
Submissions from 2018


Mathematical manipulatives for misers, John West


Stimulating mathematical reasoning with simple open-ended tasks, John West


An unfamiliar face, an unfamiliar environment: Investigating educators’ understanding of their attachment relationships with infants and toddlers in Early Childhood Education and Care settings, Nadia Wilson-Ali

Submissions from 2017


Book collections in long day care: Do they reflect racial diversity?, Helen Adam, Caroline Barratt-Pugh, and Yvonne G. Haig


Attitudes of pre-service physical education teachers to healthism: Development and validation of the attitude towards healthism scale (ATHS), Laura Alfrey, Justen O'Connor, Sivanes Phillipson, Dawn Penney, Ruth Jeanes, and Shane Phillipson


Feasibility of digital forensic examination and analysis of a cloud based storage snapshot, Sameera A. Almulla, Youssef Iraqi, and Andy Jones


Editorial [of volume 42 issue 4 of the Australasian Journal of Early Childhood], Lennie Barblett


The first time I've felt included: Identifying inclusive literacy learning in early childhood through the evaluation of Better Beginnings, Caroline Barratt-Pugh, Mary Rohl, and Nola Allen


Better Beginnings: Making a difference: The evaluation of the Better Beginnings Birth to Three Family Literacy Program 14 years on 2017, Caroline Barratt-Pugh, Heather Sparrow, Mary Rohl, and Nola Allen


Rumination, realignment and reflection: Who is really teaching health education in secondary schools?, Donna Barwood


Top five 'must-haves' for creating meaningful, valuable, strengths-based and healthful learning, Donna M. Barwood M.Ed


Creating an understanding of the UV Index amongst pre-service teachers, Donna M. Barwood, Danielle Brady, Andrew Jones, Mark Strickland, and Sally Blane


A paradox or a culture of acceptance? The idiosyncratic workforce delivering health education in lower secondary government schools in Western Australia, Donna Barwood, Dawn Penney, and Christine Cunningham


High stakes IQ testing: The flynn effect and its clinical implications, Stephanie Black


Survival of the fittest: evidence-based interventions for physical inactivity amongst student populations, Stephanie Black


To cross or not to cross: Ethical boundaries in psychological practice, Stephanie Black


Encouraging literacy through inclusive science investigations: How a sense of wonder can cater for diversity, Elaine Blake and Pauline Roberts


More than the curriculum: Teaching for reconciliation in Western Australia, Sarah R. Booth and William J. Allen


Grassroots leadership for ecological sustainability, empowerment, and political change: Wangari Maathai and the green belt movement, Melanie C. Brooks


"Being wholly Muslim and wholly American": Exploring one Islamic school's efforts to educate against extremism, Melanie C. Brooks and Miriam D. Ezzani


International postgraduate students and their reasons for choosing to study at public universities in Perth, Western Australia, Steven Cohen


A longitudinal investigation of the science teaching efficacy beliefs and science experiences of a cohort of preservice elementary teachers, James Deehan, Lena Danaia, and David H. McKinnon


Authentic teaching, Helen Ferrara

Ebb & flow: Teacher as practitioner exhibitions, Danielle Fusco, Kathryn Coleman, Jana Braddock, and Julia Morris


Robotic telescopes in education, E. L. Gomez and Michael Fitzgerald


Dramawise reimagined: Learning to manage the elements of drama, Christina C. Gray


There's a lot to learn about being a drama teacher: Pre-service drama teachers' experience of stress and vulnerability during an extended practicum, Christina C. Gray, Peter Wright, and Robin Pascoe


Raising the curtain: Investigating the practicum experiences of pre-service drama teachers, Christina C. Gray, Peter R. Wright, and Robin Pascoe


Variation in whole class, small group and individual student work within and across cultures, Mark W. Hackling, George Aranda, and Ines Freitag-Amtmann


Social and cultural factors framing the teaching and learning of primary science in Australia, Germany and Taiwan, Mark W. Hackling, Hsiao-Lan S. Chen, and Gisela Romain


Quality teaching in primary science education: Cross-cultural perspectives, Mark W. Hackling, Jörg Ramseger, and Hsiao-Lan Sharon Chen


