
Submissions from 2017


Commercially available digital game technology in the classroom: Improving automaticity in mental-maths in primary-aged students, John O'Rourke, Susan Main, and Susan Hill


Investigating PE teacher use of models based practice in Australian secondary PE, Shane Pill, Karen Swabey, and Dawn Penney


The impact of changing technology on international cybersecurity curricula, Huw Read, Iain Sutherland, Konstantinos Xynos, Tom Drange, and Ernst Sundt


Heterosexism: A pedagogy of homophobic oppression, David B. Rhodes


The effect of a professional development model on early childhood educators’ direct teaching of beginning reading, Gemma E. Scarparolo and Lorraine S. Hammond


Transformative academic development: Complexity and convergence, Kuki Singh


Professional development to support the embedding of eportfolios in higher education programs, Katrina Strampel, Ruth Sibson, and Susan Main


Physics in a week, Geoff I. Swan


An investigation of the reliability of using comparative judgment to score creative products, Pina Tarricone and C Paul Newhouse


Reinventing another Unaipon: Indigenous science leaders for the future, Karen Trimmer, Graeme Gower, and Graeme Lock


Reasoning through representations, Russell Tytler, Karen Murcia, Chao-Ti Hsiung, and Jörg Ramseger


Determining educators’ needs to support healthy eating environments in early childhood settings, Ruth M. Wallace, Amanda Devine, and Leesa N. Costello


What is English now? The construction of subject English in contemporary textbooks for Australian secondary schools, Shannon L. Wells

Problem Solving in Primary Mathematics, John West


Primary students’ engagement with the visual arts and their transition into Year 7, Zoe Wittber


Secondary science teacher education in Australia, Mihye Won, Mark W. Hackling, and David F. Treagust


athlete-centred coaching: Tensions and opportunities arising in the masters context, Chris Zehntner and Dawn Penney

Submissions from 2016


Assessing and selecting culturally diverse literature for the classroom, Helen Adam and Laurie Harper


Combining content-based and EAP approaches to academic writing: Towards an eclectic program, Rosemary Joy Allen


Reflective teaching and self-efficacy beliefs: Exploring relationships in the context of teaching EFL In Iran, Mehdi Babaei and Arman Abednia


The pushes and pulls of pedagogy in the early years: Competing knowledges and the erosion of play-based learning, Lennie Barblett, Marianne J. Knaus, and Caroline Barratt-Pugh


Evaluation of family literacy programs: A case study of better beginnings, a library-initiated family literacy bookgifting program in Western Australia, Caroline Barratt-Pugh and Mary Rohl


Improving the monitoring of student performance: the development of an enterprise learning and instructional support (ELIS) platform, Katherina Bense, Miriam Brooker, and Michael Garrett

Universal basic education policy implementation in Nigeria, Stephen D. Bolaji, Glenda Campbell-Evans, and Jan Gray


Engaging students in the use of technologies for assessment within Personal Learning Environments (PLE's): The development of a framework, David Bolton, Paula M. Mildenhall, Kwong Sim, Lynnette Lounsbury, and Maria T. Northcote


Peer-mentors reflect on the benefits of mentoring: An autoethography, Sarah R. Booth, Margaret K. Merga, and Saiyidi Mat Roni


Identifying and supporting numeracy needs of first year undergraduate education students, Fiona Budgen and John West

CulturePad: Linking indigenous communities to schools and education through the use of mobile technologies, Alistair Campbell, Jeremy Pagram, and Martin Cooper


An investigation into student and teacher perceptions of, and attitudes towards, the use of information communications technologies to support digital forms of summative performance assessment in the applied information technology and engineering studies courses in Western Australia, Steven Puay Chong Chia


Digital storytelling as a means of supporting digital literacy learning in an upper-primary-school English language classroom, Natalia Churchill


The transformative effect of study abroad: Australian teaching experience on US pre-service teacher identity formation, Jennifer Collins and Audrey Geste


Utilising voice recognition software to improve reading fluency of struggling adolescent readers, Peter Count


A large-scale inquiry-based astronomy intervention project: Impact on students' content knowledge performance and views of their high school science classroom, Michael Fitzgerald, David H. McKinnon, Lena Danaia, and James Deehan


Balancing relationships and intellectual rigour in research for government agencies, Graeme C. Gower Dr. and Gary Partington


