
Submissions from 2019


Using local rural knowledge to enhance STEM learning for gifted and talented students in Australia, Julia Morris, Eileen Slater, Michael T. Fitzgerald, Geoffrey W. Lummis, and Eddie van Etten


The impact of video as a self-reflective tool for improvement of teacher feedback practices, Julia Mueller


Using ICT to foster collaborative writing for EFL university students in Vietnam, Thi Thu Lan Nguyen


Using a scale to explore pre-service physical education teachers' attitudes towards difference: Methodological opportunities and tensions, Justen O'Connor, Laura Alfrey, Ruth Jeanes, and Dawn Penney


Are we all on course? A curriculum mapping comparison of three Australian university open-access enabling programs, John A. O'Rourke, Bronwyn Relf, Nicole Crawford, and Sue Sharp


They're always there for me! Friendship and meaning in young people's lives?, John O'Rourke, Craig Harms, and Lynne Cohen


Assessment in physical education, Dawn Penney


Associations between the home environment, parenting and self-regulation in early childhood, Deborah Pino-Pasternak, Debora Valcan, and Anabela Malpique


Agents of regional-global transformation: Federation university Gippsland education (FUGuE) researchers, Susan Plowright, Monica Green, and Nicola F. Johnson


An important, but neglected aspect of learning assistance in higher education: Exploring the digital learning capacity of academic language and learning practitioners, Anna Podorova, Sarah Irvine, Michael Kilmister, Richard Hewison, Amanda Janssen, Alejandra Speziali, Logan Balavijendran, Megan Kek, and Maggie McAlinden


Conversations with rain: A multi-platform research-creation project, Jo Pollitt, Lilly Blue, and Mindy Blaise


Understanding the complex work of Aboriginal education workers in schools, Anne Price, Elizabeth Jackson-Barrett, Graeme Gower, and Jan Herrington


An elixir for veteran teachers: The power of social connections in keeping these teachers passionate and enthusiastic in their work, Peter F. Prout, Geoffrey M. Lowe, Christina C. Gray, and Sarah Jefferson


‘My girlfriend is intimidated by the idea of having sex. What should I do?’, David Rhodes


Selecting apps for young learners: What should be considered?, Pauline Roberts


Early years teachers’ perspectives on the effects of NAPLAN on stakeholder wellbeing and the impact on early years pedagogy and curriculum, Pauline Roberts, Lennie Barblett, and Ken Robinson


Growing phonological and morphological knowledge and improving spelling outcomes in Year 2 primary school children through Explicit Instruction and contextualised dictation, Sally Louise Robinson-Kooi


Correction to: Parent and teacher perceptions of NAPLAN in a sample of Independent schools in Western Australia (The Australian Educational Researcher, (2018), 45, 4, (493-513), 10.1007/s13384-018-0270-2), S. L. Rogers, L. Barblett, and K. Robinson


Movement-versus sporting-based physical education in elementary schools: Does either ensure quality?, Joseph John Scott


Are we teaching children to be afraid of exams?, Mandie Shean


Don’t calm down! Exam stress may not be fun but it can help you get better marks, Mandie Shean


John Marsden says parents and schools are failing kids, but his book offers little evidence, Mandie Shean


How exemplary teachers promote scientific reasoning and higher order thinking in primary science, Barbara Kim Sherriff


Sustaining multi-partner engaged research: Principles, processes and tensions, Kuki Singh, Paula Mildenhall, Peter Roberts, and Julie Wren


Video cued teacher reflection to guide enhancement of student engagement in a specialist primary classroom, Tamara Nicole Standley


Primary school teachers’ experience of mathematics education, Sarah Tamburri, Paula Mildenhall, and Fiona Budgen


Socioeconomic correlates of overweight and obesity among ever-married urban women in Bangladesh, Tania Sultana Tanwi, Sayan Chakrabarty, Syed Hasanuzzaman, Sue Saltmarsh, and Stephen Winn


Reaching out to the disaffected: Mindfulness and art therapy for building resilience to violent extremism, Elisabeth (Lily) Taylor


Ethical dilemma story pedagogy—a constructivist approach to values learning and ethical understanding, E. Taylor, P. C. Taylor, and J. Hill


Transformative STEAM education for sustainable development, P. C. S. Taylor and E. Taylor


The use of ICT by science teachers in middle secondary science education in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, Sampa Tshewang


A video study of quality teaching and learning in three countries, Russell Tytler, Hsiao-Lan Sharon Chen, Mark Hackling, and Jorg Ramseger


An investigation of ICT policy implementation in an EFL teacher education program in Vietnam, Phan Thu Ngan Vo