Reflections on video-based, cross-cultural classroom research methodologies, Mark W. Hackling, Gisela Romain, and George Aranda


Investigating the use of a digital diary for home-school communication between parents and teachers of children with additional needs, Dawn Lisa Hallett


Why do we need a phonics test for six-year-olds?, Lorraine Hammond


The protective factors for resilience scale (PFRS): Development of the scale, Craig Harms, Julie Ann Pooley, and Lynne Cohen


Student paramedic anticipation, confidence and fears: Do undergraduate courses prepare student paramedics for the mental health challenges of the profession?, Lisa Holmes, Russell W. Jones, Richard F. Brightwell, and Lynne Cohen


Developing effective pedagogical approaches in science outreach programs for young children, Christine Howitt, Elaine Blake, and Leonie J. Rennie


Coaching parents of children with ADHD: A Western Australian study, Susan Mary Hughes


Embodied strategies in the teaching and learning of science, Khadeeja Ibrahim-Didi, Mark W. Hackling, Jorg Ramseger, and Barbara Sherriff


The prevalence of twice exceptional students in the GAT Academic programs: the near miss phenomena, Lynne Ivicevic


From swan to ugly duckling? Mentoring dynamics and preservice teachers’ readiness to teach, Mahsa Izadinia


Pre-service teachers’ use of metaphors for mentoring relationships, Mahsa Izadinia


Lost in translation? – The “integration of theory and practice” as a central focus for senior schooling Physical Education Studies, Andrew Jones

The 2016 hard disk study on information available on the second hand market in the UK, Andy Jones, Olga Angelopoulou, Stilianos Vidalis, and Helge Janicke


Strategies that support kindergarten children’s social and emotional development: One teacher’s approach, Gillian Kirk and Judith MacCallum


Supporting early mathematics learning in early childhood settings, Marianne J. Knaus


The lifestyle of a student-led community of practice in higher education, Marianne J. Knaus and Deb L. Callcott


STEM in early childhood education, Marianne Knaus and Pauline Roberts


Communities practising generous scholarship: Cultures of collegiality in academic writing retreats, Sally S. Knowles

The literacy practices guide: A "smart tool" for principals, Deslea Konza


More than princess girls and "grrr" heterosexual dudes: An exploration of space, text, performativity, gender and becoming in senior secondary drama classrooms, Kirsten Lambert


More than “sluts” or “prissy girls”: Gender and becoming in senior secondary drama classrooms, Kirsten Lambert, Peter R. Wright, Jan Currie, and Robin Pascoe


The political is critical: explorations of the contemporary politics of knowledge in health and physical education, Deana Leahy, Jan Wright, and Dawn Penney

The nature and impact of competition in large-scale school music ensemble festivals: A review of the literature for and against, Geoffrey Lowe and Neil Coy


Pre-service primary teachers' experiences and self-efficacy to teach music: Are they ready?, Geoffrey M. Lowe, Geoff W. Lummis, and Julia Morris


Supporting positive school culture through interpersonal engagement: Phase two report: Hampton Senior High School December 2017, Geoffrey Lummis, Julia Morris, and Graeme Lock


The influence of ecological citizenship and political solidarity on Western Australian student teachers’ perceptions of sustainability issues, Geoff W. Lummis, Julia Morris, Graeme Lock, and Judith Clare Odgaard


Inclusive reading practices for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students in Australia, Susan Main and Deslea Konza


A longitudinal study into indicators of mental health, strengths and difficulties reported by boarding students as they transition from primary school to secondary boarding schools in Perth, Western Australia, David Mander and Leanne Lester Ms


Improving mastery of fractions by blending video games into the math classroom, Martin Masek, Julie Boston, Chiou-Peng Lam, and Stephen Corcoran


Investigating the relationships between education and culture for female students in tertiary settings in the UAE, Beverley McClusky


The design of preservice primary teacher education science subjects: The emergence of an interactive educational design model, David H. McKinnon, Lena Danaia, and James Deehan


Investigating debates around racism in sport to facilitate perspective transformation in the secondary English classroom, Margaret K. Merga and Sarah Booth


Children prefer to read books on paper rather than screens, Margaret Kristin Merga and Saiyidi Mat Roni