Evaluating the effect of the digital divide between teachers and students on the meaningful use of information and communication technology in the classroom, Andrew Thomas Grigg


MOOC's barriers and enables, Yuwanuch Gulatee and Prachyanun Nilsook


Examining student ICT ownership, use and preferences towards electronically delivered learning resources in Nakhon Phanom University and Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University, Yuwanuch Gulatee, Vijittra Vonganusith, Jeremy E. Pagram, and Martin G. Cooper


Integrating written communication skills: Working towards a whole of course approach, Anne Harris


An investigation into mentor teacher-preservice teacher relationship and its contribution to development of preservice teachers’ professional identity, Mahsa Izadinia


Preservice teachers’ professional identity development and the role of mentor teachers, Mahsa Izadinia


Student teachers’ and mentor teachers’ perceptions and expectations of a mentoring relationship: Do they match or clash?, Mahsa Izadinia

Promoting early career teacher resilience: A socio-cultural and critical guide to action, Bruce Johnson, Barry Down, Rosie LeCornu, Judy Peters, Anna Sullivan, Jane Pearce, and Janet Hunter


Journeys towards expertise in technology-supported teaching, Lorraine H. Kershaw


Smoothing the way: Investigating the role of a supported playgroup located at a school, Marianne J. Knaus, Judy Warren, and Rebecca Blaxell


Embodiment and becoming in secondary drama classrooms: The effects of neoliberal education cultures on performances of text and self, Kirsten Lambert, Peter Wright, Jan Currie, and Robin Pascoe


Performativity and creativity in senior secondary drama classrooms, Kirsten Lambert, Peter R. Wright, Jan Currie, and Robin Pascoe


Issues and challenges of school governance, Bridget M. Leggett, Glenda Campbell-Evans, and Jan Gray


Immersion, relevance and transferability: The motivational preferences of lower secondary students towards a newly created praxis-based class music program, Geoffrey Lowe and Neil Coy


Supporting positive school culture through interpersonal engagement: Phase one report: Mindarie Senior College April 2016, Geoffrey Lummis, Julia Morris, and Graeme Lock


The Western Australian art and crafts superintendents’ advocacy for years k-12 visual arts in education, Geoffrey William Lummis, Julia Elizabeth Morris, and Graeme John Lock


Building positive secondary school communities through participatory action research, Geoff W. Lummis, Julia Morris, and Graeme Lock


Supporting the transition to inclusive education: Teachers’ attitudes to inclusion in the Seychelles, Susan Main, Dianne J. Chambers, and Paulette Sarah


Focus on the journey, not the destination: Digital games and students with disability, Susan Main, John O'Rourke, Julia Morris, and Helen Dunjey


A classification matrix of examination items to promote transformative assessment, Mark McMahon and Michael B. Garrett


What would make them read more? Insights from Western Australian adolescents, Margaret K. Merga


The impact of social influences on high school students' recreational reading, Margaret K. Merga and Brian R. Moon


Estimation in the primary school: Developing a key mathematical skill for life, Paula M. Mildenhall

Introducing literature : a practical guide to literary analysis, criticism, and theory, Brian R. Moon, Bronwyn Mellor, and Stephen Mellor


Lessons learnt from the history of primary visual arts education, Julia Morris, Geoff W. Lummis, and Graeme Lock


Logical and causal reasoning, David Moshman and Pina Tarricone

Pre-service teachers need more than online and flipped learning, Christopher Paul Newhouse

Online moderation of external assessment using pairwise judgements, Christopher Paul Newhouse and Pina Tarricone

What if pre-service teacher education had a BYODD policy?, Christopher P. Newhouse, Martin Cooper Dr, and Jeremy Pagram


Digital forms of assessment in schools: Supporting the processes to improve outcomes, C. Paul Newhouse


Scaffolding the mathematical “connections”: A new approach to preparing teachers for the teaching of lower secondary algebra, Christine Ormond


The Joondalup story : A city and a university campus in the making, John Renner and Sybe Jongeling


Safe Schools review findings: experts respond, David Rhodes and Lucy Nicholas


Reflection: A renewed and practical focus for an existing problem in teacher education, Pauline Roberts


ePortfolio-based learning environments: Recommendations for effective scaffolding of reflective thinking in higher education, Pauline Roberts, Dorit Maor, and Jan Herrington