Engaging and partnering with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents and caregivers, Simone White, Peter Anderson, Graeme Gower, Matt Byrne, Maria Bennet, Alison Quin, and Anna Darling


ELL's science meaning making in multimodal inquiry: A case-study in a Hong Kong bilingual school, Melanie Williams, Kok-Sing Tang, and Mihye Won


Technology teacher education in Australia, P. John Williams and Jeremy Pagram


Multiple perspectives on attachment theory: Investigating educators’ knowledge and understanding, Nadia Wilson-Ali, Caroline Barratt-Pugh, and Marianne Knaus


Children’s Knowledge, Identity and Right to Participation in Driving Curriculum Decision-Making, Vanessa Wintoneak

Submissions from 2018


Explainer: what’s the difference between decodable and predictable books, and when should they be used?


Teacher identity construction in a TESOL Graduate Certificate of Education in Western Australia, Arman Abednia


Teacher reform in Indonesia: can offshore programs create lasting pedagogical shift?, William J. Allen, Merv B. Hyde, Robert Whannel, and Maureen O’Neill


An unapologetic feminist response, Bidisha Banerjee and Mindy Blaise

Editorial (Australasian Journal of Early Childhood v.43 i.1), Lennie Barblett


National quality standard in schools: Leadership enabling power and agency, Lennie Barblett and Gillian Kirk


Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot Initiative in Western Australia Volume 1: Overview and Key Findings, Caroline Barratt-Pugh, Lennie Barblett, Trudi Cooper, Marianne Knaus, Susan Hill, Cath Ferguson, and Cindy Mclean


Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot initiative in Western Australia Volume 2: Survey Data (2016-2018), Caroline Barratt-Pugh, Lennie Barblett, Trudi Cooper, Marianne Knaus, Susan Hill, Cath Ferguson, and Cindy Mclean


Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot initiative in Western Australia Volume 3: Case Studies (2016-2018) June 2018, Caroline Barratt-Pugh, Lennie Barblett, Trudi Cooper, Marianne Knaus, Susan Hill, Cath Ferguson, and Cindy Mclean


Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot initiative in Western Australia Volume 4: Reflective Journal, Caroline Barratt-Pugh, Lennie Barblett, Trudi Cooper, Marianne Knaus, Susan Hill, Cath Ferguson, and Cindy Mclean


Astronomy And Science Student Attitudes (ASSA): A Short Review And Validation Of A New Instrument, Sophie Bartlett, Michael Fitzgerald, David H. McKinnon, Lena Danaia, and Jasmina Lazendic-Galloway


Blowing a whistle, how hard can it be? An exploration of practicum experiences for a pre-service health and physical education teacher with a hearing impairment, Donna Barwood, Carli Sanbrook, John O'Rourke, Andrew Jones, and Jordan Thomas


a/r/t + design: one designer’s experience as a/r/tographer, Alison Blackwell


Enhancing young children’s science identity through pedagogical practices, Elaine Blake and Christine Howitt


Early childhood teachers’ perspectives of growth mindset: Developing agency in children, Fiona Boylan, Lennie Barblett, and Marianne J. Knaus


Leadership in higher education from a transrelational perspective, Christopher M. Branson, Maureen Marra, Margaret Franken, and Dawn Penney


Examination physical education, Trent D. Brown and Dawn Penney


Evaluation of the Foodbank WA School Breakfast and Nutrition Education Program: Final report, Matt Byrne, Susan Hill, Elizabeth Wenden, Amanda Devine, Margaret Miller, Henrietta Quinlan, Thérèse Shaw, Judy Eastham, and Donna Cross


Maximising the contributions of PHD graduates to national development: the case of the Seychelles, Marina Fatima Confait


Beyond the assumptions: Religious schools and their influence on students’ social and civic development, Graeme Cross, Glenda Campbell-Evans, and Jan Gray


An investigation into school inspection policies in Western Australian state education performed by the Expert Review Group, Christine Cunningham


Professional standards for teachers: "Pass the message game", Christopher Dann


Enhancing learning and assessment of pre-service teachers on practicum placements using mobile technologies with video capture, Christopher E. Dann


Feedback, reflection, and assessment practices in practicum placements: The underpinning research design and methodology, Christopher E. Dann


Exemplifying formative assessment practices in the field through case study: Concepts, issues, and challenges, Christopher E. Dann and Beverly Dann


Formative assessment via video feedback on practicum: Implications for higher education and professional teacher accreditation bodies, Christopher E. Dann, Beverly Dann, and Shirley O'Neill