Using multiple metaphors and multimodalities as a semiotic resource when teaching year 2 students computational strategies, Paula M. Mildenhall and Barbara Sherriff


Rereading 'personal response': A reflection on the contribution of Annette Patterson, Brian Moon


Rereading ‘personal response’: A reflection on the contribution of Annette Patterson, Brian R. Moon


Questioning art: Factors affecting students’ cognitive engagement in responding, Julia E. Morris, Geoff W. Lummis Dr, and Graeme Lock

TAP to TAP2: Research report 2017, Julia Morris, Wesley Imms, Maurizio Toscano, and Kathryn Coleman


Measuring preservice teacher self-efficacy in music and visual arts: validation of an amended science teacher efficacy belief instrument, Julia Morris, Geoff W. Lummis, David H. McKinnon, and John Heyworth

A socio-cultural perspective on learning to teach, Dawn Naylor


Teaching historical narratives: Not just a page out of history, Dawn Naylor


STEM the boredom: Engage students in the Australian curriculum using ICT with problem-based learning and assessment, Christopher Paul Newhouse


Programmable toys and free play in early childhood classrooms, Christopher P. Newhouse, Martin Cooper, and Zina Cordery


Using pairwise comparisons in the online social moderation of performance assessment, C. Paul Newhouse and Pina Tarricone


Exploring the impact of postgraduate preservice primary science education on students’ self-efficacy, Christina Maria Norris


Commercially available digital game technology in the classroom: Improving automaticity in mental-maths in primary-aged students, John O'Rourke, Susan Main, and Susan Hill


Investigating PE teacher use of models based practice in Australian secondary PE, Shane Pill, Karen Swabey, and Dawn Penney


The impact of changing technology on international cybersecurity curricula, Huw Read, Iain Sutherland, Konstantinos Xynos, Tom Drange, and Ernst Sundt


Heterosexism: A pedagogy of homophobic oppression, David B. Rhodes


The effect of a professional development model on early childhood educators’ direct teaching of beginning reading, Gemma E. Scarparolo and Lorraine S. Hammond


Transformative academic development: Complexity and convergence, Kuki Singh


Professional development to support the embedding of eportfolios in higher education programs, Katrina Strampel, Ruth Sibson, and Susan Main


Physics in a week, Geoff I. Swan


An investigation of the reliability of using comparative judgment to score creative products, Pina Tarricone and C Paul Newhouse


Reinventing another Unaipon: Indigenous science leaders for the future, Karen Trimmer, Graeme Gower, and Graeme Lock


Reasoning through representations, Russell Tytler, Karen Murcia, Chao-Ti Hsiung, and Jörg Ramseger


Determining educators’ needs to support healthy eating environments in early childhood settings, Ruth M. Wallace, Amanda Devine, and Leesa N. Costello


What is English now? The construction of subject English in contemporary textbooks for Australian secondary schools, Shannon L. Wells

Problem Solving in Primary Mathematics, John West


Primary students’ engagement with the visual arts and their transition into Year 7, Zoe Wittber


Secondary science teacher education in Australia, Mihye Won, Mark W. Hackling, and David F. Treagust


athlete-centred coaching: Tensions and opportunities arising in the masters context, Chris Zehntner and Dawn Penney

Submissions from 2016


Assessing and selecting culturally diverse literature for the classroom, Helen Adam and Laurie Harper


Combining content-based and EAP approaches to academic writing: Towards an eclectic program, Rosemary Joy Allen


Reflective teaching and self-efficacy beliefs: Exploring relationships in the context of teaching EFL In Iran, Mehdi Babaei and Arman Abednia


The pushes and pulls of pedagogy in the early years: Competing knowledges and the erosion of play-based learning, Lennie Barblett, Marianne J. Knaus, and Caroline Barratt-Pugh


Evaluation of family literacy programs: A case study of better beginnings, a library-initiated family literacy bookgifting program in Western Australia, Caroline Barratt-Pugh and Mary Rohl


Improving the monitoring of student performance: the development of an enterprise learning and instructional support (ELIS) platform, Katherina Bense, Miriam Brooker, and Michael Garrett

Universal basic education policy implementation in Nigeria, Stephen D. Bolaji, Glenda Campbell-Evans, and Jan Gray