Transforming research into practice: Implications of a family literacy program for early childhood professionals, Mary Rohl and Caroline Barratt-Pugh


Developing educational goals: Insights from a peer assisted teaching scheme, Bella Ross, Angela Carbone, Katherine Lindsay, Steve Drew, Liam Phelan, Caroline Cottman, and Sue Stoney


Going online on behalf of others: An investigation of ‘proxy’ internet consumers, Neil Selwyn, Nicola Johnson, Selena Nemorin, and Elizabeth Knight

Creating the student writer: A study of writing identities in non-academic senior English classes, Jennifer Shand and Deslea Konza


Integrative course design and pedagogy to humanize online learning: A case study, Kuki Singh


iSTAR first light: Characterizing astronomy education research dissertations in the iSTAR database, Stephanie J. Slater, Coty B. Tatge, Paulo S. Bretones, Timothy F. Slater, Sharon P. Schleigh, David H. McKinnon, and Inge Heyer


Supporting teachers to develop substantive discourse in primary science classrooms, Prudence Smith and Mark W. Hackling


Formative assessment: Improvement, immediacy and the edge for learning, Mike Staunton and Chris Dann


The impact of attitude, subjective norm, and motivation on the intention of young female hosts to marry with a Middle Eastern tourist: A projective technique relating to Halal sex tourism in Indonesia, U. Suhud and Gregory B. Willson


A study of the use of pairwise comparison in the context of social online moderation, Pina Tarricone and Christopher P. Newhouse


Using comparative judgement and online technologies in the assessment and measurement of creative performance and capability, Pina Tarricone and Christopher P. Newhouse


Gifted Students: Perceptions and Practices of Regular Class Teachers, Tracy Taylor


Educative curricula and PCK development driven by STEM professional learning in rural and remote schools: A longitudinal type IV case study, Arthur Townsend, David H. McKinnon, Michael Fitzgerald, Julia Morris, and Geoff W. Lummis Dr


Counter conjectures: Using manipulatives to scaffold the development of number sense and algebra, John West

Power patterns: Extending number sense through last digit investigations, John West


Enhancing the assessment experience: Improving student perceptions, engagement and understanding using online video feedback, John West and Will Turner


Cyberbullying and the role of the law in Australian schools: Views of senior officials, Hannah Young, Marilyn Campbell, Barbara Spears, Des Butler, Donna S. Cross, and Phillip Slee

Submissions from 2015


Practicing critical pedagogy in second language reading, Arman Abednia


Using management procedure gaps to enhance e-learning implementation in Africa, Isaiah T. Awidi and Martin Cooper


Growing Better Beginnings: An evaluation of a family literacy program for pre-schoolers, Caroline Barratt-Pugh and Carmel Maloney


'Better Beginnings has made me make reading part of our everyday routine': Mothers' perceptions of a family literacy program over four years, Caroline Barratt-Pugh and Mary Rohl


What we know, what we do and what we should do with regard to the delivery of health education in lower secondary government schools in Western Australia, Donna M. Barwood


What we know, what we do and what we could do: Creating an understanding of the delivery of health education in lower secondary government schools in Western Australia, Donna Michelle Barwood


Why do policies fail in Nigeria?, Stephen D. Bolaji, Jan R. Gray, and Glenda Campbell-Evans


The synergistic effect of teaching a combined explicit movement and phonological awareness program to preschool aged students, Deborah Callcott, Lorraine Hammond, and Susanne Hill


Attitudes toward the capabilities of deaf and hard of hearing adults: Insights from the parents of deaf and hard of hearing children, K. Crowe, S. McLeod, David H. McKinnono, and T.Y.C. Ying


Mobile video collection in preservice teacher practicum placements, Christopher E. Dann


Deepening understanding of ‘pedagogical outcomes’ through video data collection: a catalyst for guided reflective learning conversations, Christopher E. Dann and Tony Richardson


Improving the work integrated learning experience through mobile technologies, Christopher E. Dann and Tony Richardson


Inquiry-Based Educational Design for Large-Scale High School Astronomy Projects Using Real Telescopes, Michael Fitzgerald, David H. McKinnon, and Lena Danaia


Photometric and proper motion study of the neglected open cluster NGC 2215, Michael T. Fitzgerald, L. Inwood, David H. McKinnon, W.S. Dias, M. Sacchi, B. Scott, M. Zolinski, L. Danaia, and R. Edwards