Positioning preservice teacher formative assessment in the literature, Christopher E. Dann and Shirley O'Neill


What do students believe about effective classroom management? A mixed-methods investigation in Western Australian high schools, Helen Egeberg and Andrew McConney


Is positive education another fad? Perhaps, but it’s supported by good research, Cath Ferguson


The Our Solar Siblings Pipeline: Tackling the data issues of the scaling problem for robotic telescope based astronomy education projects, Michael Fitzgerald


A brief overview of robotic telescopes, student research and education research in the English literature, Michael Fitzgerald, Ross Cutts, Saeed Salimpour, and Stephanie Slater


Our Solar Siblings: A high school focused robotic telescope-based astronomy education project, Michael Fitzgerald, David H. McKinnon, Lena Danaia, Ross Cutts, Saeed Salimpour, and Mariana Sacchi


"I felt that I could be whatever I wanted": Pre-service drama teachers' prior experiences and beliefs about teaching drama, Christina C. Gray, Robin Pascoe, and Peter Wright


Which tech will I use? Trends in students’ use and ownership of oechnology in a Thai university, an ongoing study, Yuwanuch Gulateee, Jeremy Pagram, and Barbara Combes


Teachers' beliefs about knowledge of teaching and their impact on teaching practices, Vesife Hatisaru


Supporting postgraduate coursework students through their time of transition, Anne-Maree Hays and Sue Sharp


A study on the impact of a music looping technology intervention upon pre-service generalist teachers’ self-efficacy to teach music in primary schools, John Nathan Heyworth


Teacher self-efficacy research in English as a Foreign Language contexts: A systematic review, Thinh Hoang


Embedding play-based learning into junior primary (Year 1 and 2) Curriculum in WA, Jenny A, Jay and Marianne J. Knaus


Investigating the 'integration of theory and practice' in examination physical education, Andy Jones and Dawn Penney


Retention in a Bachelor of Education (Early childhood studies) course: students say why they stay and others leave, Gillian Kirk


Supporting kindergarten children’s social and emotional development: Examining the synergetic role of environments, play and relationships, Gillian Kirk and Jenny Jay


Drama ATAR course study guide units 3 and 4, Kirsten Lambert


Reframing teacher in-service training in Kenya: Recommendations from the literature, Geoffrey M. Lowe and Peter F. Prout


Early childhood HASS matters: An investigation of early childhood staff and their transition to the new Western Australian Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum in 2017, Jane Loxton


Exploring Chinese English-as-a-foreign-language teachers’ beliefs about effective teaching of English reading in primary schools in Zhejiang Province of China and the impact of these beliefs on the teachers’ instructional practices, Meina Luo


Developing an education engagement model for Indigenous Australian students using confirmatory factor analysis, Mary-anne Macdonald


Examining the perceived benefit of education for Aboriginal secondary students in Western Australia, Mary-anne Macdonald


The Charles Sturt University Remote Telescope project, David H. McKinnon


Some philosophical musings on the RTSRE conference, David H. McKinnon


The role of whole-school literacy policies supporting reading engagement in Australian schools, Margaret Merga and Veronica Gardiner


Reading engagement for tweens and teens: What would make them read more?, Margaret K. Merga


Early career experiences of navigating journal article publication: Lessons learned using an autoethnographic approach, Margaret K. Merga, Shannon Mason, and Julia Morris


Empowering parents to encourage children to read beyond the early years, Margaret K. Merga and Saiyidi Mat Roni


Five tips to help you make the most of reading to your children, Margaret Kristin Merga, Paul Gardner, Saiyidi Mat Roni, and Susan F. Ledger


Arts engagement outside of school: Links with Year 10 to 12 students’ intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy in responding to art, Julia Morris

A case for the impact of practice: The Teacher as Practitioner (TAP) report 2018, Julia Morris, Kathryn Coleman, Maurizio Toscano, and Wesley Imms


Validation of the TAP tool, an instrument measuring the impact of teacher retention intervention strategies, Julia E. Morris and Wesley Imms


NanoCity: An immersive game to transform student perceptions of science, Karen J. Murcia, C. Paul Newhouse, and Julie Boston


Comparative pairs judgements for high-stakes practical assessments, Hendrati Nastiti


Preservice teachers’ self-efficacy to teach primary science based on ‘science learner’ typology, Christina M. Norris, Julia E. Morris, and Geoffrey W. Lummis


A case study of teaching English as a second language in three rural primary classes, Funke Omidire, Liesel Ebersöhn, Marisa Leask, Deslea Konza, and Anna-Barbara du Plessis