy in swimming in Victoria Australia, Andrew M. Hammond, Dawn Penney, and Ruth Jeanes


The status-quo of play-based pedagogies in Western Australia: Reflections of early childhood education practitioners, Sandra Hesterman and Anna Targowska


Digital citizenship awareness in EFL context in Vietnam: A project evaluation, Diem Thi Ngoc Hoang, Trang Thi Thu Tran, Ngoc Thi Bich Nguyen, and Linh Thuy Nguyen


Preparing student paramedics for the mental health challenges of the profession by using the wisdom of the experienced, Lisa Holmes, Natalie Ciccone, Lynne Cohen, and Richard Brightwell


Innovative furniture and student engagement, Wesley Imms, Julia Morris, and David Grunseit


Researching the affective domain in mathematics education, Naomi Ingram, Vesife Hatisaru, Peter Grootenboer, and Kim Beswick


Finding marigolds: A study into the shared characteristics of positive veteran Western Australian teachers and the role of social support in sustaining their commitment to teaching, Sarah Jefferson


Temporal digital control: Theorizing the use of digital technologies to provide a temporal autonomous space, Nicola F. Johnson


Gender differences in experiences and motivation in a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Studies) course: Can these explain higher male attrition rates?, Gillian Kirk


Powerful dressing: Artfully challenging sexism in the academy, Linda Knight, Emily Gray, and Mindy Blaise


Optimizing cyber security education: Implementation of bloom’s taxonomy for future cyber security workforce, Nageswaree Kodai Ramsoonder, Selvamanee Kinnoo, Anna J. Griffin, Craig Valli, and Nicola F. Johnson


Curriculum interpretation and policy enactment in health and physical education: Researching teacher educators as policy actors, Karen Lambert and Dawn Penney


English proficiency of Vietnamese business graduates: Requirements of government, private universities, and foreign employers, Tien Tung Le


Receiving by giving: The impacts of immersive service-learning for primary school-age students, Kimberley Luinstra


Exploring Chinese EFL teachers' knowledge and beliefs relating to the teaching of English reading in public primary schools in China, Meina Luo, Susan Main, Graeme Lock, R. Malatesha Joshi, and Chenyin Zhong


Building emotional resilience in youth in Lebanon: a school-based randomized controlled trial of the FRIENDS intervention, Fadi T. Maalouf, Loay Alrojolah, Lilian Ghandour, Rima Afifi, Leyla Akoury Dirani, Paula Barrett, Rima Nakkash, Wael Shamseddeen, Farah Tabaja, Courtney M. Yuen, and Anne E. Becker


Mitigating reading failure in adolescents: Outcomes of a Direct Instruction reading program in one secondary school, Susan Main, Margie Backhouse, Robert Jackson, and Susan Hill


Managing science teachers’ adoption of the 2005 Tanzanian Inquiry and Student-Centred Curriculum: Revealing schoolbased leaders’ practices and achievements, Noel Mark Makwinya


Course design features influencing preservice teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs in their ability to support students’ use of ICT, David A. Martin, Natalie McMaster, and Michael D. Carey


Choosing the thesis by publication approach: Motivations and influencers for doctoral candidates, Shannon Mason, Margaret K. Merga, and Julia E. Morris


Typical scope of time commitment and research outputs of Thesis by Publication in Australia, Shannon Mason, Margaret K. Merga, and Julia E. Morris


Conducting quantitative research in education, Saiyidi Mat Roni, Margaret Kristin Merga, and Julia Elizabeth Morris


Higher education access and participation for persons with disability in Ghanaian public universities, Mary Afi Mensah


Enchanted animism: A matter of care, Jane Merewether


How can school libraries support student wellbeing? Evidence and implications for further research, Margaret Merga


“Fallen through the cracks”: Teachers’ perceptions of barriers faced by struggling literacy learners in secondary school, Margaret K. Merga


School librarians as literacy educators within a complex role, Margaret K. Merga


‘We talk books’: Teacher librarians promoting book discussion to foster reading engagement, Margaret K. Merga


A place to get away from it all: 5 ways school libraries support student well-being, Margaret Kirstin Merga


Doctoral education and early career researcher preparedness for diverse research output production, Margaret K. Merga and Shannon Mason


Parental support of reading at home in Australia and Japan: Benefits, barriers and culture, Margaret K. Merga and Shannon Mason


Perspectives on institutional valuing and support for academic and translational outputs in Japan and Australia, Margaret K. Merga and Shannon Mason


Should Google Scholar be used for benchmarking against the professoriate in education?, Margaret K. Merga, Sayidi Mat Roni, and Shannon Mason


Teachers’ perceptions of their preparedness for supporting struggling literacy learners in secondary English classrooms, Margaret K. Merga, Sayidi Mat Roni, and Shannon Mason


Sharing research with academia and beyond: Insights from early career researchers in Australia and Japan, Margaret Merga and Shannon Mason


Correction to: Using multiple metaphors and multimodalities as a semiotic resource when teaching year 2 students computational strategies, Paula Mildenhall and Barbara Sherriff


Learning mathematics through STEM in a play-based classroom, Paula Mildenhall and Barbara Sherriff


Tuning into the real effect of smartphone use on parenting: a multiverse analysis, Kathryn L. Modecki, Samantha Low-Choy, Bep N. Uink, Lynette Vernon, Helen Correia, and Kylie Andrews


Group tables, ottomans and gym balls: kids told us why flexible furniture helps them learn, Julia E. Morris and Wesley Imms


The role of leadership in establishing a positive staff culture in a secondary school, Julia E. Morris, Geoffrey W. Lummis, Graeme Lock, Catherine Ferguson, Susan Hill, and Annette Nykiel


Plans to Pedagogy Activity Report 2019: What impact does ‘innovative’ furniture have on student engagement and teacher practices?, Julia Morris and Wesley Imms


Stakeholders’ roles in shaping pre-service teachers’ experience of teaching practice in a College of Teacher Education in Tanzania, Hawa M. Mpate


An investigation into Chinese influence on the current curriculum of Bachelor of Business English degrees at Vietnamese universities, Anh Thi Tuyet Nguyen, Christine Cunningham, and Annamaria Paolino


Informal sport and curriculum futures: An investigation of the knowledge, skills and understandings for participation and the possibilities for physical education, Justen O’Connor and Dawn Penney


What constitutes “good” writing in junior primary? Four Western Australian teachers discuss their views, Elle Peacock


Health education policy and curriculum: Bernsteinian perspectives and a whole new ball game, Dawn Penney


The dancer in your hands < >, Jo Pollitt


Video analysis in collaborative teacher reflection: Critical inquiry of pedagogical impact in an international school project, Amy Price


Examined lives: The transformative power of active interviewing in narrative approach, Peter F. Prout, Geoffrey M. Lowe, Christina C. Gray, and Sarah Jefferson


Student empowerment in a constructivist values learning environment for a healthy and sustainable world, Yuli Rahmawati, Elisabeth Taylor, Peter Charles Taylor, and Rekha Koul


The study protocol for a pseudo-randomised pre-post designed controlled intervention trial to study the effects of a 7-week cooking program on self-efficacy and biomarkers of health: the ECU lifestyle and biomarkers get connected study (ECULABJMOF) including the Jamie’s Ministry of Food WA participant experience, Joanna Rees, Claus C. Christophersen, Joshua R. Lewis, Johnny Lo, Ros Sambell, Leesa Costello, Cailyn Walker, Matt F. Byrne, Mary C. Boyce, Robert U. Newton, and Amanda Devine


“The pay is not worth it but it is excellent PD”: Australian teachers’ perspectives on doing large-scale marking, Nathanael Reinertsen


The viability of simulated large-scale marking as professional development for preservice teachers, Nathanael Reinertsen


Using sentence dictation to practise and assess taught spelling and punctuation skills: A Year 2 Explicit Instruction intervention, Sally Robinson-Kooi and Lorraine S. Hammond


With shadows, dust and mud: Activating weathering-with pedagogies in early childhood education, Tonya Rooney, Mindy Blaise, and Felicity Royds


The gateway science: A review of astronomy in the OECD school curricula, including China and South Africa, Saeed Salimpour, Sophie Bartlett, Michael T. Fitzgerald, David H. McKinnon, K. Ross Cutts, C. Renee James, Scott Miller, Lena Danaia, Robert P. Hollow, Sergio Cabezon, Michel Faye, Akihiko Tomita, Charles Max, Michael de Korte, Cyrille Baudouin, Daina Birkenbauma, Maria Kallery, Sara Anjos, Qixuan Wu, Hye-eun Chu, Eileen Slater, and Amelia Ortiz-Gil